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Everything posted by wizbat

  1. wizbat

    i never learn

    Muffs are good! I have two of the black ones and a green sovtec one for guitar.
  2. This is another amazing little box thats well worth trying out. [url="http://www.zzounds.com/item--EBTHE2PKG"]http://www.zzounds.com/item--EBTHE2PKG[/url]
  3. Those little palmer boxes can cure all sorts of weird noises that you can come up against, we recently hada problem with a click from our sequencer coming thru to the monitor desk which appeared to be coming from our drummers mixer altho there was no signal being sent from his end exept for a bass drum signal from his roland drum pad and it turned out that the signal was getting thru due to an earthing loop. I took my plo1 from my effects chain and put it befrore his input into the monitor desk and poof ! it was gone. you notice as well just how quiet your signal is with one of these last in line of your signal path before the amp input. we luv ,em.
  4. Try one of these, we use these little babys on all our audio chains before the amp inputs, doesn,t need a battery and works like magic. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/palmer_pli01_line_isolation_box.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/palmer_pli01_line_isolation_box.htm[/url]
  5. Ullo! We are playing at the mundesley rock and bike weekend rally tonite at 8pm if there are any norfolk folk out there that fancy a nite out. Wiz.
  6. I use dimarzio straps, best thing I,ve ever used. Got them on every bass now.
  7. Has anyone ever heard anything by Travis Tritt? I,ve every album he,s ever done...
  8. [quote name='dood' post='207651' date='May 27 2008, 10:26 PM']Derek Smalls!!![/quote] +1
  9. [quote name='gafbass02' post='203453' date='May 21 2008, 07:58 AM']You think like me...[/quote] I was thinking that I could have a second trailer attached like those aussie roadtrains and have full workshop facilities and accomodation for 'live in' crew.
  10. An 18 wheeler parked along side the stage with a trailer fitted out as a multi tier guitar stand with ev,ry kind of bass you can think of, just because i could afford it! :-) With a fully chromed Kenworth C510 at the front!
  11. My situation is usually similar to king tuts with what choice I get as my band is often playing a support role and any space left on stage to move is a bonus, but the whole thing about this is a nightmare as different venues have their own problems and it is often impossible to get the sound you,re after the first time at a venue because you never really know how your rig will react till you are into the set and get accustomed to the sound to make any adjustments, this is a pain when most of your rig is off side of the stage.
  12. She looks like a real gem to me, You,ve just got to love those rosewood stripes thru the neck. Pure class.
  13. Hi. You can also take a look at voodoo labs 'ground control'.
  14. +1 to all the thanks already said to ped and co for an excellent day out, It was nice meeting up with nick(dr bass) again,and finally meeting the famed mr shuker, I,ll find out later this week just how much my serious gas attack is going to cost me!!!.
  15. Dunno what time I,ll get up but I,ll be there!
  16. Also check out 'Almost Famous' and 'Velvet Goldmine'
  17. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='143452' date='Feb 19 2008, 11:03 PM']"For me its all about balance, happiness with providing". Jake Couldn't agree more Jake. I used to run two vehicles (Porsche 944 - the `toy' and a trusty Escort van for transporting my rig!), had major monthly spending power (hence the means to start building on the collection of instruments which I'd started whilst still at school), everything was fantastic - the job involved IT consultancy for TV companies - spent a lot of time down at MTV etc but then everything changed - we were bought out by a competitor and things changed for us. The department was dissolved and I ended up having to change job and go back to being a technical author, which at first was fine. However, things went downhill after this change - many friends lost their jobs and after a period of 6 months I became deeply unhappy being chained to a job which saw me getting home at 10pm every night following a commute home from London. Many friends of mine thought I was crazy walking out (I was earning £32K at that time) but it was the best thing I'd ever done - I was skint for a while but the collection helped me keep going through some sales and now, 7 years later, I'm earning a decent monthly wage for the most part, mainly through tuition (including the odd guitar lesson!!!), regular gigging and theatre shows. I'm enjoying life again and of course, my own playing is improving through teaching!!! And the collection is now at 51 basses....! My father summed it all up many years ago - `grab life by the b*lls otherwise let it pass you by' - took me till I was 30 to realise this but now my life is mine again and I'm very very happy.[/quote] More power to you nick!
  18. It would be a blast to compare the bass against my black 4003 As I,m in spalding an all.
  19. If anyone is in london tommorrow and want,s to go down to leicester square at 10am there is a group meeting to protest to the offices of gcap. I,m going to try and get down from lincolnshire if I get up early enough.
  20. Maybe his bandmates can do something about it. dark side of the moon still provides an absolute fortune for them every week with most of it in the weekly playlist.
  21. Planet rock have a regular 560,000+ listeners a week. If anyone has 2mil to spare they can buy themselves a radio station.
  22. It was annonced in the press and on air today that the Uk DAB radio station Planet Rock is officially up for sale and if a buyer is not found the station could be gone by the end of march. I,m now going to the pub to drown my sorrows.
  23. [quote name='bubinga5' post='130567' date='Jan 30 2008, 11:56 AM']Hey guys/girls. Anyone have any knowledge of the best head phones to represent bass guitar. I have a pair of old beyer dynamics, but they dont seem to hold the bass very well( it tends to sound ike a fart). Am i better off with closed monitor speakers or open back? Any ideas? [/quote] Two 8x10,s and a load of gaffa tape?....... it,s ok i,m gettin me hat.
  24. Title sez it all really, we are on at around 9.30pm. Please come up and say hi if you can make it. Wiz.
  25. wizbat


    Great! I,m going to try and get to this one!!! missed last years, bahhhhh!
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