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Everything posted by wizbat

  1. Do you know if the fan was changed as well? my svt2,s have mains voltage fans and yours may have too.
  2. wizbat

    Sans amp

    The fact that it is a sansamp could mean many things as sansamp is a manufacturer and make a whole pile of fun bass products and pretty much all good stuff. I use a sansamp gt2.
  3. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='19943' date='Jun 18 2007, 10:31 PM']Of course some gear is 'badly designed' and lasts forever, which is no good for the manufacturer if they run out of customers.[/quote] Remember the company that made milkfloats
  4. Hi If you are finding the signal in one particular amp quite noisey you might want to try a palmer line isolator PGA 03, you can get them from thomann and it is particularly designed to keep your signal free from any noise you may get when running multiple amps. I have a pair of ampeg heads and when I started doing the effect channel in one amp and dry in the other routine I found that each amp on their own was nice and quiet but together one always hummed more than the other, the palmer cured it the minute I put it in the signal path of one of the amps (last thing before the input). Hope this helps!
  5. I always use pledge, cleans the muck off and always leaves the fingerboard smelling nice. also using brasso gets the frets looking all nice and shiney and if you really want to make the grain of the wood stand out (if you have a rosewoodneck) try colron liquid wax for dark woods. While i,m on the subject try out some of the "Liberon" products like finishing oil to get your woods looking lovely, obviously this only works on unfinished wood. I,ve got a shedfull of this stuff as I used to build guitars a lot a few years ago and stuff like the Liberon products are usually found in woodworking shops and are usually well kept secrets with woodworkers.
  6. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='15938' date='Jun 11 2007, 10:15 PM']guys - we're just testing the language filter, its triggered by profanity and replaces it with cockney rhyming slang. The sensitivity needed a little tweaking but we couldn't do it offline unfortunately.[/quote] I,m glad you cleared that up!!! I,ve lost enough of my mind already to worry about losing any more!!!
  7. [quote name='EdwardHimself' post='11731' date='Jun 4 2007, 11:21 AM']i like fred the sequencer ![/quote] He,s a lazy bugger! we have to carry him everywhere and he weighs a ton!!!!
  8. If I was you, and that would be over twenty years ago, I would stuff the job and play in a band all summer. You have the rest of your life to go to work . If your folks don,t object to you not bringing in any money for keep as you are activley working hard at playing,do it now as it gets harder to do as you get older. wiz
  9. It has a mute and you have to make sure it,s out of the loop when you don,t need it
  10. If it,s any help I,ve been using audio technica stuff for a good few years and found the sound reproduction to be pretty close to what I get down a lead.
  11. [quote name='paul, the' post='12136' date='Jun 4 2007, 10:47 PM']My dad bought a POD for his guitar. After hours online and reading through manuals, I've concluded that the fabled MIDI is some sort of cult philosophy or jah of mystic religion. I'm confident the MIDI will kill us all.[/quote] The RS 232 chip is gonna kill ya!!!! ( the chip wot duz MIDI)
  12. I think your main problem lies in the name on one of the boxes of the kit you have... digideswotnot used it, Headache usually follows, good luck with their customer support!
  13. [quote name='ZPQ' post='11653' date='Jun 4 2007, 01:54 AM']Do they offer any pitch correction features? Sounds like one of these would be perfect for some of the def leppard numbers we play, but being slightly off-key is bad with one note it would be painful with 3 or 4 part harmony. Thanks John[/quote] Hi! The pitch correction seems to be pretty good I,ve only managed to use it when setting up hamony patches as yet and still haven,t figured out wether it does pitch correction alone, still its mainly only necessary when in harmony mode. The harmony effect is fantastic( up to four different parts), and you have to add some of the vibrato effects to make it sound less perfect as it really is like a barbershop and can see this working well with a def lep sound, my band is less pomp rock than DL, a bit more proggy but that really classy "done in the studio" sound is fairly easy. There is a fair bit of programming involved tho as you can,t just key in "oh this song is in E" and expect it to produce loads of wow sounds straight away. You have to take the part you are singing and work out the key changes in that part and set up each line at a time, You can then set up a song patch change sequence to shift between the parts to produce the sound you want. I,m still playing with this so I,ll have to keep playing with it till I get it sussed but first signs are good. Wiz
  14. Getit recorded and get it out there!!! Go for it
  15. You should hear burping in five part harmony!!!!
  16. Hi! No offence taken:-) Actually we only take as much gear as we need and for most of the time the guitarists use 1 4x12 and a jc120 combo each and i use 1 8x10 as most of the gigs we have done have been smallish clubs like the Intake at mansfield etc. we simply use more depending on the size of the venue and wether we are headling or support. We simply like to put on a good show whenever we play which is why we also have a big lightshow and about 14k of pa to put on our own shows later this yearto promote the new album we are releasing hopefully around august. Paul
  17. [quote name='lukeward2004' post='4315' date='May 22 2007, 12:34 PM']I bet they now fear for every note you play in anger, just in case they crap out thier intestines from the sheer wall of tube driven Bass that hits them in the face when you play. I bet the crowd get blasted onto the back wall with a rig like that! Nice setup though. I bet your guitarist hates you [/quote] Actually tony and nick use 8 4x12s and three jc120 combos between them so they can fire back!!!! I f you,d like check out our site and see what uncontrolled chronic GAS can do if left unchecked!!! www.limeshark.com
  18. [quote name='bassjamm' post='7692' date='May 27 2007, 04:24 PM']Do you have a myspace link or anything like that to pass on to him?[/quote] Hi sorry i,m late replying!! WE have a website at www.limeshark.com and there is a link there also for our myspace page Paul
  19. I usually find that buying online is usually cheapest as long as you buy from a uk seller,unless you use someone like thomman in germany. I,ve found that buying stuff from the states is more expensive than it first seems, sometimes you save but it isn,t always worth the hassle. Shops tend to have more overheads than a website so it,s rare to find a shop thats cheaper, I,d go for the web!
  20. Just got a TC Voicelive Helicon vocal effect thingy!!!!! Damn! what fun!!!! I can now sing along with muse on Knights of cydonia and sound just as silly :-) It,s got the best vocal reverbs and delays i,ve heard and the harmony effects are just stunning this thing will put barbershop quartets out of business, I,ve been doing backing vocals for a long time and always wondered about getting an intelligent pitch changer to do harmony parts when they are needed but alot of the older stuff never quite cut it but this thing is great. It takes a fair bit of programming to select the parts you want to use harmonys on, as it has to be set to the key for the part you are singing and I,m just getting into that now. oh well back to reading the manual!!!
  21. [quote name='OldGit' post='8490' date='May 29 2007, 10:14 AM']Hi Do you have a link to a website please? Ta[/quote] I don,t know of a general uk number but we use Apex couriers branch in Bourn lincs and they can probably tell you who to call in your area. Their phone number is 01778 394454
  22. [quote name='andy_$$' post='9435' date='May 30 2007, 08:12 PM']Yeah, but look at this. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt4FlaZq8zI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt4FlaZq8zI[/url] Scared the sh*t out of me. Andy [/quote] Thats Brilliant, I like his thinking!!!
  23. I must confess to not being much of a slap fan myself, I prefer a pick, and only go as far as a quick slap and string pull to finish off a particular part, but I think you can fall into a good groove just by getting a good rapport with the drummer and getting into the music.
  24. I stand corrected :-)
  25. Hello, I learn hinglish fromabook!
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