Hi Guys, wow, thank you so much for the great advise, I'm very keen to achieve this mission so late in life, I have started out with high hopes to soon !!! Upon starting to learn thru various ways it's got now completely confusing as I never truly realised the complexity of Base playing or any musical instrument.
there are so many avenues to choose, I have started to learn the 12 bar blues but I've got to the point am flicking from one lesson to another and today it's got to the point WHERE DO I START AND WHAT DO I FOCUS ON !!!!!
All your advise makes sense 👍🏻😊👏👏👏👏 best thing I've done is join this chat group. I am looking for a locally person to get lessons, I thought I'd best practice my fretting style and get the fingers train a little before starting lessons, I'd love to hang out with a band to get to know how they bond to create there music genre.
i will check out the sites mentioned, thank you, some great advise, I'm wanting to get involved with 70s/80s music revival playing, but saying that I love music from the early 50s up to them dates.
I do know with age and experience our goals in life can be achieved through determination as from being a miner out of work mid life in the 90s I worked on properties and from there built a factory employing up 30 staff, it was awesome until I had health issues that's now been resolved.
Thats good encouragement from Happy Jack to hear his story from learning at a late age and now gigging. That's my goal,
SO, if I continue to learn 12 Bar Blues & get the fingers trained to the fretboard I will in the meantime look for a bass tutor. As well as look for mixing with a band also joining a band forum, phew lots to do again to reach this goal.
BIG THANKS TO NICKO, HOOKY_LOWDOWN, DAVE MOFFAT, COILTE, & HAPPY JACK for they time and patience in replying to my query 👍🏻😊👏👏👏👏