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The Bass Doc

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Everything posted by The Bass Doc

  1. He's a good friend of mine so if there's any serious interest by BCers I could go along to check stuff 'in the flesh' if required. Also I can confirm I did the work to fill in the side jack socket hole and the 2-band circuit is one by our own Higgie.
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1342014747' post='1728086'] tiny drop of sewing-machine oil [/quote] Do you make your own dresses?
  3. [quote name='johnp352' timestamp='1341935814' post='1726512'] the pics in here of Doc Bass's finish are making me want to move to Hackney..btw, where IS the good Doc? [/quote] Here I am. This is as far as my slab project has got:- [attachment=112733:IMGP0087.JPG]
  4. I'm on tablets for a heart condition - blood thinning, colesterol and the like. Thing is I think this hearing 'defect' was present before these were prescribed.
  5. Anyone else experience this? At the beginning of a tune (whether I'm playing on a gig or just listening to a CD etc.) I sometimes 'hear' a completely different key for quite a few bars until it seems to settle into the true one. It's quite disconcerting when I'm playing because I know my fingers are in the right place but the key sounds wrong. OR....is it the beer?
  6. Bought a set of Schallers from Den. Smooth deal for excellent condition heads at a good price and speedy delivery
  7. Have you perhaps misunderstood the comments of your colleagues when they suggested that the band needed some new material
  8. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1339086361' post='1683463'] always use the angled end when I can just makes more sense. Thinking of changing them to the oval plates or the tele style electro socket . [/quote] Beware the Electrosocket doesn't allow yer average right-angle jack plug to fit in flush.
  9. How sad I saw him play in Newcastle last time around (2005?) And the main band I play in is called The Stax Brothers.........
  10. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1336763292' post='1650832']. Going even further off topic. Any Idea when Fender stopped selling decals? Love to know where mine came from. Guitar was built in 88. But I had it before ebay and it was worse for wear then. I can't see anyone in theearly nineties going to the effort with a printer. [/quote] I wish I could remember exactly but I don't believe the Fender decals which were sold legit in the 70's lasted any more than a couple of years. They were of the 'iron-on' type and accordingly printed back-to-front. If I can find mine in the rather chaotic workshop I'll be able to quote the official part no. Of course I do believe that Fender will still sell ones currently on a one-off basis but the buyer has to prove it's for a genuine case with photographic proof etc.
  11. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1336759358' post='1650748'] I find it odd though you find the bass you built with licensed parts more Fender than a bass commissioned and sold by them. It's a bit like saying because that bass used all Americian parts and licensed parts is more Fender than the new Chinese Modern players. [/quote] It's certainly got more in common with Fender USA than anything coming from the far east. I consider it important to clarify that I was not selling the bass as something it isn't (just as some opinions here point out about the ad featured in the OP) and I would take seriously any accusation that a fraud has been committed.
  12. As I've been mentioned in this thread I thought I should give my take on the debate about decals. Fitting a decal to a non-Fender bass with the [i]express intent[/i] of selling it to an unsuspecting buyer, it is to be frowned upon. The fact is these decals are 'out there' so I could perhaps understand some vitriol being directed towards the printers thereof. As it happens, Fender themselves produced decals as an official spare part in the 70's ( I have one to prove it) until some bright spark in the company pointed out that people were fitting them to copies...duh. Now It would be safe to assume that Fender spares are a lucrative part of their business and no-one could possibly imagine that these are only sold to replace items on original models so Fender themselves are indirectly benefitting from the custom build trade. The fact that Fender license Allparts, WD, Mighty Mite et al suggests to me at any rate that Fender have adopted the attitude that 'If we can't stop them let them do it and charge money'. In the case of Discreet's bass I used official USA Fender parts for the bridge, control plate, knobs, pots as well as the Allparts 'Licensed by Fender' neck. So compared to say a Squier it has more in common with the 'real thing'. The bass in question is built to a high standard and, should Discreet ever sell it, anyone buying at what would be a relatively high price really should be able to do their homework whereupon the dirty great stamp burned into the heel of the neck would be revealed as an Allparts item. Also the specs used do not coincide with a stock model Fender so it should be fairly obvious to a prospective buyer. I'm sure Discreet himself will give full disclosure as and when any sale may happen and, ok, I appreciate that no-one can budget for what subsequent owners may try on, but I maintain it's not on the same level as re-badging a Squier. Compare my effort to allow full disclosure of the Allparts brand (literally burned in) to examples where serial numbers are used, artificial distress wear imposed and (with apologies to Rick's Fine '58) pencilled dates are added. Much more likely to fool someone one day.
  13. Sorry, I haven't got a spare Jazz control plate at present.
  14. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1336054055' post='1640152'] Rowlocks included? [/quote] I'll think about it. Wait tiller get back to you.
  15. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1336053591' post='1640145'] How many strings? [/quote] Eight - arranged in coxless pairs.
  16. I'm looking to sell a Vox 'paddle-shaped' bass and it's.. [b]+++ OARSOME+++[/b]
  17. If it could be established the guy played country and western I think we're on to something here.
  18. (Possible theory?) Owner deliberately created the indentation as anchoring point for his thumb? (Also possible BLX)
  19. [quote name='UncleMeat' timestamp='1335630268' post='1634021'] It has a strangely pleasant musty aroma to it, and not one that I can easily describe. ........a selling point.......[/quote] No that should be a smelling point.
  20. I've just replaced a string-through-body bridge on a USA Precision with one that allows either top loading [i]or[/i] s-t-b so the original is up for grabs. It's 4 saddles, three anchoring screws and should be a direct fit for the 51 style. PM if you're interested.
  21. [quote name='ziggydolphinboy' timestamp='1334975915' post='1624337'] ill have both the dbs i thinlk theyare just normal roundwounds? [/quote] Yes both sets are roundwounds. PM me for payment details.
  22. [quote name='mojobass' timestamp='1334973105' post='1624330'] are the DBE's rounds or flats? if flats i'll have them!! [/quote] Rounds only I'm afraid.
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