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The Bass Doc

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Posts posted by The Bass Doc

  1. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1327230385' post='1507954']
    Many thanks Howard, don't suppose you've got one kicking around somewhere? :lol:


    $27 shipping - that's not nice.

    As it happens, I've got a base plate from that model but, strangely enough, no saddles. Vintage style spiral saddles are available separately from Allparts (not particularly Fender ones) so we might be able to get you there?

    Edit:- Note the plate I have does not cater for top loading option - through body only.

  2. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1326976745' post='1504536']
    This is incredibly cool.

    Was it a 'local' bass?

    It was indeed a local bass played by local people. I was told by most shops at the time "There's nothing for you here".

    Then suddenly an 'insider' from....................wait for it.................................Grott Guitars :rolleyes: approached me to offer said instrument!

    It was not part of their stock but privately owned and, after giving it the once over I immediately knew it was a good example.

    As it happens, I think any Precision played by Pino would have become iconic as a result of his obvious talent although there was no way of knowing then that there would be keen interest in such a thing as a tribute model - it was just a secondhand Fender bass afer all.

  3. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1326967192' post='1504308']
    What's the story there, then?

    Are you sitting comfortably?.......

    Long, long ago......

    I was contacted by exiled Geordie Alan Rogan (Guitar tech for The Who among others) who told me Pino Palladino was seeking a Precision bass in order to change direction after becoming aware that his fretless sound was being cloned in quite a few recordings at the time. Being based dahn sarf it was felt he would be paying a premium for a decent bass in the likes of Denmark Street and that better bargains could be had up North. That was true then (pre-internet and all) so I was asked to track down a pre-CBS bass as I had my finger on the pulse as far as North-east basses were concerned and had already done deals with Alan involving early Fenders so he knew I would be able to find the right piece.

    Sure enough, I found THAT one - a fiesta red re-fin, all hardware original and priced it at £450.00 IIRC. After speaking to Pino directly, it was parcelled up and sent to him after I re-strung it with La Bella flats. This was in the belief that he would be going for the 'old school' sound and those strings were best suited to a 60s Precision. It turned out that Pino changed to rounds pretty quickly but then reported a few days later that he thought I was right after all and put the flats back on.

    The rest, as they say.......

    Quite proud of the connection, but it's ironic that, being retired now, I couldn't even afford one of the tribute models based on the one we dealt. :)

  4. Just completed a transaction involving strings to Poland.

    In spite of the fact that the postal service over there is on a par with Royal Fail, Immo's communications were great.

    He's a good man to deal with.

  5. Just had a meet with WoT and this new addition to the herd.

    Nice one indeed! Nearly had to take a saw to my wrist once I had a death grip on the thing.

    Very versatile in the electronics department for a passive circuit and yet every setting provided something useable as opposed to extreme.

    Finish is mint - looks like it was made yesterday.

    We pondered over which type of tortoiseshell to use but it's not coming back for that until a couple of more gigs go by.

    I claim first dibs if it's ever up for sale :) ..........doubtful :( .

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