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Posts posted by UglyDog

  1. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1421261496' post='2659142']
    Mike Lull is in his early 60's now, when he retires that's it. I like the old school in that and must resist the forces of GAS requesting that I special order an ash body maple neck P4 in trans black, [b]lol[/b]!
    Surely that should be 'lul'..? :lol:

  2. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1421257223' post='2659063']
    Yeah,my opinion is based pretty much on cost. I just can't believe there is anything that would fit my standards for gigs that cost $76.00.
    Unit A costs more than unit B and therefore it must be better.
    How is that different from saying artist A sells more CDs than artist B and therefore must be more talented?

  3. [quote name='wingnutkj' timestamp='1421226132' post='2658522']
    It's generally the first thing I do with a new bass - if there's some kind of position indicator on the volume and tone knobs, I'll line them up so that they're pointing vertically when fully on. It's especially important on Jazz basses, because if you like them up to be vertical when fully on, they'll follow the line of the control plate when fully off, and that's nice and neat. It ASTOUNDS me that they don't do this in the factory. Do people just not care?

    Is it just me?
    Oh thank god, I was worried that I was the only one OCD enough to do this :lol: no it's very definitely not just you!

  4. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1421215324' post='2658465']
    I have to back up a little here, so you are saying that the Zoom B1Xon which is a $76.00 multi effects processor is no different than what I get from my pedals. Not that price means anything, but $70.00 wouldn't cover the cost of one of my pedals.

    I am having a hard time with how this inexpensive $76.00 Zoom B1Xon can provide the same or better "mojo" than my pedals. But like some of you guys say, I'm old and probably don't know anything.

    Any of you older guys want to chime in on this?

    [b] [size=3]Zoom B1Xon Bass Effects Pedal with Expression Pedal[/size][/b]

    List Price: $89.47 Price: $76.00


    Isn't using something's cost as sole indication of its sound quality rather like judging someone's talent by their popularity? ("One Direction MUST be really talented brilliant singers, because they've sold loads of CDs" etc)

  5. Not an effect as such, but has anyone had a go at building an active eq for a bass, and if so which one? How successful was it? I'm thinking of putting one together using a Sadowsky schematic, I like the idea of this one partly because I can use a concentric pot for the bass/treb controls as they are the same value (unlike the Stingray circuit I've seen).

  6. Blimey, are you a relative of Leo's or something? Why are you so touchy? As far as I am aware, nobody is taking issue with Leo's/Fenders influence and place in history.
    And as for "whether Fender are here tomorrow is irrelevant", well with respect you were the first one to mention company futures ("Let's see how many of the plagiarisers are here in another 60 years").
    [quote name='titchfieldrelic' timestamp='1421068107' post='2656713']
    Incidentally, which Lakland 'design' is different to those of Leo Fender?[/quote]
    Will these do for starters?

  7. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1421055045' post='2656503']
    Out of interest, how many keyboard players have you played with?
    [/quote][quote name='discreet' timestamp='1421061940' post='2656611']
    I'd guess at around nine or ten... possibly plus a few I've forgotten about over the years. ;)[/quote]
    And on that basis, you're happy to label [i]all[/i] piano-based kbdists as 'NOT team players'? Okay then.

  8. [quote name='titchfieldrelic' timestamp='1420984287' post='2655768']
    Let's see how many of the plagiarisers are here in another 60 years and how many guitars they've sold.
    Well if they don't pull their head out of their starfish and get their business acumen together very soon, Fender won't be around in 6 years time never mind 60.

  9. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1421063056' post='2656634']
    I think I read somewhere that the HB jazz basses will fit a Fender neck, albeit with some new hole drilling. That should make them excellent starting points for various degrees of bitsa creation, I would think.
    I'll be taking the neck off mine at some point, when I fit the new tuners. I'll measure the heel & pocket and report back. :)

  10. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1421062094' post='2656614']
    Personally I think the black pick guard would work better with a black control plate.
    Heh -- and as luck would have it, I've got one of those in the spares box too :lol:

    [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1421062353' post='2656621']
    I must have missed this - are you saying this is one of those 'for decoration only' basses costing a few quid, but is actually playable?

  11. Well, as per my post in the Thomann decoration thread, there's really nothing wrong with this other than a bit of slackness in the D string tuner, crap strings and a few rough edges on the pickguard. All of which is easily solved. I have to say, this thing is really lovely -- the woods are nice, fit and finish is great (neck joint is as tight as a gnat's chuff), it sounds good and balances well, I mean it was 28 quid for god's sake. Mrs Dog was all set to rip my nads off for buying another bass until I told her how much it had cost, at which point she decided it was a great idea :)
    Immediate plans are 1) replace the tuners with some nice Wilkinson ones from the spares box, 2) fit some Schaller JB6 pups I've had for ages and that I'm dying to finally use in something, and 3) replace the w/b/w pickguard with a b/w/b one I've also had for a while. I [i]might[/i] add a neck ashtray too, still in two minds about that one. I rather like it, but check the mockup pics and gimme some opinions :) Longer term plan is to make a 2-band EQ for it, cloned from either a Stingray or Sadowsky schematic. Haven't decided which yet. For now I'll leave it passive.
    [i]Very[/i] happy dog :D
    EDIT: another 'at some point' mod will be a decent bridge. I'm not a BBOT fan.

    [attachment=180740:whole.jpg] [attachment=180739:body white pg.jpg]

    [attachment=180741:pguard.jpg] [attachment=180742:stamps.jpg]

    [attachment=180743:body black pg.jpg] [attachment=180744:DSC_0099.JPG]

  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1421018786' post='2656370']
    You're incredibly lucky. There are far fewer team players about than you'd think. I reckon team-playing comes with the territory if you're a bass player. We tend to play for the song as a matter of course. I wish everyone did.
    Out of interest, how many keyboard players have you played with?

  13. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1421017341' post='2656349']
    Sorry, I didn't realise I was stifling free speech. I'll quietly just leave.
    [/quote]There's no need for drama. I didn't say you were 'stifling' anything. I was just pointing out that all of us are fed up with hearing *something*, but that it's just one of them things up with which one has to put.

  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1421012088' post='2656239']
    I wouldn't quit because of a bad keyboard player - I'd quit because of ANY keyboard player.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are great keyboard players out there, but I've not been lucky enough to be in a band with any of 'em.

    There's nothing worse than a keys player with a heavy left hand, and they all have them. IMHO, the best keys players are those who are not necessarily keys players but add texture and depth in a subtle and creative way. A keys player who is essentially a pianist is a nightmare. He will imagine he is the one everybody's come to see and the rest of the band are just supporting him in concert. They are NOT team players!
    Either I'm incredibly lucky or you've only ever encountered crap kbdists. All the ivorytinklers i've ever played with have been great. My current bandmate got heavy with his left one time, I mentioned it, he apologised profusely and has never done it since. If the OP's bandmate was a team player, he would do the same without getting precious about it.

  15. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1420996588' post='2655974']
    Of course they have an opinion. It's just that we're fed up hearing it.
    Some of us are sick to death of seeing the words "coffee table" too. But free speech being what it is, we put up with it.

  16. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1420833255' post='2654108']
    I just dread the gigs, setting up, packing away and driving to and from.
    I think many of us would admit to hating the packing away. Some probably don't like the setting up (can't say I particularly love or hate it) or the travelling (I love driving so it doesn't bother me, in fact I really love driving home from a good gig in the wee small hours). So dreading those aspects isn't anything unremarkable or uncommon. But if you are dreading the [i]actual gigs[/i] themselves? Then yes, it's time for adios -- to that band anyway. Either that, or book the gigs yourself in future, at venues you don't hate.

  17. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1420965741' post='2655441']
    I use two bitsas. Both are Precisions, both have Jazz necks. Both sound like a Precision should, with the bonus of wonderfully slim shallow necks. They're not really Fenders or Squiers, they're mine. They work. Job done.
    This, exactly the same. My P is a bitsa with a solid no-name body and a Squier J neck and it feels wonderful to play. I can't get on with baseball bat necks so it suits me. Again, job done.

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