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Everything posted by UglyDog

  1. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1420793097' post='2653386'] This would be a great place to start. I think Jon runs a 3-day build-your-own-bass course which would not only give you a better idea of your abilities but also give you the chance to ask Jon's opinion. [/quote] And, of course, you end up with a bass Bit moot if he's not going to be running any this year.
  2. [quote name='afterimage' timestamp='1420841338' post='2654244'] Arrived today at last [/quote] So did mine. Yay
  3. Well, my JB-20 has arrived Very quick onceover reveals the following issues: 1. The D tuner has a lot of slack in it -- it doesn't slip and is holding tune ok, but it's definitely not quite healthy compared to the other 3. 2. The strings are/were dreadful. The E was rattling and dead, and they were all feeble when amplified. 3. The pickguard has a bit of a ragged edge round the end of the neck. 4. It needs a setup. 5. Errm... 6. That's it. The fretwork is perfect, no sharp ends or loose frets. The finish is flawless, blemish-free gloss on the body and a nice smooth satin on the neck. The body wood looks great, nice grain showing through and the join between the body pieces is very hard to spot -- it almost looks like a one piece body. The pots are smooth and expensive-feeling. Amplified with different strings on (some old Swing Bass steels I had knocking about), it sounds great -- classic J sounds. The controls are crackle free and have a perfect taper. Honestly, now it's got decent strings on, there's really nothing wrong with it other than the slack tuner. My original idea was to use as a project base -- I have some Schaller JB6 pups that i'm just dying to use, and I'm planning to make a 2 band eq for it following a Sadowsky schematic. But I'm going to give it a good whirl in its stock state first. Overall, I am absolutely chuffed to bits so far. Best 38 quid I've spent in years. Pics will follow soon. Happy dog
  4. If those exquisite Jazz-sounding fills on the Ronson/Mars track are programmed and not bass guitar, I will eat my kennel.
  5. Yeah I'm probably just being impatient. In 30 years of playing this is only the third brand-new bass I've ever bought and the first ever by mail, so I'm dying to get my hands on it
  6. Yeah I'm probably just being impatient. In 30 years of playing this is only the third brand-new bass I've ever bought and the first ever by mail, so I'm dying to get my hands on it
  7. DHL collected my bass from Thomann on Monday. According to the tracker, it hasn't moved an inch since then.
  8. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1420539345' post='2650327'] It is indeed a Jazzer, or at least it will be once I get my grubby paws on it ([b]last tracking update from yesterday was "The international shipment has been processed in the export parcel center", whatever that means[/b]). There will be pics. [/quote] And according to the tracker, it hasn't moved another inch since.
  9. Gorgeous instrument. Astounded that it hasn't been snapped up yet. [quote name='Hoppo75' timestamp='1420235102' post='2647106'] I may be back.....pending the outcome of research into the value of a possible divorce settlement lol [/quote] The cost of a divorce is easy to calculate. Simply tot up the value of every single thing you own, divide it by 2 and add the shirt off your back. Hey presto.
  10. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1420235870' post='2647116'] Good to see the forum functioning in a collaborative manner concerning UglyDog getting his deko bass. (I presume a jazzer). [/quote] It is indeed a Jazzer, or at least it will be once I get my grubby paws on it (last tracking update from yesterday was "The international shipment has been processed in the export parcel center", whatever that means). There will be pics.
  11. It's not just you Cameron. I tried on a really lovely formal jacket a while back, looked at myself in the mirror and instead of the suave and sophisticated chap I wanted to see, all I saw was a sad fat bastid trying to look smart and failing. I love smart clothes. Unfortunately they hate me and are determined to make me look ridiculous. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1420418991' post='2649264'] Guess what I got for Christmas... I'm wearing it now. I am wearing nothing else and I am lying on the bed, looking beautiful. [/quote] ARRGGGHHHHH. BRING ME THE BRAIN BLEACH. NOW. PLEEEASE.
  12. For me, Power Windows is very nearly The Perfect Album. Not a single duff track, wall to wall fabulousness.
  13. [quote name='Hugh971' timestamp='1416748940' post='2613117'] I wouldn't look at Fender now (except maybe MIJ). If I wanted a cheaper (MIM range) I'd look at Squier and if I wanted a more expensive Fender type bass I'd be looking at Sandberg or similar. [/quote] This, pretty much.
  14. Might have been successful this time thanks to KB. Watch this space
  15. Went out of his way to do me a favour. Whilst it didn't involve money or anything, it was still something he didn't have to do and was very thoughtful. Many thanks.
  16. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1419757605' post='2642388'] I'd like a flat oval replacement socket if i could find one. [/quote] Like these? http://tonyfarr.ca/tonyfarr.ca/Win_in_Time_jpg/STRAT_PLATE.jpg
  17. We used to do Superstition and Valerie but they're now 'resting'. You Know I’m No Good New Shoes This Love I Wish Locked Out Of Heaven Incredible {Joss Stone} Scream (Funk my Life up) Never Forget You Got To Give It Up Tainted Love Rock Steady {Aretha}
  18. I have a tub of Anchor spreadable up for grabs. It's in perfect condition, plays like... errm...
  19. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1419420885' post='2639757'] If someone has a Snickers to sell could you tell me what the width at the nut is please? [/quote] [i]*silently hands Mornats his coat, points at door*[/i]
  20. Wasn't there a hi-fi website that did an A-B test between a set of £xxx Monster speaker leads and a bunch of bent coat hangers? IIRC the coat hangers sounded as good if not better? I would google it but I'm supposed to be working EDIT: OK, I googled it [url="http://www.geeksaresexy.net/2012/03/29/monster-cables-face-off-against-coat-hangers/"]http://www.geeksares...t-coat-hangers/[/url]
  21. Just made the mistake of listening to 'You Are So Beautiful' -- it has always put a huge lump in my throat, but the added poignancy means that the tears are flowing freely this time. Thank god the office is nearly empty!
  22. [quote name='YouMa' timestamp='1241034928' post='475467'] Is this the calling all the heros,it bites. [/quote] Yes it is. Although TBH that's a bit like asking "is this the 'Frog Chorus' Paul McCartney?" I've always thought it a real shame that they are remembered mainly for one of their poorest songs. I guess that's what happens when you're something of a one-hit-wonder.
  23. Lung cancer apparently. Absolutely gutted.
  24. Another legend gone.
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