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Posts posted by UglyDog

  1. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1420793097' post='2653386']
    This would be a great place to start. I think Jon runs a 3-day build-your-own-bass course which would not only give you a better idea of your abilities but also give you the chance to ask Jon's opinion.
    And, of course, you end up with a bass :D
    Bit moot if he's not going to be running any this year.

  2. Well, my JB-20 has arrived :)
    Very quick onceover reveals the following issues:
    1. The D tuner has a lot of slack in it -- it doesn't slip and is holding tune ok, but it's definitely not quite healthy compared to the other 3.
    2. The strings are/were dreadful. The E was rattling and dead, and they were all feeble when amplified.
    3. The pickguard has a bit of a ragged edge round the end of the neck.
    4. It needs a setup.
    5. Errm...
    6. That's it.
    The fretwork is perfect, no sharp ends or loose frets. The finish is flawless, blemish-free gloss on the body and a nice smooth satin on the neck. The body wood looks great, nice grain showing through and the join between the body pieces is very hard to spot -- it almost looks like a one piece body. The pots are smooth and expensive-feeling. Amplified with different strings on (some old Swing Bass steels I had knocking about), it sounds great -- classic J sounds. The controls are crackle free and have a perfect taper. Honestly, now it's got decent strings on, there's really nothing wrong with it other than the slack tuner.
    My original idea was to use as a project base -- I have some Schaller JB6 pups that i'm just dying to use, and I'm planning to make a 2 band eq for it following a Sadowsky schematic. But I'm going to give it a good whirl in its stock state first. Overall, I am absolutely chuffed to bits so far. Best 38 quid I've spent in years. Pics will follow soon.
    Happy dog :D

  3. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1420539345' post='2650327']
    It is indeed a Jazzer, or at least it will be once I get my grubby paws on it :) ([b]last tracking update from yesterday was "The international shipment has been processed in the export parcel center", whatever that means[/b]).
    There will be pics. :D
    And according to the tracker, it hasn't moved another inch since. <_<

  4. Gorgeous instrument. Astounded that it hasn't been snapped up yet.
    [quote name='Hoppo75' timestamp='1420235102' post='2647106']
    I may be back.....pending the outcome of research into the value of a possible divorce settlement lol
    [/quote] The cost of a divorce is easy to calculate. Simply tot up the value of every single thing you own, divide it by 2 and add the shirt off your back. Hey presto.

  5. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1420235870' post='2647116']
    Good to see the forum functioning in a collaborative manner concerning UglyDog getting his deko bass. (I presume a jazzer).
    It is indeed a Jazzer, or at least it will be once I get my grubby paws on it :) (last tracking update from yesterday was "The international shipment has been processed in the export parcel center", whatever that means).
    There will be pics. :D

  6. It's not just you Cameron. I tried on a really lovely formal jacket a while back, looked at myself in the mirror and instead of the suave and sophisticated chap I wanted to see, all I saw was a sad fat bastid trying to look smart and failing. I love smart clothes. Unfortunately they hate me and are determined to make me look ridiculous.

    [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1420418991' post='2649264']
    Guess what I got for Christmas... I'm wearing it now. I am wearing nothing else and I am lying on the bed, looking beautiful.

  7. [quote name='Hugh971' timestamp='1416748940' post='2613117']
    I wouldn't look at Fender now (except maybe MIJ). If I wanted a cheaper (MIM range) I'd look at Squier and if I wanted a more expensive Fender type bass I'd be looking at Sandberg or similar.
    This, pretty much.

  8. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1419420885' post='2639757']
    If someone has a Snickers to sell could you tell me what the width at the nut is please?
    [i]*silently hands Mornats his coat, points at door*[/i]

  9. Wasn't there a hi-fi website that did an A-B test between a set of £xxx Monster speaker leads and a bunch of bent coat hangers? IIRC the coat hangers sounded as good if not better? I would google it but I'm supposed to be working :)

    EDIT: OK, I googled it :lol: [url="http://www.geeksaresexy.net/2012/03/29/monster-cables-face-off-against-coat-hangers/"]http://www.geeksares...t-coat-hangers/[/url]

  10. Just made the mistake of listening to 'You Are So Beautiful' -- it has always put a huge lump in my throat, but the added poignancy means that the tears are flowing freely this time. Thank god the office is nearly empty! :)

  11. [quote name='YouMa' timestamp='1241034928' post='475467']
    Is this the calling all the heros,it bites.
    Yes it is. Although TBH that's a bit like asking "is this the 'Frog Chorus' Paul McCartney?" :lol: I've always thought it a real shame that they are remembered mainly for one of their poorest songs. I guess that's what happens when you're something of a one-hit-wonder.

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