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Everything posted by UglyDog

  1. You can tell when it's engaged, because it will light up the first one of The Three Brightest Blue LEDs In The World.
  2. [quote name='Noisyjon' timestamp='1412715516' post='2571376'] The 2 things that stand out for me is why modify a rare Ltd. edition CS P bass like that to start with and to then go and try to sell it on asking £3k for it... [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/191356356733?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT"]http://www.ebay.co.u...K%3AMEBIDX%3AIT[/url] I guess all I can say is GLWTS [/quote] Quite. I'm sure it's very nice, but seriously, if that's a £3k bass then I am a piece of cheese.
  3. No, but I'm toying with going to the Pontins Putney Prog Parade.
  4. There's nothing in the manual to say what the cut-off is, and interestingly the filter doesn't appear anywhere on the block diagram. It's definitely there though, and a great job it does too.
  5. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1412884535' post='2573049'] Still love my POD X3 LIVE after five years. [/quote] Pod XT Live for me. Does all i want and more.
  6. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1412870114' post='2572860'] Not to mention Matchless [/quote] See post #44 for details.
  7. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1412854247' post='2572662'] You're right, it is amazing. There's much more on the 4-cd Pet Sounds box set. Those vocals are so wonderful that you soon forget there is no backing track. [/quote] Agreed. Quite stunning.
  8. [b]Cerberus[/b] -- not just the dog's gonads, but three dogs' [b]Typhon[/b] -- massive monster feared even by the gods
  9. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1412811203' post='2572423'] If it parts a few twits who don't know any better with their cash then that's job done as far as I'm concerned. On that basis alone I can tolerate it's existence and as previously mentioned, there are an awful lot worse things out there. [/quote] I hardly think people who essentially give money to charity can be described as 'twits'..? Apart from that one word, I'm in broad agreement. If it wasn't for the charity aspect, it'd have few if any redeeming features IMO. Right motive, wrong song choice.
  10. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1412806119' post='2572372'] Bikes? Amps? Four valves? Hmm... square fours. How about MATCHLESS ? [/quote] Ahem. http://www.matchlessamplifiers.com/
  11. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1412772034' post='2571835'] Just trying to recapture the "Perfect Day" moment again… and this time failing.[/quote] This. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1412772034' post='2571835']BBC's Perfect Day worked because it was something new, the song itself was good and not particularly well known, and the original version with Lou Reed's "singing" wouldn't have appealed to a lot of people.[/quote] And these. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1412772034' post='2571835']This time, the original was pretty much perfect to begin with, almost everyone knows it. The only fun part was trying to recognise the different performers.[/quote] And that.
  12. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFdas-kMF74[/media] The classic Alan Perry/William Gardner Orchestra recording of "Sailing By", as used by BBC radio for their late night shipping forecast, contains a fairly formidable bassfail -- a very [i]very[/i] bum note at 1:54, followed by a bar of "oh god, where am I?" chart-searching silence, and then back on the money. Once you know it's there, you're listening for it every time.
  13. At a Level 42 gig back in 1983, they got 30 seconds into 'Are You Hearing' when Kinger stopped it because he had completely blanked on the first line of the lyrics. He got it eventually.
  14. Oop, how could I forget -- had a lovely chinwag with Stu Hamm once too. Another nice guy, humble and funny and genuinely enthusiastic about music.
  15. I have met and chatted with Herbie Flowers, Nick Beggs and Cass Lewis. All three of them are smashing fellas. Down to earth and ego-free.
  16. My bank balance is very pleased that this is only a 4. If it was a five, I'd have bitten your arm off. Have a free "lovely bass, GLWTS" bump.
  17. [quote name='fender73' timestamp='1412153169' post='2566090'] What he said. [/quote]
  18. Beautiful in every way... ...except for that fish. GLWTS
  19. Sorry dad.
  20. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1411850790' post='2563356'] Gibson have never made a pretty bass, [s]fact[/s] opinion. [/quote] Fixed.
  21. [quote name='blisters on my fingers' timestamp='1411790443' post='2562839'] So where is the spelling mistake ? [/quote]Hidden somewhere amongst the dodgy punctuation.
  22. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1411294801' post='2558145'] Even if you're not enjoying it, give everyone the impression you are. You can turn around the whole atmosphere of a rehearsal with a bit of positivity and it makes it ten times easier to deliver any criticism. [/quote]What's the point of doing it at all if you're not enjoying it?
  23. What's very telling here is that not once have you said that you are [b]enjoying[/b] it. Frankly it really sounds like the opposite. Personally I'd wish them all the best and leave now.
  24. Having a bucket list isn't competitive or whiny. Having a bucket list [i]and[/i] going on & on about it on social meeja is. I have a list, but it's mine and I'm keeping it for the most part to myself.When I can do the things on it, I do them.
  25. Nice. What will you do with the other 800 quid?
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