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Posts posted by UglyDog

  1. 39 minutes ago, Phil Starr said:

    Luckily there aren't many here looking down their noses at other peoples music

    Mybe not, but judging by this statement from earlier in the thread...

    "They tend to play in the sorts of establishments I wouldn't normally frequent, that appear to be mostly filled with the sorts of people I would want to avoid"

    ...it appears cover band venue and audience snobbery is alive and well.



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  2. Ok so it's a six in the cartoon, but the point stands. FWIW, I play 5s but I certainly don't consider myself even remotely superior to 4 players. Not a jot. We all play what we feel we need, to serve the way we want to play the music we want to play. Doesn't matter if it's a 13-string coffee table or a 2-string played with a slide (RIP Sandman). Animosity is absurd and counterproductive, and best left to guitarists. :D970E0763-71BB-44B3-9948-6E90ED98645D.jpeg.5a0ae91835cf223b8cb48d298e7fba20.jpeg

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