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Everything posted by UglyDog

  1. [quote name='deepbass5' timestamp='1409253287' post='2538055'] Having been playing dark stages for many years, I was very happy to buy a Shuker 5 with side lights. It was the main reason for the purchase and it has now become my main bass. But personally would not want a bass with front facing lights [/quote] Is that the ex-OldGit Shuker 5?
  2. [quote name='The Admiral' timestamp='1409294041' post='2538304'] The plan 1. Own the company that makes the basses 2. Have yours set up in a custom format, as opposed to stock 3. Play them once 4. Sell them online prior to the gig 5. Punter turns up, watches gig, comes backstage, meets Gene 6. Bass handed over - from that nights gig 7. Pictures taken and bass signed 8. Gene $10,000 richer. [/quote] You forgot: 2a. Do magazine interviews where you talk about how the stock instruments cost a handful of dollars to make, brag about how much you are raking it in with every one you sell, and suggest that your fans are mug punters.
  3. Anything with the word 'YAMAHA' on the headstock. They are, in my 'umble 'pinion, near-unbeatable VFM.
  4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't remember any of the original announcements saying anything along the lines of "Kate Bush has announced she is to play a series of concert dates in the UK later this year, [i]and will definitely be playing all of her earliest hits[/i]"..? As far as I am aware, buying a gig ticket doesn't give anyone the right to dictate the set list. [size=2]Flameproof underwear is now in place.[/size]
  5. [quote name='Kirky' timestamp='1409127605' post='2536500'] My friend was there and sent three texts. First one said he was the only straight man there (to which my reply was "since when"). Second one said "she's put on a few pounds so no leotard - feeling silly that I wore mine now." Third one, which ensured his eternal damnation in the eyes of my wife and daughters who couldn't get tickets, said that he'd left at half time. [/quote] Your friend's first two comments make him sound like a bit of a knob. The third one shows him to be frankly mad
  6. Where's Mike Crystal when you need him?
  7. "Yes I do have a bass amp, but it's MINE and not a house rig and I am not prepared for it to be used by the other bands on the bill. I presume their bassists have their own equipment, so they can do what I am doing and BRING IT TO THE GIG. I worked long and hard to afford this kit and I have seen too much nice gear get abused by hamfisted supports over the years to want mine ending up the same." Optional addition: "If you [i]insist[/i] on the other bands using my rig, then [u]you[/u] are a} responsible for any damage caused and b} will underwrite any repair costs incurred, and I would like that in writing please."
  8. The straplocks on my main gigging strap are the first ones I ever bought back in the late 80s. Still going strong, touch wood.
  9. Can't help I'm afraid. I'm sure however that someone will be along shortly to point out that there is nothing cool about Level 42, slap is stupid, it's not 1985 any more, etc etc etc yawn zzzz.
  10. Shep, what's with your massive FX sale? Where are you going from here, musically speaking?
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1408624590' post='2531900'] Quite. And this morning the current mrs discreet mixed some 'I Can't Believe It's Not Butter' with real butter, so now I don't know [i]what[/i] to believe. [/quote] It's a Vicar of Dibley moment... [b]Alice[/b]: You know that stuff they're selling now at the local shop? [b]Vicar[/b]:Which stuff? [b]A[/b]: ‘I Can't Believe It's Not Butter’. [b]V[/b]:Oh yes. [b]A[/b]: Well, I can't believe it's not butter. [b]V[/b]: Yeah, well I believe that is the idea, yeah. [b]A[/b]: Then yesterday, I went to Crookenden and I bought this other stuff, like a sort of home-brand, you know? [b]V[/b]: Yes... [b]A[/b]: And you know, I can't believe it's not ‘I Can't Believe It's Not Butter’. [b]V[/b]: Mmm. I'm losing you now. [b]A[/b]: Well, you know ‘I Can't Believe It's Not Butter’? [b]V[/b]: Yeah, you think it is butter. [b]A[/b]: No no, I mean you know the stuff that I can't believe is not butter is called ‘I Can't Believe It's Not Butter’? [b]V[/b]: Probably, yeah, yeah. [b]A[/b]: Well I can't believe the stuff that is not ‘I Can't Believe It's Not Butter’ is not ‘I Can't Believe It's Not Butter’, and I can't believe that both ‘I Can't Believe It's Not Butter’ and the stuff that I can't believe is not ‘I Can't Believe It's Not Butter’ are both, in fact, not butter. And I [i]believe[/i] they both might be butter, in a cunning disguise. And in fact there's a lot more butter around than we all thought there was. [b]V[/b]: Yeah. You see, I don't know what you're talking about.
  12. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1408528982' post='2531006'] Why is it always drummers that are so hard to find? far fewer people must play drums than other instruments or it wouldn't be so difficult to find a good one....[/quote][quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1408529430' post='2531011'] I can find drummers at the drop of a hat, it's guitarists and vocalists in particular I can never find.[/quote] Keyboard players. They're like hen's teeth. I tried to start an Incognito-esque jazzfunk outfit a few years back, and the project never got off the ground simply because we couldn't find an ivorytinkler. I put up adverts and had precisely 0 replies.
  13. Spent a terrific day at this lovely establishment yesterday -- went along with my jazz guitarist mate, who was intending to try out some of the Peerless guitars on their website and a very nice Gibbo ES345; as it turned out, the Peerless were somewhat disappointing and the 345 had too many 'but's for a £3k guitar, but he did come away clutching a simply beautiful D'Angelico much like [url="http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/large/105/11063017440129.jpg"]this one[/url], so the day was a result I had a mooch around in their bassment while he was noodling with the 345, and tried out a few choice instruments. First up was a Fender Dimension 5 string which was completely underwhelming -- dull and lifeless, just not at all pleasant. Next up was a '75 Jazz which just oozed The Funk and was fabulous in every way (apart from the ashtrays which just got in the way, but that's not a fault just a preference) and given the cash I would have walked out with it. Had a quick blast on the new Ibanez singlecut BTB 6 string which, once you get past the fairly fugly looks, is a delight -- very responsive and alive, great tones and playability. Last and best of all IMO, was an Ibanez SRF705 fretless fiver. I absolutely loved it (apart from the flatwounds which I hate but again that's a preference not a fault). The piezo bridge adds a whole extra dimension to the tonal palette, it's a delight to play and extremely light into the bargain. Superbly built and finished. The best fretless I have played in a very long time, and I am now seriously GASsing for one. Damn. Thanks to the guys at Guitar Village for running such a lovely shop and being such nice people.
  14. IIRC Roscoe Beck auditioned and they turned him down.
  15. Tribal Tech, 'Face First'. God I just LOVE Gary Willis' playing. His solo on Canine is absolutely sublime, so melodic you could almost whistle it.
  16. I had a 'standard' Flamboyant fretted 5er for a while some years back. It was absolutely stunning, there were a couple of things I didn't get on with but on reflection they could have been sorted out with a bit of time and trouble, and I rather wish I hadn't sold it.
  17. Pearl white plate, lots of chrome bling. It is the only way to go on a CAR bass.
  18. Well worth a punt. Get a tube of Titebond III and some G cramps, job's done. I concur with others here, it's not a C Bass. Still a lovely instrument though.
  19. I have nickel rounds on my fretless five and i love them. Not as bright as steels, softer to the touch, but with all the mwah I could want and a familiar feel compared to my fretted basses. I hate flats anyway so my only other choice would have been half/pressure/ground-wounds. But these now-played-in nickels are perfect for me.
  20. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1407347256' post='2519686'] Hahahahahaha...that's fantastic: the earliest we've ever been asked to turn down is when the drummer hit his snare once (unmiked and not very hard) - it was the first sound we'd made setting up... [/quote]Pretty much exact same thing happened to my band many years ago, at a [s]working mens'[/s] [i]retired old farts' [/i]club. Drummer sat down behind his kit, hit the snare once, and a voice from the room somewhere said "Ooh, it's a bit loud..."
  21. Invercargill? That's Burt Munro country, isn't it?
  22. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1407423064' post='2520370'] Released as a single in 1971, it was one of the group's most successful songs. The [/quote] 'The' what? What were you going to tell us next? Please don't leave it like that. The suspense is too much to bear. You've got to tell us. You've simply got to. I can't stand it, I tells ya. I can't take no more. Please. I beg you. Please end the uncertainty. Please. How can you leave me hanging like this? It's cruel. So very cruel. Oh god the inhumanity. Nooooooooooooooooooo
  23. [quote name='great harry' timestamp='1407421634' post='2520336'] Yet when they bring something different out it is immediately dismissed because its different. [/quote] I don't dislike it because it's different. I dislike it because it's hideous.
  24. Speaking of thin-on-the-ground Fenders... anyone ever seen a [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fender_Performer_Bass"]1980s Performer bass[/url]? I love the body shape, not sure about the headstock.
  25. [quote name='Iheartreverb' timestamp='1407396557' post='2520023'] I stumbled on these a few days ago. Personally I love the look of it, but as discussed, everyone has different style. A note on the price. GAK has one for a out £600 [/quote]GAK could have one for £6.00, I still wouldn't have it. It is hideous in places where most basses don't even have places.
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