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Everything posted by UglyDog

  1. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1407336397' post='2519564'] I merely wished to make the point that, isn't it interesting that most people obviously have very different criteria for who would be their favourite female bass player than for who would be their preferred male one ? [/quote]"Most" people? How do you know? "Obviously"? How do you work that out? I'm willing to bet that anyone who lists Kim Deal or Gaye Advert as their favourite female bassist isn't going to be answering with "Marcus" or "Ox" when asked for their preferred male player.
  2. Chris Evans does the same thing -- his are generally car- or golf-based -- with same results, i.e. the damn things end up going for up to £100k. It just makes for annoying radio because it's so completely and totally out of reach for 99.999% of the listeners. It'd be far better run as a prize draw at a tenner a ticket. I bet they'd raise a load more cash that way. Call it 'envy' if you want -- I call it logic.
  3. It plays like butter. (presumably meaning it's yellow, greasy and full of cholesterol)
  4. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1407217046' post='2518374'] Ah Douglas, you are such a sweetheart xxx Although, I am not with those guys anymore. Steph (backing vocals) and I have formed another Floyd band. [IMG]http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af313/phillipwjones/Welsh%20Floyd/2014-08-0219-55-48_zpsa188e2cc.jpg[/IMG] Pic from our first gig at a Harley festival on Sat. Www.welshfloyd.com [/quote] A Welsh Floyd band? Shouldn't you be called "One Of These Dai's"..?
  5. Tony Goggle, pre- sex change. Now [i]there[/i] was a player.
  6. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1407174565' post='2518069'] The Pixes have neither musical ability or songwriting skills.[/quote]In your opinion.[quote]It's just another average indie band making a racket.[/quote]In your opinion.[quote]The rest is sophistry.[/quote]In your opinion.[quote]They are a one-song band [/quote]In your opinion.[quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1407179000' post='2518126'] just because you like something, it doesn't make it good. [/quote]Just because you don't like something, it doesn't make it bad.
  7. My über-heavy P is like that. Even with a nice thick Comfort Strap, it's still like wearing a sofa
  8. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1405875586' post='2506047'] * 'Bass player' leather porkpie hat: Don't. Just don't. [/quote] The leather porkpie (albeit very beaten up) was good enough for the OldGit. It is therefore good enough for me
  9. [attachment=167209:Untitled.jpg]
  10. The headstock is definitely a face only a mother could love but i quite like the body contouring.
  11. There is literally nothing about that bass that I like. Nothing whatsoever.
  12. Everyone spends a lot of time, and money, chasing 'their' sound. Trying to get EXACTLY what they want coming out of their speakers. But bear in mind that a} 99.9% of gig punters won't care about the finer nuances of your tone -- most often, you will be the only bugger in the room who gives a toss -- and b} if you're going through a PA your sound will be unrecognisable by the time it emanates from the FOH anyway. So don't spend too much time and energy tweaking. Concentrate on your playing first. Most of your tone is in your fingers, after all
  13. [quote name='Samashton12' timestamp='1364090050' post='2021891'] Have you ever seen anything more beautiful? [/quote] I've trodden in things more beautiful than that. Not for me I'm afraid.
  14. So, this tune popped onto the radio this morning. Now I've never been a fan of the Byrds by any stretch, and so I'm fairly unfamiliar with much of their catalogue... but when it reached 1:43 and the 'guitar solo' started, I was transfixed and not in a good way. I mean, whose idea was it to keep it? Did nobody think to say "actually Rog, could you do another take mate, I'm errm not sure about that one"? Or were they all too stoned to care? Have a listen if you can stand it. 1:43 to 2:20, and then remarkably he has another go at around 2:58 with similarly stunning results. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J74ttSR8lEg[/media] Does anybody know of a worse guitar solo? And I don't mean just one you don't like in an "anything by Yngwie, I can't stand him" way, I mean something that is truly awful, dreadful by anyone's yardstick. Real car crash stuff. ps. for some reason I can't get this video to embed.
  15. That is fabulous. As WoT said, it's instant Disney. I wonder if they have a choir of 'regulars' for all their stuff? I love acapella music, when it's well done it can be quite stunning. This is one of my favourites, and one of the most beautiful things I think I've ever heard: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4dT8FJ2GE0[/media]
  16. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1405080098' post='2498623'] Without wanting to tempt fate, since I got my second Shuker, I'm pretty much done for basses...they're fantastic. [/quote]Judging by the arsenal of basses listed in your signature, I'm not surprised you're 'done'. That's a hell of a collection.
  17. [quote name='Freddy Le Cragg' timestamp='1405076034' post='2498555'] [/quote] Oh yes, what a cracker. Although I could happily lose the bit with the bird. Superb bit of design overall though.
  18. [quote name='Mudpup' timestamp='1405028582' post='2498194'] I had a dodgy Elixir E string last year from a set off ebay. Contacted them via email and a new set of strings arrived a week later gratis. Very impressed with the whole experience.[/quote] This doesn't surprise me. American customer service can be incredibly good (notice I said '[i]can be[/i]' ). I had reason to contact SKB Cases a few years back and they were fantastic. I would tend to agree with some of the other posters here. Your beef should be with Thomann really, not Warwick. The milk/farmer/shop example is a good one. I can understand the whole episode putting you off using W strings though.
  19. [quote name='margusalviste' timestamp='1404806373' post='2495775'] What about Skjold basses? Well, not just the headstock, the overall design is kind of... [url="https://www.google.com/search?q=skjold+bass&client=ms-android-samsung&source=android-browser&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=oqO7U7WuNsa60QWCiIDoAQ&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=360&bih=592&dpr=3#facrc=_&imgrc=qFGfSXSY1I-WDM%253A%3BZ6Bv1rjrzQV8mM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.bassdirect.co.uk%252Fbass_guitar_specialists%252FSkjold_SS_Whale_5_files%252FWhalefront.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.bassdirect.co.uk%252Fbass_guitar_specialists%252FSkjold_SS_Whale_5.html%3B4612%3B1434"]https://www.google.c...l%3B4612%3B1434[/url] [/quote] Yes, absolutely. I can't get on with the shapes of the Skjold instruments at all. It's an uncomfortable mix of curves and straight lines -- almost as if the body bouts and horns were designed by two people who never met, and the headstock by a third. [quote name='lou24d53' timestamp='1404823078' post='2496022'] So what [i]should[/i] a headstock look like then? Whilst I agree there are a few downright dogs on here, it would seem that any manufacturer who is trying to come up anything unique or radically different from the norm is getting slated. But yet those designers who stick with the tried and tested Fender-esque shapes also get slated often on here for not coming up with anything radically different. [/quote] I like all of Jon Shuker's standard headstock shapes, and I quite like the Status headstock too. They are all compact, functional and smart without being "look at me!". I also agree that the MM 3+1 is nicer than the Fender 4.
  20. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1404822996' post='2496015'] 6/10 must try harder. just like skule. [/quote] Yes, but getting as many as 6 still makes you a swot and a weed, as any fule kno.
  21. 7/10. Bit frustrating that it didn't tell me which ones I got wrong.
  22. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1404417693' post='2492533'] I have had a recurring dream where I am auditioning to play bass in metallica, it's a bit wierd, but it kind if feels like the post newsted days. The only trouble is, I can't remember how to play any of the songs!!! It's horrendous stood thee in front of the idols trying to blag their songs!! [/quote] The trouble for me would be that I'd have an irresistable compulsion to keep calling Lars a twat
  23. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1404729371' post='2495067'] Hopefully both programs will tget another showing. Sometimes Sky Arts gets an [i]Andre Rieu[/i] theme going and repeats it [s]quite a bit[/s] [i]over and over and over again ad nauseum until you want to ram the smug Dutchie's fiddle sideways up his tan track[/i]. Other times, it is a one off and disappears without a trace. [/quote] Fixed. Although in fairness, they do have some absolute gems on from time to time.
  24. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1404331876' post='2491720'] a bit too much wilderness and wildlife[/quote] No such thing I yearn for a Canadian holiday, will do it some day when I have the shekels. My brother has been there several times, and says it's the most amazing place on earth. Despite Celine Dion ps. Barenaked Ladies (can't believe nobody's mentioned them yet)
  25. For anyone who's interested, this is the moment when the BBC thoughtfully gave us a lovely view of the Foster The People bassist's pedalboard. Yes, I was sad enough to take a picture of my telly. God, I really need to get out more [sharedmedia=core:attachments:166076]
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