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Everything posted by UglyDog

  1. My keys player is a competent/trained/fully equipped PATing person. Win.
  2. oh my good god, that is [i]stunning[/i] For my money, the SBs are some of the best looking basses ever made. They make a Fender look like a twig. I just missed out on an eBay-bargain original SB-1000 a couple of months ago, I was absolutely gutted. I still dream of getting my paws on [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/197624-nbd-aria-sbr-150-pictures-now-up/"]an old SBR-150 like police squad's[/url].
  3. [quote name='JazzBassfreak' timestamp='1391021889' post='2352405'] post your basses[/quote] [attachment=153647:basses.jpg] [quote name='JazzBassfreak' timestamp='1391021889' post='2352405'] show off your gear[/quote] [attachment=153648:gear.jpg]
  4. [quote][b]Guest lists need to be universally banned[/b] Thor Harris of Swans famously said “[i]Guest list is for friends, family and people you might want to f**k. Everyone else can pay. They have day-jobs[/i].” Thor Harris is wrong. If your friends, family and people you might want to f**k have day-jobs, they can pay too.[/quote] Absolute bollocks. If Mrs.PrettyBitch comes along to a gig and has to pay at the door, that's money going straight out of her and therefore also my pocket. I am effectively giving part of my fee straight back to the venue. Not happening, sorry. I'm also quite amused at Mr. Inglis complaining about bands and venues having an "attitude" and then in the very next breath he describes Carl Barat as a 'talent vacuum'**. Attitude, you were saying..? He's making a few good points but overall he's just coming across as a bit of a shouty knob. **[size=2] He may well be, I don't know as I'm not familiar with his work. But it's not really the point.[/size]
  5. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1390832028' post='2349987'] Another point I'm in two minds about is the "STFU during performances" policy (is that notice still up at the Jazz Cafe?) - I suppose I'm hypocritical in that I'll get annoyed if someone is chatting loudly when I want to listen, but then I may well (especially after a few ales) chat to friends. I got a bollocking from a post-rock nerd for chatting to a mate I hadn't seen for ages at Sigur Ros at Brixton Academy last year [/quote] If the notice isn't still up in the Jazz Caff, it bloody well should be. I don't pay ten/twenty/whatever quid to see a band only to end up listening to someone behind me yakking to their mate, and it irritates the living sht out of me when it happens. With all due respect, the post-rock nerd was quite right to have a word with you -- if you wanted to talk to your mate, you should have gone to the bar or met up afterwards or something, but not during the performance. God knows it's always great to bump into a long lost pal, but there's a time and a place to catch up.
  6. Oh get thee behind me satan... I would LOVE this, but I know for a fact that Mrs PrettyBitch would soon have what's left of my knackers dangling from her collar if I went for it. GLWTS, but I am frankly amazed that it hasn't sold yet at this price.
  7. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1390683775' post='2348356'] There are few things more pointless than arguing that musician A is 'better than' musician B. [/quote] And one of those 'more pointless things' is the spectacle of watching someone present personal opinion as solid fact.
  8. Music is a way of life, not a contest. There are few things more pointless than arguing that musician A is 'better than' musician B.
  9. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1390557615' post='2346698'] I'd keep the workhorses - the G&L and the P. [/quote] Those are the two I'd sell
  10. Essentials for me are octave, chorus, dirt, tuner. Anything else is a bit of a luxury.
  11. Marcus, I've got an idea for you. It's a bit radical and left-field and you may want to sit down as it could come as a bit of a shock. Here goes. Ready? OK. How about getting... [size=2]sitting down? good. here comes the shock bit[/size] a bass that... [size=2]ready? here goes...[/size] [i]isn't[/i] associated with Mark King? [size=2]Well, I did tell you it was a fairly radical idea.[/size]
  12. UglyDog

    DIY Effects

    [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1389446122' post='2334221'] Another quick query for you veterans -- how do you go about applying graphics to your finished boxes? I've got some cool ideas for a couple of the projects on my list but I have no idea how to actually do it! [/quote] Anyone..?
  13. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1389045702' post='2329369'] Just drop to D on the E string and adjust the what you play on the other strings. All the notes are there, just in a different place relative to the dropped D. [/quote] ^ This. Are you playing chords? If not, why bother detuning the A, D and G when all the notes are already there?
  14. I would [i]love[/i] a fretted five. The stuff of dreams, and will probably stay there
  15. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1389549999' post='2335423'] Pure luck? What is the purpose of having children? On an animalistic side it is so that our genes survive. It's a bit of a bummer to work hard all your life to improve yourself and the chances of survival of your gene pool, if someone's just going to come along and take all that hard work off them and stick them right back down where you started from. Now that would promote a very selfish society and completely destroy any idea of family, not to mention a country that just stagnates. Pass your genes on and run away quickly, your work is done... [/quote] Well the country wouldn't be entirely stagnant -- HM Treasury would be very nicely off thank you very much, what with all that property and land and cash that they'd have seized from peoples' estates.
  16. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1389527067' post='2335020'] We're widening the subject quite considerable here, aren't we..? [/quote]Well, you mentioned inheritance first [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1389527067' post='2335020'] I will allow (for the sake of debate...) a certain 'ceiling' to be passed on, including some sentimental value of artefacts (a clock, or portrait; whatever...). Above that value (to be determined, I've not got a set figure in mind...), the 'estate' goes to the state. [/quote]I would respectfully suggest that the state can f*** right off. It is perfectly possible, although not that common, granted, for substantial areas of land and buildings etc to be acquired through sheer hard work or canny investment etc rather than dastardly historical robber-baronhood. Are you going to tell Richard Branson that he's got to leave Necker Island to HM Treasury or shall I..?
  17. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1389489561' post='2334831'] No, I don't adhere to inheritance, either. [/quote] Ok, so if I can't pass on my house to my kids when I die, who do you think should have it?
  18. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1389449011' post='2334267'] Testicles or not, that's an argument based on jealousy. [/quote] Whereas "why should they get all the money?" isnt..? Okay then.
  19. UglyDog

    DIY Effects

    Another quick query for you veterans -- how do you go about applying graphics to your finished boxes? I've got some cool ideas for a couple of the projects on my list but I have no idea how to actually do it!
  20. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1389377114' post='2333628'] I'll try, but you surely won't agree. I maintain that it's 'unfair' (I would say 'immoral'...) to have someone receiving money when no work is being done ('work' in the wider sense, including artistic creation...). [/quote] Ok so we've already established that you think it's unfair. My point is, to whom do you believe it is unfair? Who is losing out IYHO?
  21. UglyDog

    DIY Effects

    Just looked it up -- sounds like a great little project. God, there's so many things I'd like to have a bash at -- first on the list is the Mammoth/Mastotron mashup although I guess I should finally finish off the stack of mods I've been doing on my Russian Small Stone (Univibe, gain, colour, mix and brightness mods) first. After that there's a whole load of possibilities. So far, I've collected/developed schematics/veros for:[list] [*]modded Doctor Q clone [*]highly modded Phase 45 (I'm having a bash at designing my own vero layout for this) [*]Shoe Song (thanks paul!) [*]modded TS808 [*]modded Valvecaster [*]Proco Rat-alike with every conceivable mod [/list] Can't wait to get stuck into, I dunno, something!
  22. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1389375993' post='2333605'] The OT was the apparent 'unfairness' of this wonderful system most here seem to be supporting; [/quote] OK, leaving aside the Sting/Summers argument -- to whom is the royalties system, as it stands, 'unfair'? Who is being penalised if the scribbler is paid per unit shifted rather than by the hour? The artist certainly isn't. So who is? In a nutshell, why exactly is it unfair and who is it unfair on?
  23. Dad, would you still be convinced that royalties were the work of Satan if you had written Bohemian Rhapsody or Imagine?
  24. The only really good relic work I've seen is the job my mate did on his Strat. If I didn't know better, I'd swear it was 40 years old -- it looks [i]perfect[/i]. No mechanical sanders involved, just elbowgrease and taste!
  25. UglyDog

    DIY Effects

    Love the Valvecaster and quite fancy having a bash myself. I've found a schematic online for a 9 volt version, but is there anything to be gained (pardon the potential pun) by running it at 18v? Would I have to change any of the components to cater for the higher voltage?
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