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Everything posted by UglyDog

  1. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1453575092' post='2960746']Shame about the old screwholes but I can live with it. [/quote] Several carefully hammered and trimmed cocktail sticks later... I think it looks loads better. Just a bit of very careful final trimming to do and it'll be done. Yes they're still visible, but only if you look for them. Very pleased dog 🐶
  2. There's nothing actually [I]wrong[/I] with the stock tuners, no. They hold tune perfectly ok but felt slightly 'grindy' in operation to me, a slight budget feel about them. The action of the Hipshots is a million times better, they are as smooth as a baby's derriere. The main advantage however is the weight saving; the new set is indeed a clear 1/2 pound lighter than the stock set. Yes the screw holes are kinda ugly and I'm going to have a go at filling them with something, although nothing too permanent as I'd want to re-fit the old set if I sold the bass. Probably some cocktail/match stick tapped in and trimmed off flush.
  3. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1452254603' post='2948067'] Thinking of changing the tuners on my V7 for some nice Hipshot HB6Cs. Does anyone know off the top of their head whether I'll need the 3/8 or 1/2 versions? I'm guessing 1/2 but obvs I need to be sure. Yes, I could measure up when I get home... but I'm an impatient sod and would like to order today if poss [/quote] Done. Shame about the old screwholes but I can live with it. The difference in quality between these and the stock tuners is vast. So very glad I made this mod. It's the only one I'll be making to this bass Incidentally, that D string tuner might look pissed in the photo, but it's not in reality. I've just checked and it's as straight as an arrow. Who says the camera never lies?
  4. Last gig I went to was Snarky Puppy -- outrageous. Coming up: Larry Carlton, Bellowhead, Wonder Stuff.
  5. Thinking of changing the tuners on my V7 for some nice Hipshot HB6Cs. Does anyone know off the top of their head whether I'll need the 3/8 or 1/2 versions? I'm guessing 1/2 but obvs I need to be sure. Yes, I could measure up when I get home... but I'm an impatient sod and would like to order today if poss
  6. I like some of Jaco's stuff, but find quite a lot of it to be pretty much unlistenable. Does this mean I should sell half my gear? [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1450086150' post='2929336'] "fret w***ing" [/quote] Fretless, surely?
  7. I've just downloaded the mp3s from the O[sub]2[/sub] Bristol gig, and the sound quality is superb. This stuff is even better than I remember it being on the night.
  8. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1443194376' post='2873033'] OK, another three rehearsals and a gig, and still no deterioration. Still sounding clear and tonally pure. Feeling great to the touch, I mean incredibly soft. A joy to play. To be continued... [/quote] Half a dozen gigs and a whole bunch of rehearsals, and they still sound like they're fresh out of the box. Quite remarkable. The coating is still intact, but then I don't play very heard and only use a pick for two or three songs. Still loving the silky feel, feels like I barely have to touch them when I'm playing. If I have one minor gripe, it's that the B string could be a little livelier. The other 4 are noticeably brighter. Still, even with this caveat they've turned my V7 fiver from an already great bass into a truly brilliant one. More to come of this continuing story, but I'm starting to think I think I'm a convert already.
  9. Another thing about ML not yet mentioned -- a whole evening of some of the most downright funky music I have [i]ever[/i] heard performed live, and yet not a single slap. The only time he used his right thumb was for muted tugs in the quieter passages. EDIT: added, a couple of dodgy pics. [attachment=202255:snarky_1.JPG] [attachment=202257:snarky_2.JPG]
  10. I was there too! What an awesome night, I only went along because I'd heard the buzz but it looks like I might have a new favourite band. [quote name='NickD' timestamp='1444120733' post='2880381'] Slightly off topic, but assuming you had Swindle, Magda and Snarky Puppy, what was the running order? [/quote] No Swindle, just Magda. [quote name='super al' timestamp='1444124627' post='2880417'] Love Snarky Puppy but M.L.'s bassface is just strange, you gotta have great chops to pull that kinda gurning off! [/quote] As I was walking back to my car, a group of lads overtook me and one was saying to his mates, "I'm trying to think which Muppet the bass player reminds me of..."
  11. Yes, that was a good one. I also liked the instrumental theme from OHMSS -- some damned fine music on that film's soundtrack.
  12. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1441790175' post='2861715'] One of the qualities Elixir play on is their supposed longevity compared to other brands/types. So I am going to be conducting a more long-term test, i.e. I will report back properly in a few months' time rather than give a short-term sitrep. Suffice to say that they've lasted three rehearsals and two gigs so far without any deterioration to speak of, which is what I'd expect of my usual strings! Watch this space [/quote] OK, another three rehearsals and a gig, and still no deterioration. Still sounding clear and tonally pure. Feeling great to the touch, I mean incredibly soft. A joy to play. To be continued...
  13. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1441987338' post='2863594'] Until you define what 'better' is, it's a silly statement. [/quote] That's easily defined. Expensive basses are always better than cheap ones, unless they're not. Hope this has cleared it up.
  14. One of the qualities Elixir play on is their supposed longevity compared to other brands/types. So I am going to be conducting a more long-term test, i.e. I will report back properly in a few months' time rather than give a short-term sitrep. Suffice to say that they've lasted three rehearsals and two gigs so far without any deterioration to speak of, which is what I'd expect of my usual strings! Watch this space
  15. I started to compile a list of ways in which that picture is Just Plain Wrong, but my phone melted.
  16. My gear choices are precisely that -- mine. My money, my damn business. I haven't endangered my mortgage or taken food from the mouths of my kids by spending it, so I fail to see any sort of problem. If anyone (other than Mrs Dog) demanded that I 'justify' my decisions or the amounts I have spent, my reply would probably be along the lines of 'sex and travel'.
  17. UglyDog

    DIY Effects

    Finished my parts-bin Mammoth clone build last night, and it works a treat -- my god, what a filthy sounding little box it is -- but the Output control leaves a lot to be desired. Pretty much all the action happens in the first few degrees of turn, it's like the taper is all wrong. Every single vero layout I've seen shows the pot as 10K linear, and the Fuzzdog kit uses it too -- are they all wrong? Should it be log? It's not a massive deal really, it's not like the unit doesn't work at all, but it'd be nice if the control was a bit more useable. I'm going to add the Mastotron's Relax/Push control to the front end (didn't have the right pot to hand) and also seriously considering a blend control using the split'n'blend circuit. It'd be nice to have the option to add just a smidgen of grind rather than the full-fat filth.
  18. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1440062647' post='2847903'] No, I did not stay with that band long. They were good guys, but musically it was dreadful. We'd go for a pint after practice and they'd talk about whether it'd be a problem to take time off work when we have to go on tour, and how amazing it'd be if we get to support Slayer, and... [/quote] Aww, bless such sweet naivety. I bet most of us dreamed like that when we first started out.
  19. After checking the list, I don't think I'm going to bother fitting a DC socket to my WIP Mammoth clone. At 1mA, it really doesn't seem worth it!
  20. [quote name='MarkW' timestamp='1439802718' post='2845791'] our guitarist never misses an opportunity to tell me how many better bass players he's known... I genuinely don't think he realises that it's gone past mildly amusing and is now starting to hack me off.[/quote] Holy crap. Have you told him? Because you really, really need to. I genuinely admire the thickness of your skin and your obvious patience, because if I was you there would have been either a} a walking out or b} claret or c} both by now. Sorry to say this, especially as you've described them as friends, but your band'mates' sound like a shower of w**kers to me. Seriously, you should definitely consider leaving if they think this sort of behaviour is remotely acceptable.
  21. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1439206339' post='2840762'] I think DJ’ing [i]can[/i] be considered a form of musicianship in some contexts… for instance, scratch DJing has evolved into something called turntablism, which is quite exciting to watch/listen to, albeit in small doses - example here: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tr3ftsCVXhc[/media] [/quote] OK, I would tend to count myself as pretty much an old fart too -- but bugger me if that wasn't pretty damned impressive. These guys must get through needles and crossfaders quicker than we do strings
  22. Headline act bassist's Superfly (going back quite a few years). I wanted to use my rig, but the engineer asked the headline if I could use his amp to save time between sets and he was ok with it. I should have stuck to my guns but, as we know, rule #1 is Never Piss Off The Soundguy. Anyway... I wanted to like it, I really did -- same as every time I've tried an Ashdown, I've always tried desperately to find positives -- but oh dear oh dear, what a dreadful little thing it was. No redeeming features apart from possible use as a grill/hotplate. Next time I saw the headline bassist, he was using something else...
  23. Well, I see what he means. You ask a technical question and nobody can be bothered to help. What a waste of tim.
  24. No?
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