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Everything posted by UglyDog

  1. Well, anybody?
  2. I’m thinking of modding my Jazz Bass. What should I do to the circuitry to make it sound nicer?
  3. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1438121621' post='2831947'] "Real musicians play dives" [/quote] Au contraire. Real musicians play [i]music[/i]. You don't have to play in a shithole to qualify as 'real'.
  4. I look at it this way.[list=1] [*]I'm not doing this for a living, just for enjoyment. So I can afford to be picky about where I play. [*]I do not want to play dives, toilets, drug-dens or sh*t-holes. [*]So I don't. [/list]
  5. This lovely, wonderful song. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMxRDTfzgpU[/media] in A, I believe.
  6. Do Mrs.Dog and I have similar musical tastes? Well, I like jazz. She says it sounds like they're all playing different songs. She likes Bon Jovi. I think they sound like a beer advert. I like soul & funk. She says it's lift music. She likes Rod Stewart. My opinion would melt the profanity filter. The only bands we both like are Yes and Rush. But she likes Yes more than I do, and I like Rush more than she does. So broadly speaking, no.
  7. [quote name='Jenny_Innie' timestamp='1437982997' post='2830432'] I've been gigging for about a year, but going along with my Mum or Dad's band to places for a couple of years before that. What strikes me about the audiences is - where are the young people? I've been gigging a lot of late with my Dad's friend's covers band. Parties are great, as there's a ready-made audience. But, when we play in pubs (Dorset, Wiltshire, Hampshire Sussex area - plus a couple in the Midlands) - there are never any teenagers or people in their twenties there. The audiences are in their forties and fifties and beyond for the most part. Young people do other things. [/quote] Next time my kids (23 and 21) are off out to a rock gig, I shall have to ask them why they aren't doing other things.
  8. Ohhh yessssssssss. I tried the SRF705 some time ago and fell hopelessly in love with it. It's one of the few things I have GAS for at the moment.
  9. [quote name='jacko' timestamp='1436434414' post='2818050'] There's videos on youtube of Michael manring using hipshots on every string and de/re-tuning each string several times during a song. makes my head spin just to watch. [/quote] Like this one? This still stuns me every time I watch it. Yes I know Manring's playing, music and approach aren't everyone's cup of tea (just trying to head off the negatives at the pass here ) but I think this is just beautiful. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aY4Ra2KOyas[/media]
  10. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1435926709' post='2813679'] A week on though and everyone is still talking about Kanye's set... [/quote] Yes, a week on and the jokes and uncomplimentary memes and cartoons and spoof videos and massive slaggings are still being made and circulated, while the positive comments are on the fingers of one hand. Is that what you mean by 'still talking about'?
  11. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1435307067' post='2807403'] If you can apply the words thick and chunky to it compared to anything other than a wafer, it"s probably not gonna suit me. I have gimpety hands. Thin, shallow necks all the way for me..... [/quote] I have the stupidest little fingers in the history of stupiddom, which is why I've always got on best with skinny little Jazz type necks. The neck on my V7 fiver is at least as comfortable for me as that on my Yamaha RBX. In other words, very slim and very comfy, yes. I can't comment on the 4-string V7s as I haven't seen or played one.
  12. Good point lojo. Double booking affects punters too, and they're the ones providing the pub/club/whatever's income. There's really no excuse for it, all it takes is a diary and a pencil FGS.
  13. He's a member here, too...
  14. I believe Big Jim Sullivan was with him for quite a while too. Yes, I'd heard that he was a generous boss. Quite a rarity in this business, I'd imagine.
  15. [url="http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-33075466"]http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-33075466[/url] OK so his stuff really wasn't everyone's cup of Darjeeling, but you don't release 75 albums by being totally crap at your job. Brought a lot of pleasure to a lot of people.
  16. That is gorgeous. He does block'n'bound necks now?? Oh help. This is as close as I'm [i]ever[/i] going to get to a YoB Jazz unless my numbers come up or I sell the house from under us, and my holy zarquon it is sooooo tempting.
  17. I'd be very interested in this.[list] [*]Have you tried Elixir strings before? [i][color=#ff0000]No, the only coated strings I've ever tried are Roto Nexus.[/color][/i] [*]What other brands are you familiar with? [color=#ff0000][i]Currently using Roto Nickel 45-130, but in the past I have used Fender nickels, Status roundcores and Warwick Reds.[/i][/color] [*]What bass(es) will you try the new strings on? [color=#ff0000][i]My go-to bass is a Sire V7 jazz-style 5-string. I could also try the strings on my fretless 5-string if required.[/i][/color] [*]What sort of environment will you be playing them in (e.g studio, gigging, practicing) [color=#ff0000][i]All three. Recording, rehearsing and gigging with two different bands.[/i][/color] [*]Why do you think you'll be a good candidate to test the strings? [color=#ff0000][i]Between them, my two bands encompass a very wide range of musical genres, so I employ a variety of playing styles -- mainly fingerstyle but also pick, slap and even 10 seconds of tapping in one tune. So I will be able to give the strings a good comprehensive workout.[/i][/color] [*]Links to any blogs/reviews you may have already posted (not essential but interesting) [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/258828-nbd-sire-marcus-miller-v7-alder-4-awh-audio/page__view__findpost__p__2736609"]http://basschat.co.u...ost__p__2736609[/url] [*][s]Your bank account details and online banking log in for ped[/s] [color=#ff0000][i]Coutts Bank, a/c number 00000001, a/c name 'HM The Queen'. Login name 'brenda', password 'corgi1'.[/i][/color] [/list]
  18. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1433747409' post='2793474']Nice to see that the hostilities have gone into a bit of a Lull... [/quote][quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1433753771' post='2793537']Yes, it was getting a bit Sad.. ✌[/quote] Gentlemen, your coats await.
  19. Considering how spectacularly he fell off the rails some years ago, it's a wonder he's still breathing! Thank goodness he is.
  20. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1431332806' post='2769965'] I'm sure there is a reason why this clause exists, but it seems very strange to me! [/quote]He (Frank) is a recovering alcoholic.
  21. Many years ago, I was in a band that was very nearly called Dada Bagus (pronounced da-da-ba-GOOSE) -- which roughly translates from Indonesian as 'nice tits'. Before I get chastised for being an offensive old man, I should point out that remarkably the name was suggested and fiercely championed by our [u]female[/u] vocalist.
  22. Any chance of considering the 3-way big+little+horn style configuration? Are there inherent problems with this type of thing? All the good 3-way cabs I've heard have been glorious.
  23. [quote name='mikebass84' timestamp='1430950297' post='2766334'] Pop. Drain. Superglue. [/quote] This.
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