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Everything posted by UglyDog

  1. Yeah, but he's sold loads of records so he must be brilliant.
  2. [quote name='sharkboy' timestamp='1424298817' post='2695006'] if Kanye's music was a washing machine full of white clothes, then that annoying side of his personality is a red sock that has somehow crept into the drum. You just know that as soon as you switch it on, the red sock will appear in the window of the machine and ruin everything for you [/quote] This, I like
  3. A dreadful thing to happen and I bet the poor guy is heartbroken. [quote]The building and contents were not insured because his company, Wishbass, is on property zoned for residential, not business.[/quote]So this even affects cottage industry then? Does this mean if you run a business of any sort from home, you've got to live in a business zone in order to get insured for it? That sounds very restrictive.
  4. [quote name='Dazed' timestamp='1424120978' post='2692956'] Hmm you've obviously never heard of "rat look" or been to many classic cars shows recently. Relic or patina (faux or real) has been around for years. Only fairly recently become fashionable for musical instruments. [/quote] Damn, you beat me to it, I was going to mention rat rods I agree with several of the things said above, such as: [i]each to there [/i]{sic} [i]own I say[/i] and [i]I don't get cup cake making or customising clothes but I manage to let it go and let those that do enjoy it. If it really does irritate you, don't pay them any more attention[/i] and [i]Some people like them, some don't, and the world keeps turning....[/i] I love a nice piece of wood (stop sniggering at the back there) and a good coffee-table bass really does it for me. But on the other hand, I would order a light relic Limelight J in a heartbeat if I had the cash, because I like that look too. I'd particularly like one that looked like a knackered old stack-knob but was secretly carrying an active 2-band EQ and some serious contemporary pickups -- what were we saying about rat rods?
  5. Ah yes. 'Ommadawn', Mike Oldfield. In a room at the student nurses' accomodation in Reading... Wow. I'm having a nostalgia rush that Mrs.Dog would [i]not[/i] approve of.
  6. Where's Ped?
  7. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1424079891' post='2692200'] “I did drugs for 18 years and I never got that bad as to say, ‘You know what? I think [b]maybe my brother isn't a colossal prick after all[/b].’” [/quote] Fixed again.
  8. No idea, but can I just say that I am immensely jealous? Amsterdam is probably my favourite city in the world.
  9. The Seeds Of Love -- Tears For Fears. chock full of glorious Pino-ness
  10. We know that Mr West is the 'biggest rock star on the planet' because he has been described as such by... errm... himself. [url]http://entertainment.time.com/2013/09/24/kanye-west-im-no-1-rock-star-on-the-planet/[/url]
  11. Many of the albums already mentioned plus Seth Lakeman, 'Freedom Fields'. Wonderful, I never tire of it.
  12. I bet your acquaintance used to hate Peely's show then. As has been said, he's perfectly entitled to his opinion, but with all due respect he's talking absolute bollocks. (FWIW, I just had a quick listen to the Dawson and hated every second. Not my cuppa char at all.)
  13. [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1423667218' post='2687693'] At a private function. A 40th anniversary. A granny comes up to the stage towing her 10 year old grandson. She says that he want's to play the drums. I /we suggest that in the middle of the set is not a good idea, maybe at the end. She gets somewhat miffed and proclaims. "I'm the person who is paying for this party, if he doesn't play now you don't get paid." Couldn't argue with that. He was OK for his age and got a standing ovation from his family and freinds. [/quote] Cheeky cow. I wonder what she would have said if the drummer had demanded to drive her car?
  14. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1423672940' post='2687798'] Well yes, but we get paid to get audiences up and dancing, and they too seem to love these songs so i dont see how they can be as bad as you say they are. [/quote] Ah well. I hate it, you don't. Personal preference is a funny old thing, ain't it?
  15. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1423670008' post='2687741'] I love those two songs. They are great songs to listen to and play. [/quote] Good god, we obviously have very different ideas of 'great to play' [quote] They always get the audience up and dancing (which is what we get paid to do after all). [/quote] Just like Mustang Sally!
  16. Heh, the old conundrum. Define 'rock'.
  17. It's godawful all right, but the title of Worst Song Ever Recorded will always go to Macarthur Park. [i]Any[/i] version of Macarthur Park, but especially Donna Summer's and Richard Harris'. Yes I know it's a Jimmy Webb song, but we all have off-days and my god he was having a real baddie when he penned that excreble bilgewater.
  18. Thus making him a [i]wealthy[/i] utter knob, rather than just an utter knob. Unless of course you are suggesting money is a real indication of talent..?
  19. In a previous band, I have also been subjected to Can't Get You Outta my Head. It seemed like a good idea at the time, unlike Brown Eyed Girl which we also did. Brown Eyed bloody Girl. If ever there was a 'stage, open up' song for me, it's bloody Brown feckin Eyed bleedin Girl. Some members of the same band also wanted to do 'Dance The Night Away', that dreadful 2-chord Mavericks dirge. I drew the line at this, and told them that I would simply refuse to play it. They started playing it at a rehearsal, so I took off my bass and sat down, and they played it [i]sans[/i] bottom end. "Yeah, but you wouldn't do that at a gig" they said. "Try me" I replied. They didn't. I left shortly afterwards, so I have no idea if they ever gigged it. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1423657972' post='2687483'] Lyin' Eyes is a great song! [/quote] Agreed! The older I get, the more I like and appreciate Eagles' stuff. Apart from Hotel Calif, which has been done to death.
  20. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1423560573' post='2686206'] oh well! Poor Kanye, what will he do without my approval? [/quote]I'm sure he will struggle through. As long as he has a mirror, he'll have at least one adoring fan.
  21. Oh yes, he obviously feels passionately, but to suggest that Beyonce and his royal self (oh sorry, it's "Ye" isn't it? [i]*barf* [/i]) are the only 'real artists' deserving of the award, while Beck is neither 'real' nor deserving? Seriously? Stratospheric arrogance.
  22. I absolutely [i]love[/i] big stages. The bigger the better.
  23. What a complete & utter knob. [url="http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-31292862"]http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-31292862[/url]
  24. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1415370097' post='2599700'] Have a word with Guy - [url="http://www.classicguitarboxes.com/thumb_rests.php"]http://www.classicgu...thumb_rests.php[/url] he does custom jobs, top quality work [/quote] Well, it's been three months since I submitted my enquiry, and I haven't heard a dickybird in reply. Not even a 'piss off I'm busy'. I can only assume that my custom is not wanted. Thanks to hamfist for your very kind offer, but I am about as accomplished at woodwork as I am at quantum physics. I fear I would just end up with a large pile of rosewood splinters.
  25. Good for you. Personally my bacon has been saved more than once in the dark by my side LEDs. I'm not overkeen on front ones though.
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