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Dean Vincent

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Everything posted by Dean Vincent

  1. Tidy BB424 on eBay for £230 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/116256704571
  2. Are you getting another 734A or sticking with the 400s this time?
  3. Maybe it's one of those blessings in disguise. I've got three BBs but right now I'm very tempted by the endless sustain on the Cort A4 neckthrough.
  4. You've been outbid, so get your sniper rifle out.
  5. You might get it for £150 instead.
  6. Agree 100%. with less trebly/"modern" pickups than the latest version
  7. The end of line "special edition", to use the up the old stock, before the new model is introduced?
  8. Ahhhhhhhh 👍
  9. Maybe it's providence's way of telling you get a BBP34 😀
  10. It obviously bothers you and compensation won't resolve the flaws.
  11. I think this, or one like it, was sold on Basschat recently for £950 https://reverb.com/uk/item/57169514-yamaha-bb1300-1985-metallic-blue-mij
  12. Yeah I'm not sure how well that matt black copes with fingerprints etc. Did you consider the BBP34 or were you definitely wanting the pre-amp.
  13. What colour?
  14. Just wondered if any BB owner who has also played a Dingwall D-Roc has any insights on how they compare and contrast? 🙂
  15. That is really nice, James Bond anonymous but classy, much better than something that screams 'look at me' IMO
  16. Fingers - I was just using shorthand in the reply - I mostly mute with a floating thumb and a spare fretboard finger or two.
  17. I think you've already answered it thanks Al - when you said you don't need to palm mute - I do on my 424s but as a learner it does me good to develop the habit.
  18. Looks good.....I like the Fender heavy relic look myself but I don't have the minerals to try it on my instruments........
  19. Do you still have to damp the strings with those single bridges?
  20. What's the best BB ever made?
  21. The 2024s are very rare though - has anyone played the 734/5A and the BBP34/5 and noticed a difference in quality, feel, sound etc? (Disregarding the pre-amp)
  22. OK, but I think there's a cigarette paper's difference between 'pretty identical' (to use your words), and no difference at all. I don't have either, I'm sticking with my 424 for now 🙂 but I'll probably go for a 734A or a BBP34 when I upgrade.
  23. I've scoured this thread in the past for insight into this 1024/2024 question! All I'd say is that there are posters earlier in the thread who say they see a big difference. And Al who says he sees no difference at all. So the answer is it's in the eye of the beholder 👍
  24. And yet interestingly, for tonal reasons, if I had to choose between the 734A and the BBP34, I'd choose the 734A.
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