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Dean Vincent

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Everything posted by Dean Vincent

  1. No I've got the 800HD head and a R115 cab. I watched this demo and for me the Rat won hands down. Half of them I didn't really notice!
  2. Oh, y'know, a bit of Fender here, a bit of Laney there.....and nothing surpasses the Rat! 😆
  3. I'm with you on that. To me the 424 sounds like a bass should sound. You can keep your 'refinement'! 😂
  4. Just wondered what everyone finds a comfortable string height on the final fret of their BBs for a low but buzz free action.
  5. There's been one on eBay for a while, plenty of watchers but still there, with a big price tag.
  6. I think that's right, and it doesn't look like the 2024X came in white anyway https://europe.yamaha.com/en/products/musical_instruments/guitars_basses/el_basses/bb/index.html My bad, only the 2024 didn't ....
  7. I was wondering the same thing. They aren't 424 front pups, so it's either a 1024X or a 2024X.
  8. To me it seemed like a tiny difference, compared to the difference between BB series 2 and 3 which I thought was massive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPiAOdGQeeY
  9. Thanks for your thoughts on this. The 424 is a keeper for sure but my reason for adding maybe a series 3 would be if most people prefer a bit less heat and mud than the 424 produces then I guess everyone's a winner ultimately. I know what you mean though - it's you that's got to like it if you're going to pick it up in the first place!
  10. That's it in a nutshell I think. I used the word wrong in my original post to try and generate discussion but I realise we're actually talking about preferences. If however most people in most audiences prefer one tone to the other then I believe that matters. I don't have that information but it suggests to me the new tone is preferable to the mainstream majority firstly because I think Yamaha will have done their research and secondly because that tone hasn't done Fender any harm. Thanks everyone who has given constructive input. I'm not getting into any pointless debates but I think it's clear from my original post what my own opinion is, but I also made it clear in that post that's what it sounds like to me, not that's what it sounds like full stop.
  11. Are you agreeing with me that they do sound very similar?
  12. Sadly it looks and sounds to me from photos and YouTube videos that the latest incarnation of the BB is a Fender Precision Bass clone, albeit better made and a PJ, and it sounds to me very clear, but bland and forgettable. Can someone who owns one please tell me I'm wrong and why? I want to be wrong because I think my BB424 is superb and I hoped its successor would be even better.
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