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Everything posted by Obrienp

  1. Thanks for the encouragement! Yes, I should be able to do it but I definitely don’t remember stuff as well as I used to. I think I will have to have chord sheets on my iPad just in case🤞.
  2. I haven’t actually broached the subject of money yet. I am assuming it is going to be good for a New Year’s Eve gig. It better be, because I think I am going to have to take my partner out for a very special dinner to make up for not being there. She didn’t seem bothered when I was first asked but she looked a bit unhappy when the reminder came in!
  3. I would be careful what you wish for regarding depping. I agreed to dep for a New Year’s Eve gig around the beginning of this year and forgot about it. In the meantime I have had a few gigs with the two bands I play in but not a huge number. We have had health issues in both. Anyway, last week I got a set list for the New Year’s Eve gig. 42 songs, of which I have played 10 before. A handful are simple enough for me to be able to pickup the bass line on the first listen but the rest are going to take work. I have gigs coming up with both my existing bands and given we have not been able to practice for months, I have a bit of work to do there. What with booked holidays and a huge DIY backlog complied by the other half to get through, I think I am going to have my work cut out!
  4. What a beautiful instrument! I wish I had the cash but I am sure someone else on BC has. GLWTS.
  5. Have to say that his signature Thunderbird is much better value and given the comparable hardware on both, I can’t really understand the ridiculous price differential. After all, you get less wood with the EB0, which looks like a Les Paul Junior anyway.
  6. Yes, that’s been on my mind for a while but I find it really hard to get down to doing it. It’s probably one of the best legacies you can leave your kids though: nothing to sort through when you are gone (except money in the bank of course).
  7. I wish I could be GAS free! I get terrible GAS when I look at the basses for sale section in the market place on here. There are several medium scale basses for sale at the moment that are very desirable to me and they don’t come up very often but I know I don’t actually need them. I also know that GAS is some form of internal psychological justification for not practising and challenging myself enough: ” if only I had this, or that much better bass, I would play so much better”. In reality I would sound just as rubbish on a shiny new bass and I still wouldn’t be able to slap! If I stopped wasting time looking at for sale posts and put as much effort into practicing, I might actually play better!
  8. For sale Orange Terror Bass 500 v2 amplifier head still available with price drop to £380 ono. and two Orange OBC112 cabinets with Roqsolid fitted covers. Cabinets now sold. I’ve agonised about this for a bit but I realise that this rig hasn’t left my studio for over a year. In fact, it has hardly been used. It is just more than I need for the gigs I play with the bands I am in. It doesn’t make sense to have it sitting around unused and gathering dust. This gear has been kept in an insulated and heated space, so it doesn’t smell musty like it sometimes can if stored in a garage. The Terror Bass amp is in near immaculate condition. It has been gigged about half a dozen times and I can’t find any dings or scratches on it. On close inspection, I can see a couple of small marks where it looks like the paint has been rubbed a bit in the gig bag or wasn’t applied evenly in manufacture. It works perfectly and I replaced the valves with tested JJs last year. I used the Mid Gain variant (ECC83 MG) for the main preamp valve. This provides a focused mid boost, plus better detail and headroom, at the expense of out and out gain. I prefer a warm clean valve sound to a distorted one. I have a spare JJ Ecc83 MG to throw in with the amp. The amp will come with original power lead, gig bag and manual. The specs for the Terror amp can be found here on the Orange website: https://orangeamps.com/products/bass-guitar-amps/terror-bass/. Essentially it has a valve preamp and class D power amp rated at 500 watts @ 4 ohms and 250 @ 8 ohms. According to Orange it sounds close to their flagship all valve AD200. It has a clean switch that reduces the overall gain in favour of that nice warm, fat valve amp sound, or you can go full on high gain. There is a valve driven effects loop and DI with ground lift. Terror Bass amplifier: £450 £380 ono still available. You are very welcome to try the amp out in Fakenham, Norfolk. Collection is preferred but I will drive to meet or deliver within a reasonable distance of Fakenham. I have the original box, so can send by courier at buyer’s expense.
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  9. I was idly looking at the short scale basses for sale on Reverb the other day and I noticed that EBMM shop are advertising two USA made short scale Stingrays for around £2,100 each. Shipping was quoted as around £160, if I recall correctly but I guess there would be import duties to pay on top of that. The basic specs seemed to be identical to the Sterling SS Rays: 38mm nut, passive electronics with the 3 way selector knob for series/single/parallel modes, etc. The finishes looked nicer though. I wonder if the USA made tag really warrants them being around 3 times the price of the Sterling models? Anyway, they might be of interest to somebody on here. Less pricey than the Comerford specials but still out of my league. P.S. There are 5 on there today. I particularly like the “Brûlée “ finish with Ebony fingerboard.
  10. I didn’t know that but it explains quite a lot! As I said, it was OKish (no more). I set the volume with both earbuds in, then removed one. I have had a problem with ringing ears after using IEMs with another band and that was when using both earbuds, so I am quite careful about the volume I am giving them. I found the single earbud helped fill in the mids and highs a bit. The lows I was getting anyway. Obviously much better if everything goes into the PA and you can use both earbuds at a sensible volume. I have since cured the cramped space inaudibility problem by getting a combo with a slanted speaker baffle (Peavey Max 150). It’s loud enough for the gigs this band does and has quite a good DI out as well.
  11. I get this a lot with one band and I have been trying to get them to try IEMs but one of the guitarists “doesn’t like having anything in his ears”. I went as far as buying a cheap system from Gear4Music but so far it has not been tried by the band. However, I used it once to hear myself better, taking the feed from my amp’s DI out (as it was a small venue and I wasn’t going into the PA). It worked OKish using one earbud, so I could hear the rest of the band with my other ear. Obviously, much better if everything is going into the PA and you can use both earbuds. Despite the set-up annoyances, I’m sticking with this band because the other guys are really good musicians and I think we sound great.
  12. Interesting looking bass. I was wondering what the specs were and found this web page: https://eastwoodguitars.co.uk/products/airline-map-bass#features-specs.
  13. Fantastic basses. Love mine. Light and easy to play, with a good range of tones. Ideal for those long gigs. I am surprised to see this still unsold. GLWTS.
  14. Same story with the Barts on the EHB1000S. Although to give Ibby their due, they do describe the pickups as Bartolini BH2s and I can’t find that model on the Bartolini website. The nearest I can see is the BC4C and that doesn’t sound as muddy to my ears. Perhaps they have a deal with Bart to use their discontinued designs under license. I suspect sourcing of components for Far Eastern manufacture is dictated by price, rather than a strict adherence to specification.
  15. First gig back with covers band after me being hospitalised last month. We hadn’t played together for over two months because of all kinds of disruption but it worked pretty well, even though we were without our keyboard player. Small but enthusiastic audience in a village hall, with lots of dancing from the get go: possibly fuelled by the free wine that had been provided earlier. I played my Nordstrand Acononyx throughout, as it is my lightest bass and I was worried about getting through 2 hours (turned onto 2 1/2 with encores) with the after effects of a broken rib. It did the job really well, both from the comfort perspective and tone wise.
  16. Yep and both times it didn’t work out too well. First time was when a band pulled out because of Covid. The drummer and I both caught Covid at the gig! Second time was this July and I ended up in hospital 10 days later! However, my experience doesn’t have to be yours! Good luck!
  17. I like the tone of the Elf but the fan is pretty noisy and it comes on quickly. Probably not a problem in most scenarios but it was enough to swing me to the Warwick Gnome, which is also significantly cheaper.
  18. I try to keep my amp list to one combo and one (or two) decent cabs, plus a main head and compact spare (for gigs). At the moment I am in transit from valve/class D hybrid to clean class D, so I have more gear than I need. I have a Peavey MiniMax 150 combo that I use for rehearsals with both bands and gigs with one. I also have an Orange Terror II 500 head and 2 x Orange 112 cabs, which I gigged with the blues band I play in but i have found that the rig is more than I need for our gigs. I keep a Warwick Gnome iPro (280 watts) in the gig bag as a spare and tried it out of curiosity at one gig, only to decide that I actually prefer the cleaner sound. This has lead me on a quest to find a clean head with more EQ options. I also decided I didn’t need to be lugging 2 x 12 cabs to all gigs and bought a well used Barefaced Two10. I love the Two10 but not with the Terror head: too much old school but it is great with the Gnome. I just bought a Mark Bass LM III on the market place and I am hoping it is going to pair nicely with the Two10. If it does, there is going to be a barely used Orange Terror rig on the market place.
  19. Me too. After doing 5 gigs in 3 days at the Dereham Blues Festival at the beginning of July, I then fell ill, ending up spending 10 days in hospital on a drip and intravenous antibiotics. This meant I missed a three hour gig with the blues band I play in; one of our favourite local venues. They had to get a dep in to fill my slot on bass and apparently he did worryingly well. Now trying to get fit enough to manage a two hour gig with the covers band I play in at the end of August. Part of the recovery involves getting over a broken rib, which makes it really uncomfortable to sling a bass for any length of time. All character forming stuff!
  20. Reidy’s are knocking them out for £349. I would be interested but 43mm nut width! Everything about it looks good, apart from the nut width, which I imagine will suit a lot of people though. If it is reasonably made, with decent hardware, it looks like a bargain. Hard to tell from the pics I’ve seen whether it has a slab body.
  21. They have been selling some short scale basses on Reverb. Think they might all have been the Jazz clone though. Worth a look perhaps?
  22. Obeche should make it very light. Quite surprised it’s not less than the quoted weight. I have a full size ‘51 P style with an Obeche body and it weighs about the same as my Nordstrand Acinonyx. That’s with a high mass bridge, massive vintage machine heads and the addition of a D’Addario mudbucker in the neck position. I’m thinking neck dive may be an issue on the Trent given the length of the top horn in relation to the neck. Also it looks as though it has a pretty slabby body, which might not be that comfortable.
  23. Bit of an omnibus coming up, all related to the Dereham Blues Festival. Thursday night I was in the house band for a jam held in a pub on the outskirts. Not as big a turn out as expected because there were bands playing elsewhere in town. However, it gave me a chance to hear what my rig sounded like in others’ hands. I quickly realised that the combination of an Orange Terror 500 and Barefaced Two10 (retro) was too old school. I love both bits of kit but I’m not going to pair them again. The Terror cuts through much better when paired with my two Orange 112s and ditto the Two10 with a more modern sounding head. On the Saturday of the festival I played 3 one hour gigs with the Checkmate Kings. This was pretty challenging : 3 set-ups and breakdowns in different pubs. We had to bring everything, as there are no in-house PAs. To add to the challenge, we had one hour between the last two gigs and the weather made it like being in a sauna. I got through 4 shirts in the day. The gigs went pretty well, especially the last one in the Kings Head that has a band stand in a huge beer garden. They set up a real ale tent and food stalls, which guarantees masses of punters on a sunny evening. The down side is that only the front 50 or so folks near the stage are actually there to enjoy the bands. The rest are getting hammered with their mates and would rather listen to grime, or Beyoncé (depending on gender). Lesson learnt from Thursday evening: I paired the Two10 with my Warwick Gnome Pro (280 watts), which worked really well and was really loud at quarter volume. Mishaps: my previously trusty Boss WL20 wireless system packed up during the first number at the second gig: I missed a whole verse while plugging in a lead. I had hoped to get more than 5 years out of the Boss, given the price. I thought that was it for the festival, apart from a leisurely afternoon jam in the beer garden on the Sunday but our guitarist was on the phone first thing to say that we had been offered a two hour slot due to a cancellation. A quick ring round revealed that our drummer had taken his partner to hospital for a procedure and was too tired to do another set anyway. In desperation the organisers found us a step in drummer and a couple of hours later I was doing yet another set up in a different beer garden. This time I had to provide the whole PA set-up (apart from the desk) as the drummer normally provides a tower. Somehow we got through it OK and got some really great feedback from the punters. All tribute to Henry Lascelles on drums. We had never met him before and he managed to hold it down for two hours. Especially amazing as I felt my timing started to slip in the second half of the set and he was keeping it all together. Turns out he is a drum tutor: highly recommended IMO. I don’t think I could have got through all this with a standard scale bass and old school kit. I used a Maruszczyk Elwood 32” and although not the lightest bass around, the neck is just brilliant for my arthritic left hand. The Two10 and Warwick Gnome are just so light for the tone and volume they put out. It makes set-up and breakdown so much less demanding. I haven’t got away with it entirely: my left shoulder and back are giving me a lot of jip today but I guess after 7 hours of playing and all that gear moving it is only to be expected. Now for a rest!
  24. Wish I did. I have had a 32” project bass at the back of my mind for ages but producing a neck myself is beyond my skills. I would be very interested to see if anybody knows of a reliable source.
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