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Everything posted by Nate

  1. Just done an ad with Joss Stone... D to the IVA
  2. +1 to the last part of Jake's post...
  3. Sounds like it should be fun. I think I'm doing a clinic of some kind (I've never done one before, I just usually demo stuff!)- Steve, I'm guessing you've done a few, Any tips?
  4. Just wondering if anyones going? I'm gonna be there and like Music Live, would love to meet some fellow Bass chatters... Let me know if you're gonna be there. I'll be the one looking tired at the ampeg stand and at the Club Stage in the evening. You may even see me looking angry at how good Linley Marthe is...!!!
  5. RE: Using a loop instead of metronome... A loop will have more subdivisions therefore giving you less responsibility of time keeping. The point of a metronome is that it only gives you quarter notes/half etc... so you have to work at it. I mentioned it before but check out Victor's time keeping exercise on bassplayer.tv it's the 4th part of "ten elements of music". It's seriously worth a watch. I've started doing it - it's pretty hard!
  6. Herbie said it was him...! can't argue with the man... He said it was from a library music thing he did years and years ago..
  7. U mean Solar by Miles Davis?
  8. You should use metronomes when practicing. There really isn't a downside to it.... Someone wrote "feel the music in your heart", "lock in with the drums". If i'm just playing on my own and need to be metronomic - My having played along to a click in practice will help! It also lets you see who else has good/bad time... There really isn't a bad point to be made. Check out Victor Wootens "Ten Elements of music" (the 4th one) - the excersise is a great one to improve time. It involves playing along to a groove and playing without...you'll see when you check it www.bassplayer.tv
  9. Yamaha RBX 260 Was great!!!
  10. Theres a place for all of it methinks. I can understand why people don't like some of the insane bass stuff. It does however, mean we're pushing a relatively young instrument forward... I'm all for progression - not preservation. Yeah, Jamerson was absolutely amazing but if he had seen Victor play, i'm sure he'd say - wow! I have a horrible feeling that some (not all) people don't like the bass gymnasts because of their own playing insecurities though... Playing grooves certainly pays the bills but I think chops are a necessary part of being a musician. Didn't do Jaco any harm... The problem with most people who do that stuff is, they can't shut it off. I wouldn't book Dave Weckl on drums for a straight ahead Covers gig because I don't think he would play Mustang Sally as the punters would want...! (That last bit made sense in my head...) N
  11. Save up and buy a house... or spend your money on a good Jazz....mmmm.....Jazz...... I'm not a music man fan as you can tell!
  12. I have been asked to play at the European Bass Day on the 9th Dec. VERY excited as you can imagine. Linley Marthe is going to be playing - can't wait to watch and feel sick! Anyone here gonna be there? I'll be playing on the club stage at 7.45pm and probably throughout the day for Ampeg.. Take it easy Nate
  13. I don't think it's a question of "what kind of theory"... ALL theory is relevant... It's just a matter of knowing what chords work well together (or which are dissonant, if thats what you want). You can do this with just your ears. I'm a big theory geek but it's not the be all and end all. It just means you may take longer to figure things out if you don't know the relationships between keys/chords/notes....etc... Try and write 8 bars of something similar and post it! It's not as difficult as you think. Just use your ears...
  14. Ten town certainly is a ball ache.... particularly the 4th phrase (for me anyway). you know the one - B, C, C#, A etc...doo bee doo bee doo bee doo bee doo...... I actually find it easier to slap that bit... strange.
  15. RE: Boogie on reggae woman - i'm prety sure thats on a moog do you probably won't get the feel right... Sir Duke is easier than you think. It's pretty much a B major pentatonic thing. I defo agree with Bilbo about some of the original lines (eg havona) being easier to make up than learn. HAVING SAID THAT......Teen town is a written melody and many others were written parts... I wonder if this thread were happening 35 years ago, what Jaco, Jamerson etc would have put down... It's hard to imagine Mr Pastorius shouting "I can't get this f**king bass line for hey jude sorted"...
  16. I was named after him....very cool of my parents!
  17. Oh God, I'm nearly a Hippy.....
  18. My point exactly...As I mentioned - look at any other genius and tell me they're not great. I don't think anyone should knock forward thinkers. Look at Einstein, Newton, Bach, Darwin....etc. All forward thinkers you USED to love? Thought they were great but now are not so sure because you can do what they do or know what they know...?! Worth looking into the mindset of these people rather than saying whats not great about them.. Victor Wooten - yeah, it can be a bit much but hes doing things with the instrument and moving it forward. That can't be a bad thing. We shouldn't say negative things about these people I think I just took the thread somewhere else but I feel it may be valid in some sense.... :wacko:
  19. [quote name='acidbass' post='88117' date='Nov 13 2007, 10:12 PM']1. Jaco Pastorius - No way mate. You couldn't survive in the sort of band I want to be in. 2. Victor Wooten - See No.1 3. Billy Sheehan - See No.1 (well, MAYBE an exception for this guy) 4. Jaco Pastorius - See No.1 5. Mark Hoppus - you can sign up for benefits at a lot of places, Mark[/quote] LOL, Jaco couldn't survive.... come on man... He was doing things nobody else had even thought of. If he hadn't died TWENTY years ago - i'm pretty sure he'd be kickin all of our asses right about now - in my opinion, he COULD survive in any band....seriously!
  20. [quote name='acidbass' post='88117' date='Nov 13 2007, 10:12 PM']1. Jaco Pastorius - No way mate. You couldn't survive in the sort of band I want to be in. 2. Victor Wooten - See No.1 3. Billy Sheehan - See No.1 (well, MAYBE an exception for this guy) 4. Jaco Pastorius - See No.1 5. Mark Hoppus - you can sign up for benefits at a lot of places, Mark[/quote] LOL, Jaco couldn't survive.... come on man... He was doing things nobody else had even thought of. If he hadn't died TWENTY years ago - i'm pretty sure he'd be kickin all of our asses - in my opinion, he COULD survive in any band....seriously!
  21. Thank you very much! Keep up the good work...!!!
  22. The original post does say - GUITARISTS...
  23. Hey... I was working at Music Live and had a go on the VT5. What a great sounding amp! I didn't get long but the grit I managed to get out of it was great. Very Pokey and had plenty of bottom end, Well done Mr DHA!
  24. RE: Jaco being a Jazz/Funk Widdler.... listen to some other redordings with him on... not many of our favourite bass players would be doing what they're doing without him. It's like anyone great who has existed...Bach, through to Buddy Rich - yeah, people can probably do it better now but nobody was doing it before them and in my opinion there is greatness in that fact. Think about it... N
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