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About M4L666

  • Birthday July 18

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Total Watts

  1. PMing now RE the delay...
  2. 1000w Ashdown Little Giant Head, Peavey 410 and 115 TVX Cab EDIT: Cabs are 350w each so the rig is running below power - but it's still f***ing loud! They're sitting in my parent's unused as I don't have space for them in mine, a festival is coming up so I'd like to shift these asap, I know it seems sketchy at such a low price soooo this offer is collection only - from King's Heath in Birmingham and obviously you'll want to have a play first to make sure nothing's up with the gear. , £200 or nearest offer, inbox me if you're interested. Thanks guys SOLD AGES AGO (i'm a muppet) sorry for anyone who's inboxed me recently....
  3. PICS COMING WHEN I CAN BE ARSED Ashdown Little Giant 1000w, £240 Peavey TVX 410, £80 Peavey TVX 115, £80 or £350 for the whole thing. Currently in Newcastle but I'm moving to Birmingham on the 24th, if any northerners are interested you'd better be quick Peace and love, Sam
  4. Still selling this?
  5. Still selling this?
  6. Changing the rig up, lovely clear tone, loud as hell, and bright orange. A few button covers are missing but the buttons are still functional and the amp still works perfectly. Selling for £220 plus postage, or a trade for a nice loud power amp. PM me if you're interested, thanks
  7. 3Leaf Audio Groove Regulator - 3 Adrenalinn II - 1 Aguilar Agro - 1 Aguilar Octamizer - 1 Akai Unibass - 1 AMT Slap Bass -1 Ashdown Chorus - 1 Ashdown Drive Plus - 2 Asdown dual band compressor - 2 Ashdown sub octave plus - 1 Barge Concepts VFB-2 - 1 Behringer chorus - 1 Boss CE-2 - 2 Boss CEB3 - 1 Boss DD-20 - 2 Boss DS-1 - 1 Boss LS-2 - 5 Boss OC-2 - 8 Boss ODB-3 - 3 Boss SL-20 -1 Boss SYB 3 - 2 Boss TU2 - 5 Boss TU-12H - 1 Boss chorus ensemble CE-5 - 2 Bugbrand Bugcrusher - 1 Chunk Systems Octavius Squeezer - 1 Devi Ever Hyperion - 1 Devi Ever Cherry Pop - 1 Devi Ever SodaMeiser - 1 [b]Digitech Bad Monkey - 1[/b] Digitech Whammy - 2 Dunlop Bass Cry Baby - 3 DHA VT2 - 3 EBS Octabass - 1 EBS Multicomp - 2 EHX Memory Man with Hazarai - 1 EBS Unichorus - 1 EHX Bass Micro Synth - 4 EHX Big Muff Pi (Black Russian) - 2 EHX Octave Multiplexer - 1 EHX POG2 - 1 EHX Small Stone Nano - 1 EHX Qtron+ - 3 Ernie Ball VP-Jr - 1 Fishman Platinum Pro EQ -1 Guyatone MD-3 delay - 1 Guyatone PS-3 Phase Shifter - 1 HBE Psilocybe -1 Ibanez PD7 Phat-Hed Bass Overdrive - 1 Ibanez SB 7 - 1 Ibanez WD7 Weeping Demon - 1 Korg DT-10 - 1 Korg Pitchblack - 2 Line 6 M9 - 2 Line 6 Bass Pod XT Live - 1 Line 6 DL4 - 1 MarkBass Super Synth - 1 Marshall Jackhammer - 1 Maxon CP9+ - 1 Mojo Hand Cream Pie - 1 Moog MF-101 - 3 Moog MF-102 - 1 Moog MF-105b - 1 Moog MF-107 - 2 Moog MP-201 - 1 Mr Zinky Master Blaster - 1 MXR Blowtorch - 3 MXR M-80 DI+ - 5 ProCo Tubro Rat - 2 Radial Bassbone - 1 Rocktron Cyborg Reverb - 1 Sansamp Bddi - 5 SFX Micro Fuzz - 1 SFX S&M - 1 Subdecay Noise Box - 1 TC Electronics PolyTune - 2 TC Electronics Nova Modulator - 1 Tech 21 VT Bass - 2 Tech 21 VT Bass Deluxe - 3 Toadworks Mr Squishy - 1 Way huge swollen pickle - 1 Z.Vex Woolly Mammoth - 2 Z.Vex Mastotron - 1
  8. I'll trade you a 410 cab + cash?
  9. M4L666

    F# tuning

    Wow, thanks for all the replies guys I know that it can be done - look at Mnemic's bassist for proof! All the strings look good. About the 30hz thing - I would assume you can't (or it's pointless/harmful for your amp to) amplify frequencies below this? This is all very interesting, I may end up getting a bass specifically for the tuning looking at the requirements
  10. M4L666

    F# tuning

    I want an low F# string, either on my 6er or I'm getting a cheap 8/7 string. Where can I find string that thick? (looking at .160 - .180, not entirely sure which would be best). So after I have strung this beast of a string, how am I going to hear myself? My current rig finds it hard to project a low A at lower volumes, let alone a whole string below. What kind of money am I looking at to be heard at these low pitches?
  11. Looking for a nice loud portable amp to either amplify an electric bass or give a bit of a boost to an upright in an mic'd acoustic situation. Looked at the Bass Cube, and it looks good but people say it isn't very loud? Another option is to get a more powerful combo and then get some kind of power solution, if anyone has any other ideas don't hesitate to suggest them. Thanks guys
  12. M4L666

    Stoner fuzz

    Was wasn't it? Cheers for all the responses guys
  13. M4L666

    Stoner fuzz

    I was there, OMG did you see the kid in the moshpit with purplish long hair?
  14. M4L666

    Stoner fuzz

    Yes, I have witnessed the full glory of Karma To Burn live, and I'm aiming for something like that but very very full, because I don't think I know anyone else who likes stoner.
  15. M4L666

    Stoner fuzz

    Meshuggah do have a bassist, and that's the tone I'm going for. And TBH, Meshuggah do appeal to stoners, even if they're not heavy rock, xD. I can't afford a new head, I'll look into the DM4 and the Colorsound, is that Verellen worth it though? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOR0hUIGb4Y"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOR0hUIGb4Y[/url]
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