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Everything posted by StickyDBRmf

  1. Glad you posted this for as inquisitive as I am about the era I don't love or respect the beatles. Enjoyed that album "The Beatles" quite much but the rest yawn...
  2. Is there any other than bad jazz guitar?
  3. The owner met Emmett at NAMM in the '70's (if I recall correctly) and kept a relationship. He still hunts them down and gets them to sell in the shop. The one I saw was a 10-string DBR. Not the Grand spacing or I might have thought about it. Mine is a 12 DBR. I blew it several months back a guy was selling a plasma coated chrome Railboard in Baltimore I could have driven there in 3 1/2 hrs. Emmett stopped making them pretty quick. Greg Howard played Emmetts gold one at the memorial service.
  4. We were doing an arts festival where I was cooking at a booth and going straight to the stage. The promoter was also a bass player and worked for me as as a cook. He had been booking our band locally for years and always felt it needed mentioning I played more with my feet than my hands. (the 80's - no pedalboard just boxes wired w/ patchcords). Got to the stage - baking Sun 95 degrees fahrenheit - nothing. We had to play our set, plugged straight into amp and shook the place. Dancing In The Streets. Not a dry bone in the crowd. Promoter never gave a disparaging remark ever again. And raved about our performance and professionalism.
  5. Mr. Richard sounds like an upright chap.
  6. So...Groundwounds?
  7. Wot about the Canterbury scene?
  8. "Flat". It's what you English call an "Apartment", ain't it?
  9. Here in New Jersey we have a shop in Edison that carries, the last time I was there, a few Alembics, several lefties, 5&6's fretted & fretless, a couple of those short rubber-band basses, THEY EVEN HAD A CHAPMAN STICK. The owner met Emmett in the 70's and has always tried to have one (or two). Pedullas, etc. The place is known up and down the East Coast. And it's a SMALL shop.
  10. No one asks me to play on NYE. Except maybe my girlfriend.
  11. Thanks for bailing me out Luke. That was a close moderator alert...
  12. Chapman Stick. Not gonna change tapping instruments at this point. Basses, whatever. Fretted, fretless, short-scale, hollow, whatever.
  13. I prefer driftwood basses pre-soaked before performance in seawater from whence it was harvested. And brass hardware (corrosion issues).
  14. What if the Pastor says, "You're not getting them on their FEET! They're not putting enough in the TILL!"
  15. I used to play at CBGB's. Haha. No.
  16. Considering our guitarist would announce "Make our ears bleed, Marty!" I was forced to oblige. I have a recording where I swear it sounds like I'm skinning a live cat. Now that's rocknroll.
  17. I showed up for an audition w/ a fretless P bass that had the epoxy removed from the maple neck and roundwound strings. Afterwards, they said, "You'll do." I think we were making up our own genre, at the time.
  18. I had that neck on my Jazz, you'll appreciate it on a dark stage.
  19. Roland SIP-301 Bass Preamp had the best built-in compressor. A great working pre-amp had Becks spilled init and didn't even flintch. I miss that sucker, I might hafta find an Orange Squeezer build to get that Tony Levin Stick sound again. Oh, and they are expensive on Reverb/Ebay. (as is everything "vintage") $549 US. And that's no amp. No speakers. Pretty tight for a compressor. Never mind.
  20. You want a quick, although MINDBOGGLING education? I just read Barefaced website about speaker size and etc. I've also read Phil Jones amps discussions on small speakers and am thoroughly confused.
  21. So I just read Barefaced website and it seems the speakers they produce would eliminate the need for mids and tweeters. Now I know more than I need and still don't know what a decent amp/speaker set-up would be for a Chapman Stick, that happens to play a lot of bass notes consecutively, unless I'm playing in the higher range, with or without distortion. (Have any of you read the Barefaced website?)
  22. 4 fans? It looks like an airplane! I read this thread out of curiosity and then got to THAT picture. Their website almost sounds like a Benny Hill short.
  23. I like The Rewind I immediately think of a cassette!
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