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Everything posted by StickyDBRmf

  1. Get a bassist from Basschat to replace guitarist. Get a bassist from Basschat to replace drummer. Rename band "Joined At The Head". (old name of band w/ 4 bassists-you can use it). Problem Solved!
  2. Not The Hoople? This might be fun... No.
  3. Thrashed a P-bass w/ a Mighty Mite ebony fretless neck & DiMarzio pu back in the eighties. All of The Above get my vote.
  4. I miss my Yamahaha Patitucci 6-string bass. At the time I had a Pedulla 5 string fretless w/ high C so it was my first LOW B bass. And the neck was as flat as the Stick. Totally different approach to playing the bass
  5. I bought my first Chapman Stick after hearing Tony Levin play one. To this day I do not sound like Tony Levin when I play the Stick, OR the bass. But I sound like me and seeing King Crimson was inspiring every time. BTW I was cooking at Roxy & Dukes Roadhouse in Dunellen NJ when Adrian Belew played there. After the gig (and after he ate my chili) I introduced myself as a Stickist and if he ever wanted to get together and play "I promise I won't play Elephant Talk". He cracked up. T.L. also played there w/ Stickmen and they were the loudest band I ever heard (R&Ds has a great soundsystem)
  6. There's a lot of great obscure Led Zeppelin. Like what ever they didn't perform live.
  7. Well, yeah. He's getting a little older and getting around w/ a cane but he's still in the shop every day and he (or his daughter) do the "fine tuning" (I think he still makes sure even if Grace sets it up). So, again, Stick Enterprises is in good hands, and The Sticks are all his children.
  8. Jimi Hendrix had to light his guitar on fire because he was following Pete Townshend on stage at Monterey (he warned Pete) He didn't have to do that at Woodstock. They both can play the guitar pretty good. There are a lot of people out there with basses and guitars who can play really fast and pop and slap and Joe Random goes, "Whoo" but it gets old quick. One note. That's all it takes to give me the shivvers...
  9. Mark Knophler did the soundtrack to "Princess Bride" One of my most favourite movies EVER and a beautiful soundtrack to boot.
  10. Mill/Flour. Good one.
  11. My Chapman Sticks were set up and played by Emmett Chapman himself before shuttling out the door to my abode. Knowing the Inventor and Luthier himself had it in his hands is a metaphysical "intention" to me (being a recovering alcoholic/addict and grasping for every spiritual straw I can grab on to) but I still have to PLAY THE DAMN THINGS to find the nuances inherent in it's design. So other than a nice instrument with a good set-up...
  12. Only time I slap a bass is when he wont let me take the hook out of his mouth. Sorry. It seems most of my fb friends are on the fish ponds these days and I get blank stares when I mention the other type of bass. That's why most of my fb friends these days are Stickists.
  13. NO! (yes) It was for historical perspective! As wont of a 3 page post gone slightly off the Kilt(here) so as I might add: 3 musicians Sober (that means also too no weed or whatever they're calling it these days) I'm here in Jersey (New) looking for a couple a corrigible blokes, young (to haul my equipment) drummer, and either a guitarist or synth player that knows how to go off the edge. No experience necessary other than noise complaints.
  14. Figures I have to find out about a band from Jersey from Supernaut. But. Better than Springsteen&Bongovi.
  15. "You know I need a small vacation..." It has nothing to do with the lyrics, altought I scream them at the top of my lungs. When I heard "Weasels Ripped My Flesh" the first time I wondered how long they had gone on before :Thank you for coming: A girl came up to me and said my bass solo made her want to "Go to the bathroom". I still don't know if she was dissing or complimenting. REACTION.
  16. I stir a little tin foil in a Pyrex jar with a little bleach and vinegar drop a few pennies in get the same results as a VoxAC 30 so yeah upgrades great. Doesn't seem to work for the 18" sim tho. .
  17. Good name for a band
  18. No one expects The Spanish Inquisition
  19. Oh Jeez. Let's get on w/ the "eclectic tastes" topic. So, being from NEW JERSEY USA, I can't stand the likes of BonJovi or Bruce Springsteen. Now. Full disclosioure. The woman I am dating is the daughter of the gym teacher that taught J Bongiovi (real spelling back in Sayreville NJ) and mentions him in a song (Hey Coach T., I finally cut my hair) I admire the man&band but his music SUCKS, Same w/ Bruce. ( I went out w/ a girl that was enamored w/ the bastard 'cause he says WENDY 3 TIMES in BTR-her name was Wendy and he didn't know who she was) But I admire Bruce Springsteen. Just can't stand the music. Really. REALLY. I have tried. Watched the EPIC P.ERFORMANCES. WITH THE HAT. DON'T GET IT.
  20. Up, Up and Away - The 5th Dimension
  21. Daniel J. Levitin - "This is Your Brain On Music" - musician, recording engineer, neuroscientist - great read, again and again. I am 63 and "like what I like", no rhyme, reason, or purpose. Some stuff I used to like bores me to death, and some I can listen to forever. Today. Maybe not tomorrow. Went to Berklee College of Music and was immediately put-off w/ the academia because they didn't seem to to get on w/ Dolphy, Monk, Don Ellis and Frank Zappa. Of course in middle school I was in a band doing Black Sabbath and Yes. Now F.Z. bores me except for music from Burnt Weenie to One Size. And I didn't even get to see him live until after Zoot Allures. So go figure. All I listen to is college stations on the radio while shopping for groceries. I like bands w/ female singers. I like the music I make up ( I wouldn't call them "songs" because nothing is complete and available for download) but they live in my head and they're funky and danceable. So eclectic. And QUITE NARROW. Today at least. The Wichita Lineman brings me to tears and stops me in my tracks. We had it in the jukebox@ the restaurant I had the staff would put it on if I was having a meltdown. Music. Go figure.
  22. This has been driving me crazy on my studio monitors (the only one I can actually see) and esp. the "tweeters". I use canned air and what's called "chip brushes" (cheap animal fur brushes) here in the States, on most everything (knobs, strings) but skared shasta-less about those tweeters. Off to the cosmetics, then. (no glam-rock experience, although did open for the NY Dolls)
  23. A rock (or anything else) cover band is a dangerous thing. There is the passionate musician that lives for the experience no matter what and the chap/chapess who thinks it 's a good idea until it clashes with the decor. I watched "Bohemian Rhapsody" last nite w/ my g.f. who is 36 and I am 63. She sings. Very well I might add. She was born the month after LiveAid. I was cooking in the hottest summer in Baltimore MD, and opened my own restraurant in October. ('85). The whole Freddy Mercury thing is a tradgedy but I have many friends that died during "not knowing what is killing us". But there's a point in the movie where Freddie addresses the band and says, " WTF?" So yeah.
  24. Once again facetiousness flies deftly above the heads...
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