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Everything posted by StickyDBRmf

  1. hahaha....I like it. I'd like to see if it was playable (maybe that's why Trevor says it the worst). But only if I saw it hanging in a shop w/ a $30 price tag!
  2. I would sell my back catalogue right now if I had one even if they used the music to sell sheep dip, I need a new set of strings
  3. How did they find them in quarintine?
  4. Chris Squire. (although solo'ed tracks sound so tinny) John Wetton with King Crimson (especially live, what command of tone and amp) Don't Stop Believin' - Journey (and I REALLY hate that band)
  5. Japan Live
  6. I'm doing a "i'm not reading the whole post" thing - I had a Jazz Bass because I couldn't afford a Rick and I played like Squire, Wetton, Clarke, Graham, and held my own on jazz standards. The only thing I couldn't do, I wound up w/ a fretless P bass and played all the above and managed 80's style bands and got my jollys off doing Wobble and Percy too.
  7. Thank You!!!
  8. Thumbs up! (couldn't help myself) Anyway, less is more. Always has been, always will be.
  9. What does IIRC mean?
  10. Jacob Raagaard - Oblivian, or anything else on his Weissenborn. I still have a problem with posting stuff he's on Candy Rat Records on Youtube. Acoustic guitar is inspiring me right now, trying to incorporate tonalities to my Dual Bass Reciprocal Stick. Yes, it has a very high range despite it's name
  11. The best thing that ever happened to me was being in a band where the two guitarists were better than me and they said "sell the Fender Mustang and get a Jazz Bass". It doesn't work for everyone but I found my calling in the subterranean. Although if you can't play guitar because you got no riddem, you might as well work in a gas station...
  12. Blue Monk - Thelonious Sphere Monk
  13. Do you have any musician friends out there in Tenessee that know about stringed instruments? Pawn shops are great-if you know what a solid playable instrument is thatcan be set up proper. I mean, I've set up MANY instruments for nuthin'...just happy to give a novice a playable instrument before he did or bought something stupid. I know Covid situation is tricky right now, be careful, be smart, etc. But a used Squire, Ibanez, ESP, is gonna be for the most part, a quality instrument you can work with/learn on. If it feels good, that's the most important thing, if it plays in tune, the rest (look at the arsenals some of us have) will come later. Get yerself a playable instrument and take some lessons
  14. Thankfully it's also my favorite Christmas Song (now I don't hafta post) and only Christmas Song I know on Stick - Christmastime Is Here - Vince Guaraldi Trio
  15. Early Brand X. Love the period fretless.
  16. Operator - Jim Croce
  17. I think the U.S. should look in to The Moderator Party
  18. Pretty hip
  19. Well that was something.
  20. A bucketful of odd. Man, I gotta remember that...
  21. HA! Sleeper Alert! Great rendition, GREAT TUNE (TOON), Great Composer, the whole album is bitchin', and yes, I remember the first time it was on and watch it every year! And it's the only Christmas tune I know on Stick.
  22. What's a Morrissey?...Oh. What's a Smiths?...
  23. That is really cool. I can't wait to see it on MTV. I'll be watching on my triangular viewscreen.
  24. Handel's Messiah. Love the period horns.
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