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Everything posted by StickyDBRmf

  1. Nothing about the post or the playing, but was reminded of ONE of my favourite quotes from This Is Spinal Tap: "There's such a fine line between 'stupid' and 'clever'."
  2. Wrong Tall Sally (couldn't help myself)
  3. No one was asking for pop covers? I'm suprised (and encouraged) I checked out your site. Nice.
  4. Wow I never thought of that thanks guys!
  5. You sound like Robert Fripp! (to a yank). We try not to exchange, but my g.f. does spring for the occasional set of Stick strings ($66US) and she hand-painted a guitar strap for the pawnshop Squire Strat I picked up on my birthday a few years ago. Anyway we're telling the nieces and nephews Santa didn't make it thru the first wave of COVID...
  6. Dual Bass Reciprocal 12 strings on the Stick is fine for me. Some for this hand, some for that hand. All reachable with either hand. HooYaa
  7. Ah there are so many gems. Hafta give the Captain some: Standing there bubblin' like an open cola in the sun Back is achin', work is never done She's swingin' a sponge on the end of a string Right on the brink She spills the ink Down the sink. She's. Not. Bad. She's just genetically mean. Don't you wish you never met her Dirty. Blue. Gene. Don Van Vliet
  8. Nothing worse than a bass geek talking geek hifi. I won't even go into it (except for the time I incorporated my Gauss/BagEnd 18" sub into the house system - hard to keep the turntable from skipping w/ that one)
  9. I'm A Man (any version, but I'm partial to Terry Kath & CTA)
  10. I quit my own band after the guitarist, drummer, and keyboardist had quit and come back at various times. For a moment. Then I rejoined. It was a political statement. They never could have got on without me.
  11. My buddy saw PiL in NYC somewhere. It's the "famous" one where there's a screen up, some Prophet5 noodling and John Lydon saying, "Did ya get your money's worth?" Oh, well...
  12. One of these days I'm gonna get a "Orange Squeezer" kit and build the Tony Levin Sound. Sorry, I like Super-Squash
  13. Weasels Ripped My Flesh from the same - Zappa. Always cracks me up when he says "Goodnight, Boys and Girls..."
  14. I can't read all of this, but Beedster, do you realize Geddy Lee was EXTREMELY influenced by Chris Squire? And all the high singing is Chris, above Jon.
  15. Three pages in, no mention of "groove".
  16. You, You, You! Was(Not Was)
  17. That's mostly what it does...
  18. I never used the word "donkey"
  19. Beach Boys Let's Go Away For Awhile. Pink Floyd The Wall (could also Be a Trump Song but IT DIDN"T WORK, DID IT, DONNY?)
  20. Haha! Double albums AND I saw the show: Topographic Oceans - I was tripping my donkey off and they OPENED with the complete Close To The Edge. So that was a million hours of Yes and me having a Spiritual Experience. T.O's was STILL TOO LONG when I came down. (but the good parts were still good, I think I wrecked the vinyl after that) And they kept editing that down in live performance. The Wall. Over Blown. I had Mezzanine 1st row@ Nassau Colliseaum (right where the plane hit The Wall, turns out). Interesting to see live, considering there was a Fake Pink Floyd band and a Nazi Rally at the other end of The Colliseum, and they brought out The Inflatable Pig for No Reason. But, Boring, Boring, Boring, Double Album with Too Much Waters and Not Enough Pink Floyd. And Joe's Garage Sucks except for when Frank Shuts Up and Plays His Guitar. Sorry F.Z. fans he ran outa fun a long time before that.
  21. It's so different from when I was 11 and starting on guitar. Gee Wiz let him look around on YouTube and find what he likes, but as an online educator and having print material available I would say Rick Beato & his Beato Book. He's got a 12yr. old kid learning guitar I hope the kid realizes how cool his Dad is. (his name is Dylan for cryin' out loud...)
  22. I have to admit my "bass hand" is the slow hand I set it up w/ the left and finish it off w/ the right. My right hand is much more proficient. But yeah, I pick up a bass and I rip...(my fingers to a bloody mess 'cause I have no calluses)
  23. I don't believe I have ever owned a bass-specific pedai and I have been playing since 1973. My wah-wahs have always been Morleys because of the range. Twiddling with the knobs is always necessary. I'm currently using a Line6 PODX3 so that gives me the ability to "blend" because I can run two signal chains in parallel. But more than not I have an effect "full-on". It's always a matter of personal taste on how much I want an effect. Your cheapest option would be to keep the M13 and try a blend pedal or cheap mixer - whichever you can find. Keep experimenting with what you have though.
  24. I go to the salon they do my toenails too. (sorry, couldn't help myself)
  25. Trey Gunn plays his Warr on his lap 'cause his back is shot ('cause he switched from Stick to Warr)
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