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Everything posted by Woodwind

  1. I suspect some of the laid off employees may start their own version of Bandcamp in time. We'll see whether it (if and when) or any of the existing alternatives (I don't know of any) provide an adequate new home to bandcamp.
  2. It may be a good thing. The press release implies you'll be able to put your music forward for sync opportunities, but how this would work in reality is beyond me. I like bandcamp a great deal, but the way users engage with it is changing. As my sales dwindle, my complete plays increase massively, so it seems more people are using it as a streaming service.
  3. It won't be getting anywhere near hot enough to anneal the steel, but it will be tempering the metal to some degree and maybe it's this that is helping rejuvenate the string?
  4. Instagram is my primary means of promoting my live shows and releases. Over the 9 years I've been using it it has proved to be incredibly useful. It has changed/evolved over that time and how people interact with my profile has also changed, but it has outclassed useful engagement on any other social network I've tried. I don't think I'd relish starting from scratch now though.
  5. Thank you so much for posting this. I promised myself that I'd work on my sight reading recently so this is a great reminder to get going. I jumped straight in with this video - They are good exercises!
  6. I couldn't agree more. Absolutely unacceptable, complete amateur hour. I know we all make music for a variety of reasons, but if you're in a cover band and want ongoing paying gigs then what happens between songs is as important as the songs themselves imo. Good luck getting them to stop.
  7. Other than this festival Where can I hear your music?
  8. Interesting that his name is on the poster behind the TV presenter at the begining of the OP's video
  9. Some party trick indeed! No video edit, you can see the switch at 2:34 There are other videos of Karl playing bass with Nina dotted around youtube, but I don't know if he does the switch in those
  10. It's either A or D for me. Figure of 8 gives me the creeps somehow and anyone doing the elbow/hand wrap should have all their cables confiscated.
  11. As someone that has had a very unusual musical journey (and hope it continues to surprise me) I've enjoyed reading through this thread. All the best with your BA show. On a slight tangent - apologies if I missed it if it was mentioned earlier, do you tune your bass guitar in 5ths? When I was looking for a new way to write and wanted to distance myself from the double bass (which I'd been forced to stope due to injury), I started tuning my bass guitar in 5ths an octave below the cello.
  12. I think you're absolutely right. Tinnitus can fool the brain so it interprets stimuli in a different way (apparently, based on what I've read). There's no reason this wouldn't be the case with other causes.
  13. I Suffer from tinnitus and want to do everything I can to make sure it doesn't get worse. I use hearing protection exhaustively. For My day job I use Quies foam 35db plugs (the best foam ones I have found in 20 years ) which go in as soon as I arrive in the workshop and I wear 3M ear defenders over the top when I'm using any of the machines (lathe, linisher, bandsaw etc etc). For social engagements I use the same Quies plugs maybe moving to ACS 15 plugs. These usually serve to make hearing people easier, rather than protect against noise. One of the worst effects of tinnitus for me has been the cognitive aspect of hearing (how the brain interprets and filters sounds we are "listening" to verses those we just hear. There is lots written on the topic). In a noisy bar I can follow someone talking across the room, but can't hear a word my friend standing next to me is saying. The ear plugs address this nicely. For music performance the ACS ER 15s go in before soundcheck and depending on volumes and stage monitoring I may then go up a league to my custom molded ACS 21db. My ideal is to have monitoring at a level where I don't need to perform in plugs, but proximity to the PA and size of venue will have a bearing on this so I might need plugs. The sight of them dangling round my neck has often drawn comments from people looking at my gug photos 🤣
  14. Thanks everyone for the help and tips, cheers Thomas
  15. Yup one of my pedals is 0.7amps I believe.
  16. As per the title I'm looking for help from those that know on what gauge power cable to use with effects pedals running at 9v drawing approximately 1amp. I want to make some custom cables (length and aesthetics) to go from my power block and was worried that 0.5mm mains power cable might not be the best option? I suspect I'm worrying about nothing as the gauge of effects power cables I have cut open in the past varies wildly. Thanks for any pointers.
  17. Oooh I really like that!!
  18. Well normally I'm spitting nails about the sponsored posts that show up on my Instagram feed, but this evening I get a post from BassBros. A Fender Long Horn Jazz - https://bassbros.co.uk/product/1989-fender-longhorn-jazz-bass/ Coming from my ignorant point of view I have never heard of this model before. I'm not a Fender fan, at all, but there was something about this body shape that really appealed. Almost a subtle cartoonish exaggeration of a jazz shape. Any long horn players here?
  19. A few days late - I had a show in Edinburgh on Friday. Initially planned as a double bill of Glasgow then Edinburgh, the logistics didn't work out so it was just the one city. Absolute breeze of a journey from London. I didn't realise it was so quick on the train! Lovely intimate venue, really attentive and up for it crowd, wonderful feedback from the set and sold all my merch. Can't wait to get back to Scotland to promote my next release at the end of the year. Glasgow next time for sure, but my sights are also on Aberdeen.
  20. cheers!!!
  21. Where did you buy this DGBass? Looks really neat
  22. The/your problem is not your eq per se. If all your bandmates stopped playing you'd be able to hear yourself regardless of how your eq is set. you'd still be able to hear your self if you turned your volume down by half. In fact you'd still hear yourself if you turned off your amp altogether. My guess, based on having no idea what your band is, is that your guitarist(s) have waaaaay too much low end in their sound. if they took this out, (good luck suggesting this) you would have so much more bandwidth to fill the low end yourself and fit in and around the drums much more satisfyingly and as a result your drummer will have a nicer time and may well be able to play quieter or with greater dynamic swing. I've been in this exact situation in bands before. Having had to boost mid eq (regardless of the bass I was using) and still only just being able to hear my attack. Upon inspecting the guitarists amp the bass knob was always maxed, producing a huge amount of low end that in reality I couldn't "compete" with. Have a chat with your guitarist about what they can do for their eq FOR THE BAND (a lot of guitarists struggle with this) and see kf you can sculpt a band sound everyone is happy with. Good luck!
  23. whoops I completely overlooked your dimensions in your post. If you had it sideways, ie 71cm front to back on the seat it would fit, but would be pressed on the seat in front.
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