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Everything posted by Woodwind

  1. This is absolutely superb!! May I ask some obligatory annoying questions? How much did the Faital speaker cost? Would it be possible to have a playing video to gauge sound levels? Once again, absolutely superb work and a real inspiration, thank you
  2. Any idea of the weight? I'm weighing up how feasible this is to bring back on the train from Margate.
  3. Subscribing to this as I would be interested to know as well Out of interest what draws you to Hartke speakers? I have a soft spot for Hartke as I was an ardent user in the late 90's early 2000's, but sold my rig once my performance needs changed. I've just had a look at the HL112 cabinet and nothing in the (limited) information from Hartke jumps out as exceptional. Due to how limited the information is I can't really see what the difference is between the older HD112 other than it seems to be ~2kg lighter. Maybe that is the only difference? The HD112 goes for about £350 new so wonder what the HL112 will be priced at?
  4. I use my double4 to boost my contrabassoon at all my gigs. That goes to Bb, a semitone lower than a five string, before I've added any effects and it handles it perfectly. The double4 and the Bass Cub are really fantastic combos. I'd love to try the new bass cub pro as well, which is a serious step up in volume capability over the original cub due to being able to run an extra speaker cab. Arguably there are no better tiny combos, but whether they are worth the expenditure is up to you. ie the same money would buy you a bigger, but louder amp or you could get something of a similar size, but less refined for a lot less.
  5. Happy new year everyone, I'm looking for recommendations on PA hire companies in London, yes I know how to use Google, but as always like the feedback of users here 😀 I'm looking to get prices/quotes for a pair of 12", full range PA tops with possibly a sub (doesn't need to be super loud) Cheers
  6. These are superb amps. My friend had the Sunn 300t (which I understand is identical) in the early 2000's. It was undeniably impressive when I heard it and then he asked me to help move it.... Let us know what the up-rated power tubes through that 18" sound like (I'm guessing righteous)
  7. This subject has been done to death over and over, but I'll answer with no tongue in cheek. I need as small a cabinet(s) as possible for my live shows, both for transport and aesthetic reasons. I became a convert to using 8" speakers after making a DIY cab when I played double bass. I've since gone smaller and use phil Jones equipment with 5" and 4" speakers and can't really imagine using anything else now. If I had the guarantee of enough of the right shows this year my top tip (for myself) would be to augment my Phil Jones Double4's with a Cub Pro BG120 combo and C4 extension cabinet.
  8. Damn. wrong time of the wrong year. Always wanted one of these. 15kg and a great sound. GLWTS
  9. I really like the vibe of this. It's absolutely ridiculous and as has been stated will pose various amplification problem, but I can't wait to see a prototype.
  10. I bet you my Ray34 sounds different to yours, even if I put your strings on 😎 The differences you're hearing are very likely from the electronics, but I don't doubt the neck will have some effect.
  11. I think what he was saying was for the DI signal he took it straight from Seans own DI box. He didn't route that signal through anything else (compressor, channel strip etc etc).
  12. Cheers Clarky. Considering that's being purchased from a shop that doesn't sound too bad.
  13. That's great. I love the look of the one pick-up Wals. I missed the posting before it went in hold. what was it priced at?
  14. just did a quick quote - 49quid for solo performer. I would want to know that would extend for PLI cover for workshops in addition to gigs so will drop them a line. Thanks for the heads-up! I will definitely put your referral in if I insure with them
  15. Understood and I agree. I'm looking at arranging more of my own shows and use less conventional venues. I have looked at one off cover for these before and may go that route again. I'm not allowed to join the MU again (according to correspondence from them 12 years ago) 🤣 so although they would be a natural choice, I may have to explore other avenues
  16. Can you do without a windows machine? Well that depends, but I have never owned a windows machine and have been using Macs as a primary computing system, professionally and domestically for 25 years. A Mac Mini is a very different beast to an Ipad, don't be put off running OS12 by the frustrating experience of iOS (I hate ios and don't use any devices that run it).
  17. Quite a few venues I'm being booked for now ask for performers to have their own 3rd party cover. I am a little taken aback by this frankly, but can see this situation only becoming more common. In this setting I can imagine an audience member tripping over something etc In terms of the workshops and mentoring I do, again it's quite often specified on the contract that I have "relevant 3rd party insurance". Again I can only assume this is to cover physical harm to attendees related to my equipment etc. Despite all risk assessments being made (I always do these whether a venue asks for them or not and have them archived on a page on my website) I know freak accidents can occur. More pressingly I don't want to be refused payment for not having insurance.
  18. I know the topic of insurance crops up every so often, so I thought I'd start a new thread for updated info'. I'm looking to obtain third party insurance for my performances and workshops I run. What insurance companies is anyone on here using for their groups etc and what is covered in the policy? Many thanks for pointers and help,
  19. for the moment don't worry about numbers on a dial, but how loud are the two cabs sounding when the clip light engages? The thought of two big babys running when an amp is clipping terrifies me volume wise. Is the sound distorted or cracking? Have you got a lot of bass boost going on in the eq of your helix? It might be that with whatever eq you are running you have hit the maximum of what that power amp can deliver. If you just run one speaker cab with the amp settings in the same place how much of a volume reduction is there?
  20. I'm a bit of a phil jones fanboi to be honest. I love the sound and aesthetic. I discovered them while I was still playing the double bass and have stayed with them for amplifying my woodwind instruments. If I had the money I'd already be using a third double4 for this sort of playing environment and I really like your idea of using a C4 as a sub!
  21. I think I'll try at a rehearsal space just using a powered PA cab on the sub output. As I said to Bill above the effect is noticeable even on monitors. However I could well believe a domestic sub won't be worth experimenting with, so thank you for that pointer. Normally I play in venues with PA systems where the moments when the sub pedal comes in are glorious, but this run of shows are very much in a chamber music vein. I'd like to retain the musical aspect of the octave down coming in, but I could probably lose the "air sucked out of the room" that proper sub array delivers. Cheers Thomas
  22. Thanks Bill. I only use my Hulk pedal at specific points in the music. The effect is noticeable even on my monitor speakers and I would like to recreate this if possible live, but yes it won't be the same as a full on PA supported performance.
  23. Wow!!!!
  24. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I absolutely love this bass!!!
  25. One for PA owners I guess or those that work in sound etc I have quite specific amplification needs for my upcoming shows. They'll be electroacoustic, in-the-round performances in reasonably intimate spaces (20-70 capacity). Speakers set up spatially rather than backline. I have my acoustic instrument and a Phil Jones double4 for my effects, another Double4 for tonal samples and another amp for drum samples. I have a dedicated sub signal from my Mantic Hulk that when in conventional stage/audience PA based spaces has it's own channel in the mixer. However there is no PA for my new, quieter shows so I'll need a small sub. I'm looking at powered speakers. As these are quiet shows it's entirely possible a regular powered PA speaker would be enough for these extra lows when they occur, but I thought I'd ask here if anyone has experience with small Subs. I'm looking at borrowing a domestic HI-Fi sub to see if it's powerful enough, otherwise I'd be hiring something. It needs to be small for transport purposes. Thanks in advance for any pointers.
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