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Everything posted by Stippy

  1. That's great, appreciate your help, that's give me something to play with.....now where did I put that 5 string...!?
  2. Hi, Fairly nooby player so forgive me...! To cut a very long & boring story short, I'm basically after a bass tab for the song Telescope sung by Harden Panetierre (from the show Nashville)... I can't find it anywhere & need to learn it as a surprise for someone...if anyone can help, I'd greatly appreciate it...
  3. Was also at the Gaumont, around a similar time when Budgie supported Uriah Heep. Budgie were SO good and blew everyone away that the Heep were bottled to get Budgie back on...didn't go down well with old Mick !
  4. 28th May 1978 - Ipswich Gaumont (as it was then!) We were in town on the Saturday afternoon - 27th - and did our usual stroll up to the Gaumont to see what was on and upcoming - these were the days before the internet, get tickets on the door the same day or day before for about a fiver...!...so who was playing....the next night it was Black Sabbath ! - Hmmm, worth a visit BUT it was a school night!, a few of us were skint etc....after much debate and promises of loans, it was still dodgy...."Tell you what", Keith says, "shall we decide when we find out who's supporting...?"..."Yeah O.K." came the call.... After a bit of scratching about we found out it was a band called...Van Halen "Never heard of them....let's not bother then...!" We walked away, the rest is history...!
  5. Blimey, Good Luck to him, thought I was old at 55 ..!
  6. Nightflight still one of favourites...great voice, great bass, wish him well...
  7. Totally agree - hence why I quoted them on the Bands You've Seen thread....Budgie supported Uriah Heep and they blew them away...I concur young man...
  8. Thinking about it now, may have Wembley Arena !...either of those - so boring my mind has nearly wiped it..!
  9. First concert - Hawkwind - Ipswich - circa 1978 Last concert - Bloodstock Festival - Judas Priest/Nightwish etc. -2018 Best concert - Rush - O2 - 2013 Worst concert - Phil Collins - O2 - 1990's (fell asleep!) Loudest concert - Motorhead Bomber Tour - Ipswich - 1980ish Seen the most - Rush Most surprising - Budgie supporting Uriah Heep (Budgie awesome) Next concert - Not known.. Wish I would have seen - Led Zeppelin
  10. What's the matter with everyone....??! The master...
  11. Saw Rush for the first time at Wembley Arena on the Roll The Bones Tour - knew they were always fussy about sound etc. but got worried when Primus came on ! The buzz and general sound was atrocious, all overdriven bass and not much else...however all was well as just before Rush came on the buzz from the PA went right down and it was probably the best sound I've ever heard from a live arena sound - they didn't disappoint, as they never have since I first heard 2112 when I was 11..! God's as far as I'm concerned... Never forget on this day, we passed an open fire door at the side of the building and heard Neil sound checking on the kit...The Master ...RIP...
  12. Good advice...I'll do that...just easier to buy than it is learn to play but all the gear in the world isn't going to teach you ! Thanks all...
  13. Love the jazz bit, never quite worked it out..always wondered why the musicians all play a different song at once... Too late for not contracting GAS..got the SR300 as it was recommended as a starter but was toying with a Jazz bass at the time, still keep looking at them! - Geddy fan so a jazz and his Tech 21 pedal keeps calling..! BUT I MUST LEARN TO PLAY FIRST !..did the same when I started Clay Shooting - "all the gear, no idea" but caught up on that one..hoping to do the same with this.. Trying to learn a few basic lines to keep the interest, Every Day by Steve Hackett at the mo, doesn't seem to be too and love the song.. Addictive, wish I'd started years ago !
  14. Thanks cgull, hadn't come across this one...obviously worked for you so will investigate thoroughly...gigging too, impressed ! Appreciate it...
  15. Rush have the one constant in my life for 43 years, Neil my God and Idol, devastated....
  16. Hi Pete, Great info, thanks, will check out the tutors, I think it's the way to go, I just don't seem to make the time unless I have an appointment ! Not quite up to jamming yet but may sneak in under cover to get a preview...!
  17. Thanks, Frank, if you could give me his/her number, that would be great...not quite ready to take the plunge but will certainly be looking to start soon....
  18. That was my point, probably didn't put it too well, apologies...you're completely right about the glue thing, it's not fully appreciated what the back row boys do, also an odd part of the attraction too, as I've never been one to show off or feel the need to prance about. Happy in the background doing the real work ! Take your point on the playing also, probably won't be jumping on a stage anytime soon - I do have a friend who's 2 sons are in a death/thrash metal band, 1 play's bass so may be try to angle in on some of their practice sessions, at some point, although not particularly into the growly vocals type stuff ! It's not too technical either so may be a way to pick up some extra stuff !
  19. Thanks, Geek99, I'm from inside the Big I !!.. You bring up a valid point, I can see the attraction of your experience, as it's was recommended to me to play with others as soon as possible, although on the other side of the coin, I was also told to get a tutor that teaches bass specifically as others tend to teach guitar with bass as a 'sideline' and maybe not as good....interesting...!
  20. Hi to all... I've been into rock/metal/any other music all my life, tried the guitar(strange 6 string thingy type) a few times, couldn't get into it....suddenly realised after too many years that my interest was in the bottom end.. So at 53, decided to try it !!....bought an Ibanez SR300, as recommended as a starter bass, and the rest is history...so only one question from me to all the pro's and previous learners..What's the best way to learn, please ?? Thanks People...
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