There weren’t many people I’d have sold my (then) 25 year old greenburst Status Series one bass too after all we’d been through together …but Nick nagged me for so long I eventually gave in !
About 18 months later he told me he’d let it go to a student of his,and did I want to buy it back ?I did of course,and Nick arranged for me to meet the lad in a cafe in Sheffield.Same price as I sold it for ..and that was the measure of the man.
Lost count of the number of chats we had,running prices and ideas past each other….nudging each other in the ribs at picking up a “bass bargain.”
He phoned me a short while back to
meet up for a local (to me) Genesis connected gig,and unfortunately I couldn’t make it…..
Nick,you were just a lovely guy and a great musician who had a precious gift of being able to bring people together.
Rest in peace my friend .