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Everything posted by slapmonsta

  1. Crikey-there's some right misreable,moaning music shop facists on here! You may not like the way that Nige+co plays,but then so what?I know for a fact and first hand observation (having known him for over 20 years) that Nige has inspired young bassists to pick up an instrument and learn to play. -how many of the purist "it's all a rattling noise and you can't use it in a track" whingers on this thread can honestly say that? Why get all pious and "holier than thou purist" about someone playing a bass in a style or manner you don't like?Who cares? Just walk on by-and leave the snide digs about a guy who's not only a top man (but also a great fingerstyle player) at home. Nige is well known for what he does-as are the likes of Lemmy and Chris Wolstenholme. If I attended a trade show no way would I stand there moaning that there "wasn't enough jazz" from Chris,or that "Lemmy didn't play any slap-I'm sick of that fuzz nonesense-it's just not real bass,man." No I wouldn't.I'd simply accept it as part of the rich tapesty of musical styles-but not to my taste.
  2. Hi, Looking to sell the original maple neck from my less than 6 months old Squire 60's vibe jazz...it's 34" scale,in perfect condition,Rosewood board complete with Fender/Squier original tuners/string guides. Would suit anyone doing a "custom Jazz" project. I've removed the stick-on led's as I'm going to use them on another bass-so it's [b]neck and tuners only for sale.[/b] I just need to move it on so I'm looking for £60 plus postage. [attachment=33832:IMG00048.jpg][attachment=33833:IMG00049.jpg][attachment=33834:IMG00053.jpg][attach ment=33835:IMG00053.jpg][attachment=33836:IMG00052.jpg] Sorry about the less than fantastic Blackberry pics-but I suspect you'll get the idea. Cheers!
  3. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='542830' date='Jul 17 2009, 02:13 AM']That is a proper Status, not like the wishy-washy toned-down things they make now. This is before they realised that people had taste and wouldn't buy futuristic guitars. I've never liked them but y'know, if you're going to do it, do it like you mean it. [/quote] Hmm....I'd say the current "Streamline" model or Kingbass MK1 is even more "futuristic" than any of the earlier stuff....and they sure do sell....hence the four month waiting list from Rob for a new one... I guess i'ts all about opinions but that post really does read like someone who's never even seen the current Status line,let alone played or owned one...
  4. [quote name='doghouse' post='527869' date='Jun 29 2009, 04:25 PM']any offers on 1x12 last of my markbass gear[/quote] PM'd
  5. Get this baby, chuck in an East retro-J preamp and you have an absolute gorgeous-looking tone monster for well under £500.I've said it before but I honestly think that in ten years these basses are going to be as sought after and regarded in the same way as 80's Jap Squires are now.
  6. Decent price for a great bass. Status no longer make a "direct" equivalent to this but the "low end" bolt-on neck S2 classic now retails for over £1400.....most current Statii (S2,original Kingbass,Stealth etc.)have soapbar pickups and 3 band eq with sweep control. Interestingly,the new KBmk2 has Jazz pickups......having had an S2 and two Kingbasses I find the Jazz pickups with the fixed frequency bass/treble stack knob circuit (as on this matrix)a little "warmer." Jeez-you'll have me buying it next....if it was the Blueburst Series 1(my holy grail) I'd have bitten your leg off,let alone your arm....... Come on someone please put me out of my misery and buy the thing before I do something stupid!!
  7. Lovely bass. I have the S1 thru which is effectively the same bass in design and electronics,but with an Ash body and green-burst finish.As with most Statii,they are fantastically versatile instruments that are capable of handling virtually any playing style-although to my ears,this model is a little less "bright" and a lot warmer-sounding than some of the newer stuff. But swapping a Status for a Warwick....sacrilege! Good luck.
  8. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='517992' date='Jun 18 2009, 11:31 PM']Thanks Lefty! Basically, I'm a child of the 80's - was 11 years old in '82 when I started out playing and being a massive fan of that certain bass player from the Isle of Wight, I kind of got into JD's/Status basses etc etc in a big way. Back in 1997, I co-founded a Yahoo club for Jaydee and I've learned a lot about his basses over the many years I've been a fan! I've owned many such basses, including Mark's famous red Classic bass - the internet has certainly helped John's work - I saw him earlier this week and he has orders for 40 instruments, which equates to two years work! Funnily enough, most of the orders are for guitars! (his version of the SG). Now where's me gaffa tape?[/quote] True Nick.That waiting list is reassuring of quality but at the same time a bloody nuisance! I've had three Jaydees-two MK's and a Roadie 2A. I have to say that as much as I love them,the quality control back in the day did leave a lot to be desired-I'm the same age as you and I was working in retail selling these beasts in the late 80's/early 90's and you had to keep a constant look out for the necks moving. My white Roadie was the best of the bunch-but the fingerboard developed a hairline crack and I had major probs with the neck...so I started my search for a "play it and bag it" bass...then I discovered Status....still the best "pound for pound" gigging bass IMO. At their peak,John was churning out MK's as fast as his team could make them and with all due respect,I think one or two may have been "Friday afternoon" jobs.You still have to be careful when buying second hand as a Jaydee,unlike a Status- is definately a bass that needs to have been kept "looked after." I still think that they are one of the most iconic and distinctive instruments you can buy-hence why I'm looking for a new one. I just got a Hed-Kandi sampler cd of some new album stuff they're releasing on the label and by the sound of the tracks I'd swear that it's 1985 all over again...maybe I'll get a session on my "new" Jaydee..
  9. I thought it was an MK at first too...but the "pointy bit" at the back of the bass is pointier on the G24... BTW-If anyone on here has either a white or cherry Roadie 2A selling for a decent price then let me know....
  10. Bass now sold to Jam. Welcome to the world of utterly playable graphite necks,mate...and a pleasure doing business with you. All the best, Steve.
  11. [quote name='slapmonsta' post='442223' date='Mar 23 2009, 10:33 AM']Monday bump![/quote] Sunday new price bump...
  12. [quote name='slapmonsta' post='439408' date='Mar 19 2009, 04:34 PM']BUMP! [/quote] Monday bump!
  13. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='438767' date='Mar 18 2009, 10:53 PM']Sorry - when I said `core' wood, I was referring to the `wings' - the central section (where the neck is set) is walnut! The accent layer between the facing (looks like a cross between flamed and quilted maple) and mahogany is maple, tinted yellow (mine was very similar!). Yes, I remember the phone call![/quote] The Doctor is indeed, in the house....... Thanks again mate. Steve.
  14. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='438726' date='Mar 18 2009, 10:19 PM']Wow! Looks just like my first ever Status that I bought back in '92 - yes, the core wood is mahogany![/quote] Thanks Nick. Any idea what type of wood the "wings" are?...... I feel ashamed I don't know this,as I originally sold this bass to the guy I bought it off when I worked in an infamous music shop "back in the day..."..yes people,Rob Green once sold his mighty wares through shops!! I was actually picking it up when you 'phoned me about the Kingbass! Best, Steve.
  15. Hi guys, I'm selling my virtually immaculate 90's Status S2,recently acquired but due to the usual reasons way too beautiful to sit in a case not being played....I need to sell this baby,hence the now "stupid" price. 3-band mid-sweep eq,Maple top,Mahogany/Walnut core and wings...graphite thru neck....one tiny buckle ding on the back that you can see in the pic...other than that,pretty much spotless.A top-quality example of a superb instrument. Skb-type case chucked in... [size=5]£750,crazy price!!![/size] Come on,someone.....
  16. [quote name='walplayer' post='403610' date='Feb 8 2009, 06:28 PM']Cheers for the info guys, Just looked on the Status site,looks same as a series 2 classic bolt on they have on there (in ash)but with wood neck instead of graphite. But If it's a series one maybe £470 is a more reasonable price[/quote] It's from a time when Rob was selling them en masse to shops like ABC and making more"accessible" models with wooden necks.If I'm not mistaken,the necks have graphite rods in them(rather like Lakland do now).I have one of the earlier thru-neck graphite versions and it's still my main bass. Nice basses,but he went back to exclusively using graphite for the necks again not long after. Good luck with the sale.
  17. [quote name='Buzz' post='390587' date='Jan 24 2009, 06:54 PM'][b]Calm down, grab a Tango, it's hardly a vast philosophical question demanding strong answers and emotions. [/b] I occasionally plan "Cant Stop" by the chillies, the intro bass riffage is quite nice as per a normal Flea line.[/quote] Sorry Dad.
  18. Who the hell cares what you play or don't play as long as it's relevant to [b]you[/b]?It doesn't matter if it's a fifteen minute slap solo or the two-note bassline from White Lines...if it's you that's playing it,you that's trying it then buying it then I say don't give a tuppeny toss about what some muso-fascist may or may not think is "too much" or "too little." Just play what [b]YOU[/b] like!!
  19. Thanks,Martin. Commision cheque in the post. I've decided that I'm gonna take her off sale for good this time and beg,borrow and scrape the money together for the S2/Empathy.I've decided to try and catch up with Nick and Rich...... Thanks for the interest guys and I'll post some pics on Statii.com of either when I get it!
  20. Yeah I know Rich...it's just that I got a good deal on it from Thumper and in all honesty I guess I'm just asking more or less what I paid for it.I tend not to muck about so I just go in at the price I want-take it or leave it! Having played it again tonight though I must admit that it's a great instrument that "makes" you play a certain way-a bit like the way certain cars "make" you drive!I had a gig on Saturday that I couldn't really use it on as the tone is very "in your face" and my battle-scarred S1 is my weapon of choice for general work. I actually bought this bass about 5 months ago as a natural replacement for the S1.....I had a standard KB when they first came out and couldn't get on with the 34" scale.IMHO It forces your hand into tiring shapes when playing any length of time in f or f sharp...so I sold that and got this 32" Artist when it came up.I do think that the Artist and standard(bolt-on) models have quite different tones-the standard was an absolute "screamer" compared to this one!I think this is far a better all-round instrument but as you'll agree-not for the faint-hearted! If she doesn't sell by the end of the week I think I'll be keeping her.....for good this time! Regards, Steve.
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