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About Anatonic

  • Birthday February 9

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  1. Forever a lurker, but never a poster... however, I'll add another thumbs up for a Rumble 800 - I've used mine now for the last 5 years across a number of different bands and I rarely go past 70% on the Master, even with a loud drummer in a classic rock covers band... I also have the 212 extension cab, which I did hook up for a couple of gigs that were in larger venues, but it damn well nearly ripped my trousers right off my hairy matchsticks that I decided the combo alone was enough... as such it never gets used. I'm fortunate enough that for larger gigs we always bring in a sound/lighting company anyway, so I typically DI in and use in-ears for those occasions and let FOH deal with the rest (I still get enough punch/feel from the cab behind me) I will say however, that the GAS is strong... I'd love to go the other way back to a beefy ABM rig and large cabs to move some air, but the reality is 95% of the time it wouldn't get used
  2. Rich sold me is MIJ P Bass - and I couldn’t be happier! I arranged a courier and he packed it wonderfully for its trip - arrived safe and sound with not a mark on it. Such a pleasant gent to deal with and thanks again Rich!
  3. This! And leave it on there for a day or two... made one of my Pau Ferro boards look wonderful! Remember it's permanent as well... but I wouldn't hesitate to use it on any PF board in future - I don't like the 'dry' looking colour of it either and this was a godsend!
  4. Beautiful - arrrgghhh the temptation!! Haha
  5. Love reading things like this - and what a beauty she is!
  6. Just simply beautiful instrument... I'm on a strict one-in one-out policy at the moment after a bit of a spree recently, but if I can shift some of my guitar stuff inc. my Gibson Les Paul then I may just be in touch... 🤞
  7. That’s awesome! I’ve ordered from Thomann previously for some PA equip but always thought I was going to get stung post-brexit with other fees / taxes… You’ve now caused me no end of bother as I lose my day to the Thomann website… 😂
  8. Looks absolutely spot on! I played one about 6 months ago now and I'm on the verge of pulling the trigger for it to sit alongside my Chowny - just need to offload a couple of guitars first to appease Mrs A - but equally conscious stock of the JMJ is low everywhere! Think PMT had one left in black recently, but where did you get yours from?
  9. I bought this Les Paul Traditional (2016 model) in Heritage Cherry Sunburst back in early 2017 and it's lived 95% of it's time in it's hard case ever since I picked up playing bass full time in 2017. Case candy all still included - even the factory final inspection photo. I've held onto it in the vain hope that I may one day put more time back into playing guitar, but it's painfully obvious that I need to thin the herd on the guitar front given that I've been eyeing up a few nice basses that I'd like to invest in. Before I go listing on the obvious places elsewhere, I wanted to offer it up here first to the community and see if there is any interest from someone who will look after it and give it the love it needs. I'll even throw in a brand new set of EB Slinky's in the case for the new owner. I'm in no particular rush to sell and have therefore priced at the fair market value having spoken to PMT and Andertons (plus eBay sold listings) - but I would also be open to potential full trades or partial trades + cash my way for something bass guitar related. I'm open to suggestions, and despite my sins, I've a hankering for something on the relic front - JMJ Mustang, Nate Mendel P, Flea Jazz, Limelight / Bravewood P - you get the idea... but feel free to let me know what you have and I can let you know if it's of interest. Based near Didcot in Oxfordshire, but equally happy to travel a reasonable distance to meet up. I do still have my Bassbreaker tube amp for anyone wanting to try prior to taking her away, but this is also up for sale so may go before the guitar does (will update if so).
  10. This is great news! Although I’m a long time lurker, my CHB-1 is the one bass I’ve never moved on since I bought it back in 2017(ish) - I slapped on some Chromes not long after I got it and really enjoy both the flexibility and the shorter scale. It’s not to everyone’s tastes granted but it’s done many a gig and never fails to deliver the goods, whatever the music. Bit of an old video from one of the bands I play in, but here she is - https://www.instagram.com/p/BqNj5RInjAA/ Still tempted by an SWB and more so now… I really hope this goes well for you!
  11. That looks awesome and agreed on the digital front… we run an XR18 and it’s so nice to be able to just throw in an extra mix on an aux if needed. P.S. love your tidy setup + the wireless - how do you find the Shure unit? I’m tempted to upgrade from my old Line6 G75 unit
  12. Super neat and like has already been said, I like this idea of throwing the speaker as a monitor wedge in front of you if predominately going through the PA - looks great! (Two looks even better 😉)
  13. This thread is gold (and has taken a good few hours off my life, but worth it!) Very long story short... seriously considering going the FRFR route... I'm predominantly playing bass these days, but still dabble with guitar now and again, with the wife getting fedup (as am I) of all the gear that sits in my pokey office / music room in the house. I had the delight of playing with a couple of session musicians recently who are touring with ELO / RPJ Band and it really opened my eyes up to going this condensed / practical route - and along with this thread, I think I'm pretty much decided. Originally I was a bit hesitant about selling my guitar amps / gear given my switch to bass, but going FRFR is going to give me the best of both worlds IMO. So I got spoiled trying out a Quad Cortex - and apart from preferring it to the HX Stomp I previously tried, I've just got it in my head now that I can easily satisfy both sides of the coin - having one pedal unit that both my bass and guitars can run into, and straight out to a powered speaker like a K12.2 and to give me all the sounds I need, especially for cover bands etc. I'm also running wireless for IEMs and instruments (either from the PA, or from the pedalboard depending on the gig and whether I'm needed on vocals) so I can really see this working well as a very compact, all-in-one, contained rig that serves both my main band as well as any times I need to rock up as a dep elsewhere and just slot in. As it stands, it means I can potentially get rid of my old Marshall TSL, Fender Bassbreaker and the majority of my pedals on the guitar side, while moving on my Fender Rumble 800 (210 combo) + ext and putting that all towards a decent FRFR speaker and either a HX Stomp or potentially the QC. Any QC owners that are rocking their bass through it? I would say the majority of gigs I've done with the Rumble have no problem being backline without PA support, and so I don't foresee any issues in going this route - but has anyone gigged recently with something like a single K12.2 and found it lacking if not going through the PA for support for FOH? My guess is that around 60% of gigs I do now are usually with significant PA support (i.e. rig is hired in and run by an engineer) with 40% being traditionally smaller gigs where a smaller PA (tops only) is used for vocals / keys. P.S. I'm drooling @danweb22 setup on the previous page... Looks immaculate! Haha
  14. Long time lurker here, but for what it's worth I've been running a Rumble Stage 800 combo for around 3 years now and I've yet to find any situation where it has been unable to keep up with the bands I've been playing in. Admittedly they're not all out rock cover bands, but even on outdoor gigs that don't have PA support (think small-medium pub gardens), it's never needed to go higher than half to two-thirds on the Master. I actually bought the black extension cab to get a really nice vertical 410 and to give me the full 800W at the bigger gigs and I just found myself never using it as I never truly needed it other than for looks / shirt flapping. Also worth noting that I run a pretty wireless setup now, inc IEMs to mainly help with monitoring my vocals however, it's meaning I can run the amp to the right level for the gig - which in some cases is often quieter than I first think once I stand out front playing for soundcheck. I'm on that verge now of staving off the GAS for good and just going the FRFR route to cut down on equipment (I also play/swap to guitar for some gigs and songs) I don't think you'll have any problem 'keeping up' with a 210 - yes you're not going to have bags of headroom and ridiculously thunderous output which you run at 1/8th all the time, but you'll have more than enough for the majority of gigs and you won't be maxing out the Master. Equally, the setup is back forgiving! Even my combo is only just a smidge over 20kg and easy to cart around.
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