Hi all, bought the Trace Transit B last year. There was a problem with the DI output but hopefully will get sorted under warranty; but here is my review:
I mainly use it for at home and tried it with Fender Jazz and Ibanez SR300.
Pros -
The unit is sturdy and robust. Comes with a nice bag, power supply and manual (and sticker if you're a teenager).
Has no noise, which is a must for anything quality, nobody wants to spend extra money on a noise gate.
The Aux In in conjunction with headphones out (for playing along with MP3s ) so no need for an amp, OK for quiet practice and space saving. Not perfect but useful feature.
It has a dry out which I know a lot of peeps will like.
Tuner - works for me.
Compressor - Decent, doesn't compress a huge amounts from what I can tell.
EQ - Good with lots of Mid options to play with, also has a pre / post compression button.
Drive - Has a blend to mix in your overdriven sound, good enough for non hard-core sounds and can easily dial it in to not chew up precious bottom end - Thanks!
Personally I do like the Pre-Shape and is a nice classic Trace Elliot sound, preset type option to have.
The Bass Enhance button adds a LOT of BOOM Bass, never used this option live. I reckon most players won't use this very much.
The top lights for all the settings are overkill (made my Christmas tree look dull). When using on a dark stage you can't see what each knob setting is.
My last point is not necessarily a negative but good to be aware. There is no phantom power, this might be a must for some. Not sure if possible to make these with phantom power?! Playing live you will need a power socket close by.
There are YouTube videos so you can get a feel of the product.