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Everything posted by badgerific

  1. My advice would be to use this PCB: http://musicpcb.com/pcbs/meat-sphere/ and build it with board mount pots and switches to save yourself a massive hassle with offboard wiring. I haven't tried it so I can't say how well it works on bass. Also, I think it's a lovetone product rather than lovepedal
  2. No worries then, hope you can get hold of what you're looking for
  3. Interested in anything in here for it?: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/148499-big-pedal-sale-check-first-post-last-updated-170312-new-things-added/page__view__findpost__p__1322339
  4. I can build you up a little volume box with either just one pot or two pots and footswitch to change between them if you fancy for just over cost price. Drop me a PM if you want me to work out how much it'll be for you
  5. You could just put a passive volume pot in one of these cases: http://www.pedalpartsplus.com/mm5/graphics/00000001/Tap%20Tempo.jpg
  6. If dazaudio changes his mind could I get second dibs please
  7. I'd reccomend these guys http://www.facebook.com/pages/And-the-Rest/127117774055038
  8. I think sending a PM to the OP would be more efficient than bumping two year old threads
  9. Ahh right, I saw orange squeezer on there but didn't check the document column, sorry about that. I'd recommend having a look about for a simple compressor schematic and make yourself a breadboard layout after giving a few a go from that link.
  10. http://www.beavisaudio.com/bboard/projects/ This has a few basic breadboard projects that you can have a go with just to get used to using a breadboard.
  11. Just modified a bad monkey for Ryan and he was a lovely guy to deal with, definitely recommend
  12. [quote name='Bucket Head' timestamp='1327841694' post='1517456'] Ye man it sounds rad, ive got a roland jet phaser as well and i think this one sounds better than that altho thats obviosuly sick aswell. ive been meaning to do a video testing the sounds cos a couple of people have asked. Cheers velvetkev, sick skills on the russian mate. but yea cheers to all for takeing the time to look, ive done a little paint picture marking it all out so its been a bit help, its always useful to know what ur switching ha. thats why this things so big, like a pair of shoes but yea again Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeers all much appreciated!!!!!!! [/quote] Would definitely love to see a video of it, if you ever get chance to make it make sure you post it up here
  13. Thanks a lot I'll try to keep it more organised.
  14. Since the pedal is called a jet phaser I would assume the big writing says jet phaser, and if it is the first switch looks like it chooses between phase and vibrato. Other than that I wouldn't have a clue to even guess. Looks awesome though, does it sound nice?
  15. Cheers for the suggestion. I'm used to not being able to edit posts in the classified section on other forums.
  16. [font=arial, sans-serif]If anyone buys the DMM I'll throw in the spring reverb for free. If someone wants the fuzz face or trem, you can have the reverb for £22 as I'd like to shift some stuff soon if possible [/font]
  17. Just had a look at the demos for the Tracer City, Wow and Flutter and Mini Ark. They all look and sound awesome, cases seem far too big though.
  18. Dunlop's customer services are pretty good in my experience too. Worth asking if the only reason you're selling is because you have no cables.
  19. Sadly not, I've not done anything at that high voltage yet. You'll have to have a look about for a used one I think, sorry about that.
  20. I think I have something that should do that for you. PM me your address and I'll get it sent out to you
  21. Recently did a deal with him for a Woolly Mammoth clone that I built and he was a lovely guy to deal with, I don't hesitate at all to give him my recommendation
  22. That's a good price for a cool pedal shouldn't take too long to sell it. You'd be better off posting it in the classified section here though : http://basschat.co.uk/forum/69-for-sale-effects/
  23. I tried my friends monsterpeice NPN jr the other day and it's one of the nicest fuzz face clones I've tried, £75 is a steal for that and if it's anything like my friend's the hammerite looks much nicer in person than in photos.
  24. I've got one and it sounds great, I use it mostly on the spring setting and it does a nicer reverb sound than the real spring reverb in my marshall JCM and it's less noisy too. The reverse and flerb settings both give some cool weird sounds too if that's what you're after, I'd definitely recommend it. They don't seem to come up used very often and even then are not far off the new price but I'd say they're worth the price.
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