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Everything posted by badgerific

  1. You should list these on Shoegazers.org (Devi Ever forums). They really like rare Devi stuff like the cherry pop.
  2. 1. It will work on bass but it might cut some low end. Increasing the low end can be difficult the only way I know is to change the value of the first and last capacitor in circuit. I think the bigger value = more bass but you'll have to experiment. 2. For LED display and switching check this page here: [url="http://buildyourownclone.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=6525"]http://buildyourownclone.com/board/viewtop...?f=9&t=6525[/url] There's some good vero layouts for the DOD250 if you check google.
  3. Interested in anything in my thread for the russian muff?: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=148499"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=148499[/url]
  4. Interested in anything in my thread for the russian muff?: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=148499"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=148499[/url]
  5. No worries then. Hope you get what you're looking for
  6. Interested in a trade for anything here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=148499&st=0&gopid=1346274&#entry1346274"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...p;#entry1346274[/url]
  7. [quote name='dan2112' post='1339273' date='Aug 14 2011, 03:17 AM']Jon's a very nice guy indeed!! He teaches a few of my mates in the university and have come on leaps and bounds since having lessons badgerific, which uni are you in?[/quote] I'm in UWIC doing music tech at the mo. [quote name='joncaulfield72' post='1339686' date='Aug 14 2011, 03:46 PM']Hi Badgerific The lesson are 1 hour and the price is £19 give me call anytime on 0781204966 Cheers Jon[/quote] Sweet, I'll get in contact when I've settled back into uni. Cheers for such a quick reply
  8. Does the LED light up as it should when the effect is engaged. If not then it's possibly a problem with the power getting to the pedal. If not check the connections between the footswitch and the board. Also check that there's no cold solder joints (dull grey colour) or anything shorting out on the case/back of pots.
  9. I'm interested in taking some lessons from you when I've started back in uni in october. How much/how long are your lessons generally?
  10. One of my one knob fuzzes? Here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=148499"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=148499[/url] They should cut through in a band situation alot better than a muff but it's less of a wall of fuzz sound. If not I'd recommend a MXR blowtorch because the EQ on it make it pretty versitile.
  11. Some trades/part exchanges I'd be interested in would be: An isolated power supply, Korg Pitchblack tuner, possibly some other effects pedals. Feel free to offer anything if you have something you'd like to get rid of because I might be take it off your hands
  12. Here's two videos of the pedal, one using guitar and one with bass. The guitar video is Squier CV Duo Sonic > One Knob Fuzz > Epiphone Valve Junior. The bass is Fender MIM Jazz > One Knob Fuzz > Roland Cube 30 (Bassman setting with EQ at 12). Apologies for the low quality all my microphones are at my student house and the microphone on my mac is pretty poor. [url="http://tinypic.com/player.php?v=10offjn&s=7"]http://tinypic.com/player.php?v=10offjn&s=7[/url] [url="http://tinypic.com/player.php?v=ja86d5&s=7"]http://tinypic.com/player.php?v=ja86d5&s=7[/url]
  13. Nope, I can try get one done for you if you'd like.
  14. Currently have (4/1/13): (£65) Splutter fuzz with 2 band EQ. Very versatile but low sustain fuzz, more suited to higher output pickups so you have the option of a longer sustain and then rolling your volume knob down for less: (£45) Optical tremolo: (£60) Ibanez CP10: All prices include postage to UK, can post elsewhere for a little extra and if more than one pedal is wanted there will definitely be a discount.
  15. [quote name='Higgie' post='1224317' date='May 8 2011, 05:57 PM']Does anyone have a 1290 size enclosure spare that they could sell? Preferably pre-drilled for 3 knobs, footswitch, input, output, 9vdc and led? It'd be a great help rather than having to wait and order something in from the States Cheers[/quote] I don't have any spare at the moment, you might be better off ordering from musikding.de, it's a german site but I usually get my stuff in a week from there and i think they offer pre-drilled cases now as well.
  16. How much are you looking for the "Tapco 4 channel Vocal Submixer"?
  17. Both are right, here's a bit of explanation on true bypass and how to wire with an LED if you're interested.
  18. [url="http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/forum/showthread.php?p=26424833#post26424833"]http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/forum/showt...33#post26424833[/url] Any of these take your fancy for the VT bass?
  19. [quote name='EddyGlee' post='1117070' date='Feb 5 2011, 09:18 PM']looking for a half decent DI box if you av one![/quote] Sadly no DI box, could do with one myself actually. Good luck with the sale then
  20. Bump.
  21. Are you interested in any trades? I've got some effects pedals I'm looking to get rid of.
  22. Bump.
  23. The second case you posted will be a good size for it. That's what I built mine in. Here's a picture: [url="http://img20.imageshack.us/i/photoon20101119at1343.jpg/"]http://img20.imageshack.us/i/photoon20101119at1343.jpg/[/url] I tried that layout and it didn't work here's the one I ended up using this one here: [url="http://i52.tinypic.com/1zmjsjb.jpg"]http://i52.tinypic.com/1zmjsjb.jpg[/url]
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