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Everything posted by badgerific

  1. Some shots of the BYOC OD2 I just made for a friend. It's a pretty nice pedal, cool to have a TS and a boost in a small box like that. Anyone built anything new lately or have any projects planned?
  2. [quote name='Le Chat Noir' post='939474' date='Aug 29 2010, 05:18 PM']Could you give some shots of the interior please?[/quote] I can and I shall but I can't say when exactly because I'm currently staying at my girlfriends house. As soon as I get home I will post some pictures here and PM you to let you know that I've posted them. I expect I'll be going home tomorrow so I'll get it done then. This is the vero layout I used for it: [url="http://img183.imageshack.us/i/valvecasterv04yu8.jpg/"]http://img183.imageshack.us/i/valvecasterv04yu8.jpg/[/url]
  3. Price drop to £35 posted.
  4. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='933095' date='Aug 22 2010, 09:13 PM']It lacks some bottom, but it is happy in a blend. PM me an email address, and when guitarist has finished editing the track, I'll send you a recording of me using one on the top end of my bass.[/quote] PM'd. Thanks a lot
  5. I've had a look at a good few videos of guitars being played through the pedal and while it sounds awesome I have no use for it for that. I've been considering getting one for my main bass distortion/drive but I can't find any videos of it and I haven't seen one in a local shop yet to try. So if you have the facilities and time to record something using the pedal on a bass guitar I'd really appreiciate it. £100 is a lot of money for me to spend on something that I'm not sure if I can use. Thanks for the video though it showed the pedal pretty well.
  6. Any chance you could post some sound clips of the blackstar pedal?
  7. Sold.
  8. Bump.
  9. [quote name='P-T-P' post='922379' date='Aug 12 2010, 09:49 AM']Found it... [i]"That brings up another question that comes up all the time. What’s the real difference between an SM57 and an SM58? There are actually a fair number of myths and misconceptions about what the difference really is. "The basic difference is the grille. The other parts -- the diaphragm and voice coil combination, the magnet, the transformer that’s in the handle, the handle itself, the closing ring that surrounds the cartridge – are identical. "In the SM58, the ball grille with the foam lining provides an extra degree of pop protection and wind protection. The SM57 has a much more compact grille arrangement that doesn’t provide nearly as much protection against blast or wind. But the basic frequency response and polar patterns are almost identical – there is only a slight difference in high frequencies where the shape of the grille starts to affect the response. But that probably doesn’t kick in until 13, 14 or 15 kHz – something like that."[/i] From here [url="http://www.shurenotes.com/issue30/article.htm"]http://www.shurenotes.com/issue30/article.htm[/url][/quote] I've read this, in fact it was talking about this article which prompted us to make this video, from what we found they're very similar but the 58 seems a bit warmer and the 57 has a bit more crispness to it.
  10. Yeah I generally prefer the sound of condenser microphones for acoustic guitars and vocals and SM57s for snares and electric guitars. This video is just made to show the difference between these two microphones so people can see the difference if they're interested in one but not sure which. It's intended to be aimed at people looking for a decent first microphone really rather than people with a bit more recording experience and a decent microphone collection. Thanks for you're input though.
  11. Here's a link to a video I helped make comparing the Shure SM57 and SM58 microphones for recording acoustic guitar. Should be helpful if you are purchasing a microphone to record acoustic guitar with and want to know the difference between them. There will be a comparison using electric guitar, bass guitar and a snare drum soon so feel free to subscribe if you are interested in seeing them. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcqLy73Z8Jk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcqLy73Z8Jk[/url]
  12. Time to sell my boss EQ pedal because it's just sat in my room not really doing anything. Not the best condition as one of the slider tops has a crack and there's some scratching on the paint from the previous owner. Works as it should though and comes with original box with instructions. Heres some pictures: Looking for £35 posted. Post here or PM if you're interested
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