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Everything posted by TheMaartian

  1. Love the Nescafe-logo'd shirt! Reminds me of the best instant coffee I ever had...Iscafe by Nescafe. Had it in '72 in Belize when it was still the British Honduras. Big jar. Very pale, fine powder. Looked pretty unappetizing. But holy gobsmacks, it was delicious! That was an early life lesson, heavily reinforced by all of those truly nasty-tasting "coffee crystals" instants that followed on. They put all of their effort into making it look like coffee while still dry. Sometimes, you just gotta get away from the way something looks. Like the percebes in Bilbao! FA-BO-LAS.
  2. Wow! Led me to this (saved to watch on my big system downstairs). Seeing the 'high' action on that double bass (normal, I know) gives me nightmares that the neck on my favorite bass just turned into a crescent moon.
  3. Those were good times! Gabriel's last tour with them (The Lamb) was awesome. Hackett's last tour (Wind & Wuthering) with all of those 747 landing lights pointed straight down on the stage, was blindingly good! Couldn't have been more than 3000 in the audience. Amazing concert!
  4. Wow. Love this! Moving from the US to Arcachon in 6 months. Once we're able to head back to the music venues (the lucky ones still in business ), I hope she plays around Bordeaux. I'd love to see her live!
  5. SO good! Huge fan. I hit the big seven-oh next year. Leonard has given, and continues to give, me hope for the next decade. Especially needed nowadays. Thanks for posting!
  6. Love me some BÖC! Seen them many times. So good live. I managed to catch the 2002 show at Navy Pier in Chicago that was recorded to video. I lived in the high rise next to the Pier, so the entire trip from my condo to the venue was a 5 minute walk! I had no idea at the time the the show was going to be recorded. It's a good blu-ray to own.
  7. With SO many talented musicians who can't get a gig right now, I am unable to rationally explain this gig. I fart better than that.
  8. Agreed! I've got it, plus Reload! Frankie: The Whole 12 Inches, and the Relax EP. 6 different versions of Relax in total. Love the mix names. It was, of course, just called Relax on Pleasuredome. So I have: Relax - original mix Relax - New York mix (12" extended original mix) Relax - Ollie J mix Relax - Jam & Spoon Trip-O-Matic Fairy Tale mix Relax - Jam & Spoon Hi N-R-G mix Relax - Trip Ship Edit That's an awful lot of mileage for one song! I was going to post the official video of Relax, but it's very NSFW, so didn't. Easy enough to find on YouTube for those interested.
  9. Amazon Music Unlimited playlist built!
  10. Fish is still around? Who knew? World Pain. Perfect name for a 2020 album!
  11. Way better than I expected! Gonna have to acquire their music!
  12. I just noticed that this (Le Jardin de Lucy) and all of the other albums on the ODGPROD site (Original Dub Gathering) are free to download. Excellent quality MP3s (the LJdL files were 44.1/16 @ 276K). https://odgprod.com/
  13. Pleasant work-around-the-house listening!
  14. Delete the lead singer and make them an instrumental group, and I'd be all over them.
  15. Big fan of Leonard! Now of 2 Leonards! One of my favorite albums of his is Popular Problems.
  16. Here's an iconic Anthony Jackson bassline.
  17. With the outstanding Anthony Jackson on bass!
  18. WHERE did you find this? It's fantastic! Rerouted through my main monitors!
  19. Currently digging the Limiñanas!
  20. Released by Neil Young yesterday (1 Oct).
  21. Here's one you may not have heard of. Twin Age. Neo prog band from Sweden. Their first release, Month Of The Year, is from '96. I won an autographed CD on a Rush fans listserv. I bought their 2nd and 3rd CDs. You'll recognize their influences. LLDOB, anyone?
  22. There's a CD I haven't played in a LONG time!
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