Hi. I'm after some words of wisdom about what gear I should buy, rather than what the guy in the shop needs to sell this week.
I've recently started playing again after a gap of about 25 years. I bought an Ibanex GSR200 and a Crate BT100 - both of which are fine for auditions/rehearsals/small rooms. I've got in with a couple of bands that gig occasionally and for live work they are using 300W+ stuff and some expensive guitars. I don't want to spend a fortune but I reckon I need to trade up in order to get some gigs. What do people think would be some good gear to move on to?
With my existing gear, I really like the neck and light weight of the Ibanez, and was looking at something else from the range, but is a £750 Ibanez good value - or should I follow the crowd and get a P-bass? Or is OK to stick with a cheap guitar for now?
I will definitely need some louder gear. I like the depth of sound from the 15" speaker in the Crate, so I was looking at some of the Behringer stuff, which seems reasonable value - but again, what's the general opinion on mid-price gear?
Thanks for any help or advise you guys can give.