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Everything posted by chris7273

  1. Great. Thank you for your experience sharing. I think I am going for the C4 and then add The aftershock if I don’t get the sound I want. I am not Too “difficult” and once he heavy guitars and drums are there I feel that all the finesse is lost 😀
  2. It seems that there are also distortion possibilities integrated in the C4 synth. Any experience with them ?
  3. Thank you. I don’t want an exact copy : if it’s close enough that’s good for me.
  4. Hi I am not a pro for effects and I only use three for the songs of our band setlist : a Big Muff, a Boss OC-3 octaver and a TC Spark Booster. The octaver is only used for Uprising ans sometimes at home for my own fun. I plan to buy an Audio Source Synth C4 just for me because I like the sound of the eighties 🙂 But it seems that this pedal can also emulate an octaver : interesting as this could replace the OC-3 on my tiny pedalboard.... and then why not replace the big muff that generates some noise by the Aftershock ? Is the aftershock a good alternative to the big muff ? Thank you for your return of experience 🙂
  5. Fine steel wool or fine “wet and dry” sand paper are better than an agressive scouring pad and also cheap 🙂 . The result will be “more even”. But if it works for you : good
  6. When you are happy with how the neck feels 🙂. Don’t work too fast and/or to hard
  7. I used fine Steel wool ("000") on the neck of my Squier. just enough to have a "satin" surface but leaving a protection for the wood. - I isolated the neck from the body with a piece of fabric and covered the pickups with masking tape. Why ? : the pickup magnets "love" the steel dust 🙂 and once the dust is on the magnet, it's there for eternity.... - I used masking tape one the edge of the rosewood fretboard. Why ? : because too much enthusiasm is not always good 🙂
  8. I think I am going to use Eurosender for the first time to send a bass from belgium to France. The belgian post is cheap (16.4 euros) but there is no insurance otpion and I don't want to take the chance... if something goes wrong it's an almost complete loss. So I will use Eurosender. Any tip for a first time user ? Thank you
  9. Washburn Status with a rare rosewood fretboard
  10. My L-2000 from 1998, honey burst body. bi-cut neck. IMG_0062.MOV
  11. Fender rascal : Seymour Duncan lipsticks. Output is not very high but is decent
  12. I can open them with Tux Guitar or online with : https://www.soundslice.com/guitar-pro-viewer/ The second (without Stevie Vai in the file name) seems close to the Bilbo's transcription. Thank you Dad3353 for these GP files
  13. Maybe I am nitpicking but some people are quite selective based on the weight of a bass : 1 pound (lbs) is around 450 grams (not 400g following your ratio)...
  14. I put a link in this topic. Search on my name. I did it with moise.ai Web site
  15. If it helps : I have isolated the tracks with this website tool : moises.ai Source : this video They are here : https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmA5zf7XPDdug_AKW_UoiM-Wh0aKTw?e=M24eUf Drums / Vocals / Bass / other
  17. Some news : The string factory will send me a replacement pack but unfortunately their double ball end string machine broke down and the production is stopped for a few weeks... GREAT.... No explanation given on how it's possible to include a used string in a pack...
  18. The J pickup is nice as a thumb rest to play near the bridge. That’s why I like pj Basses. P Basses are great but I feel “lost” when I need to play closer to the bridge
  19. indeed : double ball ends. Sorry Andy, my English is quite basic and scholar. I don’t get it... maybe a private joke? Please educate me 🙂 the seller is going to send me a correct string... I will update when I have news.
  20. Hello it seems unbelievable. I bought a set of a 45-105 double ball end strings from a well known brand. I placed them yesterday and the D string Looked different : upon close inspection, the ball end is made of brass instead of chromed metal, the wire is darker and, tadam, there are wear marks at frets intervals ... incredible... I have contacted the online shop and I am waiting for an answer. I wonder how they will handle this case. My word against their word... i don’t give the details before having received their position. Did it happened to one of you ? It seems so impossible 🙂
  21. It works but I was very happy when I replaced this noisy, cheap built item by a Zoom B1Xon.
  22. Sodium bicarbonate works well to absorb funky odors.
  23. Ikea oil https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/p/skydd-wood-treatment-oil-indoor-use-00046786/ this is just a mineral oil. I use it for the rosewood fretboards.
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