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Everything posted by chris7273

  1. French is my mother language and I have never heard the word Clitares. I have checked and It's not in the dictionnary.
  2. UPDATE : Thank you Dov65 for the screws. Unfortunately it's not the good diameter. maybe for a more recent Tribute. G&L USA redirected me to the belgian dealer (Algam) but they never replied... I have found these screws in UK : Westfield Fasteners UK. They are here : https://www.westfieldfasteners.co.uk/A2_ScrewBolt_PhilFillister_UNCoarse0.1640.html Size : 8-32, 1 inch long Received today and all is good. If a member needs some, I have some spares...
  3. belgian chocolate for your screws ? πŸ˜€
  4. It looks like a good one. A bit too long but better too long Thant too short πŸ™‚
  5. Hello I am the new happy owner of a 1990 L-2000. All is fine but there are two intonation screw missing (and all of the springs). Hopefully the clever design (saddle lock) helped to hold everything together and the setup is stable. But I would like to replace the msising screw (and springs). I have found some info but I would like a confirmation : Length : 25mm (1") Diameter : 8-32 Head : Filister (first time I see this term) Philips Correct ? Problem : where can I buy two screws (maybe 4, just in case) and their springs ? Thank you
  6. Hi. What is the weight ? Thank you
  7. Really nice What is the weight of this beauty ?
  8. Really nice. Is it a nitro lacquer oa poly finish ?
  9. I am not good with a pick and I am still learning. I had found an e-shop (don't remember the name) where it was possible to buy picks separately and I had bought a mix of various types and sizes, from 0.73 to 3mm (tortex, ultex, stubby....). Conclusion : I prefer the big triangle (tortex or ultex) 0.88 or 1mm.
  10. Very good experience with Gareth. I bought his Fender Rascal and it was absolutely mint as described Once again: thank you and I will keep an eye on the future ads πŸ‘
  11. +1. I have bought the wide strap specially designed for bass guitars, the one with a F clef logo. It’s really nice and comfortable.
  12. Cool. Tell me when you play in the area of leuven - tienen - or Brussels. Bedankt, Mvg christophe
  13. Hi BlueMoon, do you play in a band ?
  14. Hi Richard I live in the French speaking part of Belgium but not far away from Leuven. A really nice city where we go often for shopping or to the theater. I speak French and Flemish, it helps in Belgium πŸ˜‰ the most complicated country regarding its size... hopefully we don't have to translate music πŸ™‚
  15. Hello is it still available ? thank you
  16. Hey I am Christophe from Belgium. I play Bass and I am a beginner. I started in 2018 when I was 45. I have two basses : - a Squier Vintage Modiifed PJ that I upgraded a lot with black hipshot hardware and EMG Geezer Butler pickups, with flat wounds. - a G&L L-2000 Tribute that I traded for my Ibanez SR500 (my first bass) because I didn't like its thin neck my amp is a Mesa Boogie Walkabout 12 I play in a cover band (90's rock) with friends and we try to get better together πŸ™‚ Thank you for this nice forum Let's rock
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