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Everything posted by stingrayfan

  1. I'm a fingers man myself (ahem ) but I do use a pick at the end of the night (on Chelsea Dagger as it happens) to get that grittier sound. Interesting change of direction Homer - sounds like our setlist. It's on the link below if you need some more tunes.
  2. Does seem crazy that no-one's biting on this. Looks like a good cab for reggae players! But I guess the market has shifted to smaller, lighter stuff, so you might need to drop the price to spark a rush!
  3. Good first go - bass sounds a little muffled and lost though. Could do with beefing up. Think that would improve with a half decent interface, plus a bit of compression/effects in Garageband to beef it up a bit. A fresh set of strings makes a big difference too. I put new strings on before [url="http://mistermattsmith.googlepages.com/FunkBass.mp3"]recording this[/url] on GB with my Yamaha BB. Used a good slab of compression. See what you think.
  4. [quote name='Jamesemt' post='369560' date='Jan 3 2009, 08:31 PM']I've just bought myself a Hohner Jack but know very little about them. Anyone know of a site which details their history? Mine has soapbars, not single coils??[/quote] Post pics please!
  5. [quote name='BassManKev' post='369616' date='Jan 3 2009, 10:09 PM']distinct lack of knobs for a 'instrument' with 12 pickups??[/quote] There are only two - and they both go to 11.
  6. Know what you mean - I've always had to learn them by ear. He's a great player that Bedders; great basslines. Google 'Amazing Slow Downer' which I what I used to work them out. Slows down the song without changing the key.
  7. Tasty [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Yamaha-BBG5S-5-string-bass-guitar_W0QQitemZ270325408611QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item270325408611&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1298%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318"]Yamaha[/url] 5er on Ebay at the mo.
  8. Dunno about the bass playing iPhone, most bassists I know have only just got a mobile that doesn't come with a car battery on a curly lead. But... [quote name='rayfw' post='368838' date='Jan 2 2009, 08:47 PM']I reckon a 450W head with some kind of touch screen controls.[/quote] I think you've got it there.
  9. Never do a fry-up at home but love those all-day brunch ones you get in bars. Yum yum.
  10. My set-up: Behringer UB802 mixer (£40) into old Aiwa micro hi-fi we had spare. Run the computer and bass through mixer and sounds great. Sure you could pick up a S/H micro hifi for peanuts.
  11. Got offered a good gig but we decided to take a year off. Missed playing but didn't miss packing up at 1am in a sea of zombies!
  12. Watched it drunk when I got back in. Thought it was pretty ropey to be honest - apart from the bass player in Jools' band, who's a class act.
  13. I've got a BB614 in black which I gig quite often, mainly because it's so easy to play. I wouldn't say it has a killer tone but for covers stuff, it does the job brilliantly. Better than a Fender P. /ducks for cover.
  14. [quote name='JPJ' post='365937' date='Dec 30 2008, 01:23 AM']I think the producer wants a very pristine but defined tight sound "almost hifi but with some implied warmth" his words not mine.[/quote] Devil's advocate here - but isn't his job to make your bass sound like that and not yours? You just supply the talent!
  15. Got to admit - the two don't sound quite right together. A bit like Lemmy driving a Toyota Prius.
  16. £200 and I'll come and collect.
  17. Aphex Punch Factory. Adds nice bit of compression to beef up your sound and gives you an XLR balanced DI out to boot. Dial in any extra EQ on the desk.
  18. stingrayfan


    +1 for OBBM.
  19. [quote name='crez5150' post='358007' date='Dec 18 2008, 03:39 PM']Wonder how many people will still want to use them when the Euro is worth more than the pound....[/quote] Remember the happier times when Thomann was cheap and buying from the US was cheaper? Then came a few thousand dodgy mortgage deals in the States and look at the mess we're in! Here's hoping it gets better soon!
  20. [b]In:[/b] Trace AH300 head (from here) GP7SM 250w head (from here) GP7SM 300w combo (from here...spot a theme?) Status neck for my Stingray. [b]Out:[/b] Warwick Profet 5.1 head (sold to a BCer) Fender P (sold back to original Basschatter) spare G&L L2000 Tribute (sold to a BCer) [b]Discovered:[/b] Hartke strings (£6 a set and as good as any brands I've used) Silverstone covers (v good quality and fit) ....and that I don't really need any more gear!
  21. [quote name='alexbartman' post='365311' date='Dec 29 2008, 09:20 AM']The socket does feel very loose when I put the plug in...[/quote] We've all been there... It's just age.
  22. If it's just for home use, I recommend getting a little mixer, like a Behringer Xenyx 802 and a pair of active powered monitors. Connect your PC (or MP3 player) and your bass to the mixer, connect the mixer to the speakers and jam along with your favourite tunes. Also sounds much better than a practice amp, me thinks.
  23. [quote name='Buzz' post='363883' date='Dec 26 2008, 08:40 PM']Differences: Neck profile, pup position and type, and the sound. Advice: Find both and try them and get the one you like to play more.[/quote] +1. Think the neck will be the decider for you - Jazz is a bit too thin for some (inc me).
  24. I'd go super-lightweight to see any benefit. Mark Bass or similar and a couple of 2x10s otherwise you're going to be lugging about pretty much the same stuff as you are now!
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