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Everything posted by stingrayfan

  1. [quote name='tonybassplayer' post='196403' date='May 11 2008, 10:54 AM']This forum has really got me fired up again with my bass playing and is a constant source of fun and inspiration so a big thank you to you all[/quote] That's great to hear - makes up for the all the backbiting that's been going on here of late. A few more gigs and you'll prob be playing that bassline in your sleep!
  2. [url="http://allianzmusicalinsurance.co.uk/default.asp"]http://allianzmusicalinsurance.co.uk/default.asp[/url]
  3. Buy a £40 four channel mixer like [url="http://www.studiospares.com/Product.aspx?code=370630"]this one[/url] and plug your bass and cans (headphones) into that. You can also plug your PC/iPod in at the same time and jam along.
  4. Nice setup. Do you find you get enough power of out of the HA2000 - or are you DI'ing it? I once had a HA2500 and couldn't get enough level out of it. But then I have that problem with every amp!
  5. Nice collection. What's the Status neck like? I was thinking of getting one for my SR.
  6. [quote name='mikeh' post='191390' date='May 3 2008, 11:41 PM']Im going to be like a broken record now!! lol but in that budget id have a look at the fender Rumble 100 115. I've played one and it sounded really good, and easily loud enough to do gigs with. IIRC they come in at around the £220 mark new.[/quote] +1 on the Rumble 100w. And as Mike says, it'll happily see you through your first few gigs. Don't go any lower than 100w if you're up against a drummer.
  7. The joke is that Denmark St ponce about like they're shops for pro musicians and anyone else is a tyrekicker. Last time I looked though, pro musicians got their the bulk of their stuff for free under sponsorship deals, so it's you and me that buy stuff. So, why the attitude?
  8. SR5 or L2500, I don't think you'll go wrong with either. It's a buyers' market for Stingrays right now, so you might get a better deal on one of those.
  9. Is that pencil MIM or American? It's not clear...
  10. Oh yes. I always wanted a Stingray when I was younger. Now I've got one, I barely play it!
  11. [quote name='Kaiu' post='189390' date='May 1 2008, 12:59 AM']Nice, it's a bit of a basschat sesh this time round! I have a bit in there aswell (Elliot Minor). There is a photo of me with my ATK and sterling, both bought off fellow basschatter's. ed[/quote] Your single's doing well Ed - deservedly so - it's a good tune. Hope it's all going well. I've still got your AKG wireless kit btw.
  12. I bought a G&L from Nitrotone Music who trade on Ebay (also got a website: [url="http://www.thatnewsound.com/)"]http://www.thatnewsound.com/)[/url]. No problems and good value shipping (about $70 in a gig bag IIRC)
  13. Might be easier/cheaper to buy a new neck with block inlays - think Mighty Mite or Warmoth do a Fender licenced one. With you on the look though - love block inlays. Why don't Fender do a Jazz with them as standard? They'd sell thousands of them.
  14. [quote name='ednaplate' post='187464' date='Apr 28 2008, 06:49 PM']I was perusing their stock and noticed there were still a couple of the now phased out American Series Jazzes in stock at a significantly reduced price.[/quote] Doesn't sound much of a problem to me. I bought my Stingray new without the original case and got it for a bargain price.
  15. Second hand Trace Elliot with the black vinyl covering. With the "pre-shape" you'll be in slap and pop heaven!
  16. [quote name='neilb' post='186633' date='Apr 27 2008, 06:06 PM']Oh, and by the way, if [i][b]ANYONE[/b][/i] lists The Ox/Thunderfingers/Big Johnny Twinkle, I will find out where you live and eat your family. [/quote] Er... I always though he overplayed. We do My Generation as a cover. Sounds a lot better when you take all the noodling out in the verses. :ducks for cover:
  17. She's slightly scary.
  18. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='186719' date='Apr 27 2008, 08:08 PM']Leave it as is. In years to come it will be called Mojo and will increase the value of your instrument threefold [/quote] So true - esp with Fenders. Any other guitar, people expect them to be as-new when they're second hand, whereas Fenders almost have to come with a few dents and dings. I guess that comes from them being thought of as "vintage". In short - dent it up a bit more!
  19. How much you after for the Stingray/Status fretless please?
  20. Rock The Casbah - The Clash. Great bassline but trouble is I've also got to sing it and it's a real mouthful of lyrics.
  21. Also PM'd about the fretless.
  22. +1 on Jaco.
  23. Does it come with instructions?
  24. I was looking for specialist entertainment featuring ping pong balls but ended up here. How did that happen?
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