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Everything posted by stingrayfan

  1. Rehearse rehearse rehearse before you go in. Don't waste studio time on discussing how the song goes. You can do that in a rehearsal room. Leave plenty of time to do the vocals, sadly it's the thing that people notice over everything else. Oh and make sure everyone tunes up before every take.
  2. That bass is clearly a Warwick, they've just called it a Shine and charged him £160 because he's part of a special conspiracy. Get real Ebay man!
  3. Brilliant playing all round there - well done. Good feel and tone on your bassline. The guitar's spot on too.
  4. That looks like a good buy for someone.
  5. I used to have an Aerodyne from Japan - build quality was very good.
  6. If I had room in the garage, I'd prob have these off you. But it's like 'kerplunk' in there at the minute!
  7. Nope, still looking!
  8. Great tone out of that fretted one Ped - sounds like a Status.
  9. [quote name='The Funk' post='119663' date='Jan 13 2008, 06:22 PM']Impress the opposite sex? Me at the bar next week [to hot brunette]: So... did you know that the 10th fret of an E-string, 5th fret of an A-string and 12th fret on a D-string and 7th fret on a G-string are all Ds? Hot brunette [to large boyfriend]: Dave... this tw*t's talking about my g-string.[/quote]
  10. [quote name='Muppet' post='117422' date='Jan 9 2008, 09:10 PM']This guy's still at it! Every week he puts up an auction for this bass. It's been posted on here so many times I feel I actually own it. He bought a refinished/repaired bass from a well know dealer in the US and is having no success in sorting out some compensation, resorts to relisting it on ebay instead.[/quote] I think it's fair to say that this bass comes with a very large chip on its shoulder!
  11. How about a mint USA G&L L1500 (Stingray) inc G&L hardcase for the Geddy? [attachment=4818:000_0093.jpg]
  12. [quote name='Perry' post='119336' date='Jan 12 2008, 11:03 PM']I have it, if anyone wants a copy I can email it to them. It does work, it's a lot more easier thank you think.[/quote] I'll PM you my email address then. But no "make your manhood bigger stuff" please, I get all of those already. It's clever though, how do they know about my problem?
  13. I'm always suspicious of stuff like this, that labours the point over 6 pages. If it's so good, why stretch it out to six pages?
  14. [quote name='barneythedog' post='119311' date='Jan 12 2008, 09:49 PM']Stingrayfan seems to be running EXACTLY the same rig as me, so he might be able to comment too.[/quote] Yep, I've got the same although I'm using a 4-ohm cab. Agree with you that they're good but not great and you're right, the heads are *heavy*. Mine does an OK job but I seem to be running it high. I always see people selling stuff saying "I've never run this head past 3". I never run mine under 7!
  15. [url="http://www.fret2fret.com"]http://www.fret2fret.com[/url] Stumbled on this after it came up as a Google AdWord in a search. Claims to teach you every single note on the fretboard of guitar or bass in under an hour for $30. Anyone heard of it/bought it/tried it?
  16. I'm all over the shop with my left hand but I'm probably too far demented to fix it
  17. [quote name='Bass_Junkie' post='113705' date='Jan 4 2008, 07:08 PM']How can i start writing proper basslines if i dont hear it in my head?[/quote] Put the bass down and try humming along with the song. You'll find it frees you up a bit more. Then pick out what you've been humming on the bass. It gets you out of that "first finger on root note of first chord" thing.
  18. [quote name='Jamesemt' post='118566' date='Jan 11 2008, 02:45 PM']I'm in a bit of a funny situation at present - been 'back' playing bass for about 7 months, but have a 13 month old daughter and work shifts, so I don't feel I can give enough time to a band situation - at least not to gig (don't even know if I want to gig anymore...too self conscious, too much of a perfectionist, too many bad gig experiences).[/quote] You sound like me about 4 years ago. I'd long given up bass because without a band or anyone to jam with, I'd forgotten about it. But three years ago, I got rehearsing with people again and have played in four or five bands since and am loving it. I too have a toddler and a job that likes to think my free time is their work time - so you're not alone!
  19. I've recently bought a pair of active M-Audio BX5As for £130 new from [url="http://www.absolutemusic.co.uk/shop/view_product.php?product=maustudiophilebx5a&gclid=CPPxtOiX7pACFQtDMAodpD0dvw"]Absolute Music[/url]. They're flatter than a pancake. Actually a bit cold sounding, but I guess that's what you want from a monitor!
  20. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='117676' date='Jan 10 2008, 10:19 AM']So, if anyone has something like a [b]G&L L2500 Tribute[/b] ... then please let me know..[/quote] Hey Silverfox...if you get a Tribute, you'll end up flogging that Roscoe Beck too.
  21. :: Going Underground - The Jam :: Embarassment - Madness :: Living For The Weekend - Hard-Fi :: Rock The Casbah - Clash :: Pulling Mussels From The Shell - Squeeze :: Vertigo - U2
  22. I reckon the main thing punters notice with cover bands are the vocals - are they clear and can they hear them above the band? Do they worry about whether the bass is compressed or you're playing an American over a Mexican? Nah. But as musicians using the tools, you do want something that sounds good and is reliable. Maybe there's a point where spending money and getting results tails off though. I'm gigging £350 basses and getting better results that the £1200 I've got. I'd love a Trace Elliot rig but in reality, the Warwick stuff I've got does the job.
  23. I'm thinking of getting my '71 refinished.
  24. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='115698' date='Jan 7 2008, 07:11 PM']Try lots of basses. Buy the one you like best.[/quote] +1.
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