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Everything posted by stingrayfan

  1. Even I'm looking at that and thinking: "Hmm...." Go on Mike, name your price.
  2. How much for the HH4 and the traditional sunburst 4 please?
  3. This is great buy for someone wanting to put together a low-cost rig to get gigging. Free bump.
  4. Welcome. Keep up the guitar playing too. All helps. I enjoy playing guitar but I reckon bass is more fun to play in a band.
  5. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='83671' date='Nov 4 2007, 08:03 PM']We played a 50th Birthday party Friday night on the first floor of a Conservative Club in Newhaven with no lift - so that wasn't fun!![/quote] We did one without a lift too yesterday in a room above a pub. Like Mariah Carey, we generally don't do stairs. But it was a birthday party for a friend of the band so lots of people helped with the load in and out. Good gig, the birthday boy played guitar with us on one song, so he was made up.
  6. Voted for Lush as it's the most non-descript of the lot and so you won't get tired of it. Avoid puns and play on words like the plague - they sound cheesy and make most people groan. It's not easy picking a band name though - so good luck! Edit: It doesn't matter if there was a band called Lush ten years ago if you're only pitching at the local covers market.
  7. Are they trick or treaters? Give em a Twix each and they'll go away.
  8. Free bump for a classic. If I hadn't just bought another G&L, I'd have been seriously interested. Good luck with sale.
  9. I was about 14 and I'm ashamed to say it was Lucky Star or something by Madonna because that was in the charts at the time and it was easy. It was on a crappy black Hondo II bass and Carlsbro guitar amp, borrowed from our forward thinking school music teacher. Then it was Level 42 after that.
  10. I used to have one and while it was a lot of bass for the price, ultimately it sounded thin and lacking any punch. Wasn't that nice to play either, just felt a bit cheap, so I sold it on. Nice and light though.
  11. I've read some of her claims before and it sounds like she's not so much got a chip on her shoulder, more a block inlay.
  12. [quote name='stevebasshead' post='80975' date='Oct 29 2007, 07:58 PM']Hi, our singer uses in-ear monitors because he says he needs to hear as much of his own voice as possible in order to pitch and sing well. However, our backline bleeds into his vocal mic[/quote] Sounds like he needs to go solo if those other pesky instruments are making too much noise.
  13. Sounds like Phoenix Nights.
  14. Surprised you don't like that G&L - I think they're more comfortable to play than a SR and have a bit more bite but each to their own and all that. Nice looker too.
  15. Chances are it's the case you store it in, if you do.
  16. [quote name='tinyviking' post='80265' date='Oct 27 2007, 10:15 PM']after pushing all the buttons and twisting everything around could not get a decent enough tone[/quote] That's so true. Every time I've used an Ashdown, I've twisted the pots and pushed the buttons like I was on a roll with a fruit machine - but it seems to make bugger all difference to the sound coming out.
  17. [quote name='Machines' post='80309' date='Oct 28 2007, 07:04 AM']I've used them for a while - have moved to the EXLs though. I found the ProSteels were amazingly bright, but lost their brilliance too quickly compared to the nickels.[/quote] +1
  18. Suggest SansAmp DI or Aphex Xciter. At least you've got something to fiddle with if the sound's not quite right. With a DI box, you're a bit stuck.
  19. [quote name='Breakfast' post='79986' date='Oct 26 2007, 11:42 PM']It be [url="http://www.myspace.com/the_rooms"]The Rooms[/url] you be wantin'. Just across the roundabout from North Camp station, pretty good facilities and cheap in the day. I think you can hire any number of amps and drums as needed.[/quote] You like it there? I've always found the staff to be surly and the rooms themselves, grubby. One bloke who runs it there we nicknamed "Smiler" on account that he never did smile. Even when he took our money. Much prefer Silent Hill in Guildford (Jules who runs it is a top bloke) and Garden Studios nr Guildford. Backline in Guildford is grubby but the guy who's always there (Ben?) is a nice guy and always happy to find a bass amp or a spare mic stand). Life's too short to put up with rude rehearsal people who behave like stoppy teenagers because they think they're in the "music biz".
  20. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='79654' date='Oct 26 2007, 08:42 AM']In my last band, the 2 guitarists both played with 30W combos and were clearly audible against a drummer[/quote] Bear in mind watts are not like for like between guitar and bass amps. Bass players often need a lot more (3 or 4 times more) that guitarists. They want distorted and overdriven high-frequencies, we want clean low ones.
  21. I've got an award-winning [url="http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/page/shop/flypage/product_id/4713/a/r/e/google"]SE Electronics 2200A[/url] which I might consider letting go. I bought it earlier this year with ambitions of doing lots of home recording, then got a good band going and don't have the time! It's only been used a few times and sounds crisp and clear. Comes with hard case and really good quality shockmount. Read more [url="http://www.seelectronics.com/sE2200a.html"]here[/url] and if you like the look of it, make me an offer. It's as new, having rarely been out of the box.
  22. This looks like a great (and lighter) alternative to an Ampeg fridge. The Warwick stuff is really underrated - pleased with mine. Free bump.
  23. Like anything, the more you spend, the better you get. My BB614 is a budget bass but for the 280 quid I paid new, I've got a 300 pound Fender beater. In understand the sentiment that they don't feel exciting. Mainly because they don't have the legacy of brands like Fender and Gibson.
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