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Everything posted by stingrayfan

  1. It's a neckless...
  2. Jesus... that rig's like a fruit machine!
  3. Current ones are a bit mass produced but still amazing for the cash. The bridge is the only weak thing on them - swap that for a Gotoh or similar and you've got a 500 quid bass for half of that. They do benefit for a good set-up and a cranking up of the EQ. And then you get [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQf--RoI-7Y&mode=related&search=jamiroquai%20bass%20stuart%20zender%20ste%20stefano%20funk"]this kind of sound.[/url]
  4. Enjoying the setlists - keep 'em coming. Have already written down a few ideas to add to ours. Here's what we do BTW: Monster The Automatic My Generation The Who London Calling The Clash I Predict A Riot Kaiser Chiefs Chelsea Dagger Fratellis Ever Fallen In Love The Buzzcocks Town Called Malice The Jam I Fought The Law The Clash Somebody Told Me Killers Every Day I Love You Less and Less Kaiser Chiefs Teenage Kicks Undertones Really Got Me Kinks Down in the Tube Station The Jam American Idiot Green Day Rocks Primal Scream Can't Explain The Who Basket Case Green Day So Lonely The Police Rebel Yell Billy Idol Back In The USSR Beatles It Must Be Love Madness Dani California Red Hot Chilis Hard to Handle Black Crowes Buck Rogers Feeder Hush Kula Shaker All the Small Things Blink 182 20th Century Boy T-Rex Valerie The Zutons Don't Look Back In Anger Oasis Gangsters The Specials Kids In America Kim Wilde Jean Genie David Bowie Rock N Roll Star Oasis Golden Touch Razorlight Eton Rifles The Jam
  5. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='74568' date='Oct 15 2007, 01:14 PM']All subjective I guess, but if it was as bad as everyone says it is, I'd argue that you wouldn't see it on as many concert stages around the world as you do.[/quote] True enough. Must have been operator error!
  6. Played through a brand new borrowed Ashdown stack at a gig the other night and it was woolier than a sheep in a jumper shop. And we're not talking the cheap range either - this was an Evo head and top of the range cabs. It was awful. What's all the fuss about?
  7. I don't even like Jazzes and now you've got me thinking about 75s with block inlays. Damn you all!
  8. [quote name='tonyf' post='74275' date='Oct 14 2007, 08:01 PM']any retort to the "you can't play all of them at once so why do you need another one" that anyone's tried? [/quote] Try: "but you've already got a handbag...why do you need another?" Edit: liking that G&L!
  9. Yeah, I have. Don't remember any mentions of Status Matrixes though. It's a quick book to get through and a fairly good read. Felt it didn't really go anywhere though.
  10. [i]Very[/i] nice. I'd vote for black too. What's it sound and play like?
  11. [quote name='mikeh' post='73818' date='Oct 13 2007, 03:43 PM']After going through a few hifi type basses and wanting (or thinking that I wanted ) a hifi punchy sound I.ve found my tone Nirvana with an Oldish Fender P, through my Gk head and Epi 310. And like you Im sure it wont stop me gassing, infact jus put a deposit on an Aria EUB!!![/quote] Cor..you have been through a few basses Mike. I remember when that Fender P was still a tree.
  12. I'm struggling to read it, the font's so small. But £1000 is a good price for a bass owned by that well known bass player, Bonehead out of Oasis. Plus buy with confidence with the seller's zero rating.
  13. [quote name='cai!' post='68989' date='Oct 3 2007, 11:24 AM']im stuck between picking one of these or a music man next year [/quote] I'd play like for like in a shop and see which *sounds* better. The Stingray will feel heavier, chunkier and more expensive but the sound of the G&L will win you over, I reckon.
  14. [quote name='Buzz' post='69766' date='Oct 4 2007, 11:15 PM']I will admit to trying one of these in a local music shop this summer, build quality was rather good and it did sound quite good, although there were too many switches for me. The one I tried was poorly set up though, so I'm not going to comment on it any further, but I'd have liked to have played it set up properly with a low action as it's a common problem with that shop (they unbox them and put them on the wall, even the basses worth over a grand)[/quote] You're right a good set-up makes all the difference but mine was great right out of the box. Don't get phased by the switches, they're pretty simple, really. The first is a pickup switch, second is a series/parallel thing that you'll prob never use, and the third is an off/on/boost for the active EQ. Simple really. I find the best sound is both p/ups on and the active set to boost.
  15. You know what, I think after buying and selling a few basses and couple of amps in the last year or so, I've finally found my sound. Using the G&L L2000 Tribute I've just got and my Warwick mini-rig, I'm getting the growly, punchy, clear hi-fi sound I thought I would from my Stingray. With no pedals, effects or anything. It's spot on for what I need it for (punk, rock and indie covers) and the whole kit (bass & amp) came to less than the price of a new Stingray. Goes to show, it's not what you spend that counts, I guess. Won't stop me GASsing for something else, mind.... Anyone else happy with their aural lot?
  16. Picking a band name is a nightmare. As a rule, nobody in the band likes the same one and you end up arguing for ages. Good luck!
  17. I wouldn't buy their bass stuff, but Behringer's pretty good for this sort of thing. We've gigged one of their mixers for a few years now and it's been good. This one [url="http://www.bluearan.co.uk/menu/index.php?id=BEHPMP3000&product=Behringer_Europower_PMP3000_Powered_Mixer_(PMH3000)&browsemode=category"]here[/url] could fit the bill.
  18. Certainly looks the biz.
  19. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='70511' date='Oct 7 2007, 09:31 AM']I usually find the simple ask of why they are not gigging normally gets rid of itinerant musicians.[/quote] Haha... Like it.
  20. Jaco: mate - any chance you could just play the root note please? Any Jamiroquai bass player: are you covered for loss of employment at short notice? Macca: why on earth do you still play that sideways fiddle with flatwounds?
  21. Smile and look like you're enjoying it, even if you make a few mistakes. They'll all be watching the lead singer anyway! Have a good gig.
  22. There's a nice [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=5767"]G&L L2500[/url] up for grabs on here. Perhaps he might be able to do something with you? Guarantee you'll love a G&L. ps Nice range of bands you're in there. How the hell do remember all the basslines?
  23. [quote name='minty fresh death' post='68755' date='Oct 2 2007, 06:01 PM']If you bring back the bass without the original packaging then you won't be charged VAT, I brought a mac powerbook back from china in 2003 and I didn't pay one penny in taxs.[/quote] You will if they think you've bought it new and you can't prove otherwise! But agree with the advice to destroy (or post) all evidence, even credit card slips.
  24. Guitar Centers have a great choice of new stuff from the usual suspects: Fender, Warwick, Musicman etc. Don't forget to factor in sales tax at the tills (approx: 5-8% depends where you are). Sam Ash have a more quirky range of stuff (eg G&L) and don't always have the same stuff in each store. Prices will be very appealing in both. Happy shopping!
  25. Cor, it sounds like a bit of a faff filing grooves in the saddles. Suggest a Gotoh bridge - just as chunky but the saddles are already pre-cut. It took me about 5 minutes to swap mine over with my old bridge.
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