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Posts posted by stingrayfan

  1. You've got GAS.

    Only a bass-related purchase will cure it.

    Edit: if you like that sort of semi-acoustic thing, there's also the [url="http://www.imuso.co.uk/ProductDetail.asp?StockCode=EG01450"]Hofner Club Bass[/url] or the much cheaper [url="http://www.bass-soup.com/prod-show.asp?id=39&prod=Ibanez-Ibanez-AGB140-semi-acoustic-bass"]Ibanez version.[/url]

  2. Yeah, if you get an enjoyment out of playing, that's all that counts. It doesn't matter if that's in your bedroom or on a stage. But it has to be said, you will have more fun playing live than you ever will have playing along to stuff at home. For me, it's always the thrill of playing with a live drummer - it just makes your playing feel "real". Also, playing with a band makes you realise about the power of playing less, rather than filling every silence. Hanging back and locking in with the drummer is a great feeling. You don't need to be particularly good to gig, either. So, don't get irate - get in a band! Look at sites [url="http://www.partysounds.co.uk"]Partysounds[/url] and [url="http://www.musofinder.co.uk"]Musofinder[/url] to find some like minded musos.

  3. [quote name='Jez' post='64005' date='Sep 22 2007, 12:48 PM']i know i havent got the best kit, but hey im 14. now my band is starting to get better, im looking to go bigger[/quote]
    Welcome. Your gear sounds good to me. Good luck with the band.

  4. Stingrays = Big bodied and pricey. Nice woods and glossy paint finishes. US built.

    Sterlings = Stingrays baby brother. Smaller body but also top notch finish and pricey. US built.

    SUBs = Discontinued. Used to be budget version. Cheaper woods and rough finishes but built in the US factory so good quality. Same chunky hardware and pickup. Worth seeking one out. 2nd hand they go for £350+

    OLPs = Copies made in China under licence from Ernie Ball/Musicman. Starter instrument.

    Hope that helps.

  5. I've started taking one as a backup. Never broken a string, thankfully, but there's always the crackly jack socket or some other problem that could go wrong. So keep the spare just in case. Don't see the point on swapping basses at a gig. Think it's a bit pointless. The difference is too subtle live. Most people watching wouldn't notice.

  6. [quote name='slaphappygarry' post='61709' date='Sep 17 2007, 02:44 PM']...tell them thomann are cheaper and they should go bark up a tree.[/quote]
    Haha...like it.

    It does seem that London stores are offering rubbish service at the moment. Volume of orders is no excuse - as Thomann can prove. If they can A1 customer service, then there's no reason why Turnkey and the Bass Centre can't. It comes down to attitude at the end of the day.

  7. Thanks for that. Come to think of it, I'm a bit lazy about turning the head on and off and tend to just pull the plug out of the wall without reducing the master volume and switching the power switch off. Maybe powering on at almost maximum volume caused it to trip. Er... :) Will treat it a bit better in future!

  8. It's a tricky one and takes a bit of practice. Start with singing backing vox against a really simple bass line - chugging 8ths or something rocky and build up. It pays to know the bass line before you start trying to sing on top of it, so it's only the vocals that are new to your brain. I'm still working on it. I can sing backing vox to most stuff but singing lead, the bassline still has to be fairly simple. It's great when you don't have to sing anything though, then you can kick back, relax and enjoy playing!

  9. [quote name='s_u_y_*' post='60295' date='Sep 14 2007, 10:57 AM']With one of my old bands I had to arrive an hour late for band practise. When I came in, the lead vocalis ran up to me and hugged me saying how he missed me and didn't realise how bad it all sounds without bass.[/quote]
    +1. Experienced the same thing, without the hug though.

    Take it on the chin. Most people don't really understand how music works. They know what a guitar is because they've seen one up close and maybe once played "My Bonny Lies Over The Ocean" on it when they were 9 at school. The bass is an altogether different beast, a strange 4 stringed thing played by a fat bloke who doesn't want to take a solo every 8 bars.

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