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Everything posted by stingrayfan

  1. Go on then...how much?
  2. From experience, muddy. Though trust your own ears.
  3. Chatting up fans. These days they're either old or I'm married to them.
  4. Thanks for that. Come to think of it, I'm a bit lazy about turning the head on and off and tend to just pull the plug out of the wall without reducing the master volume and switching the power switch off. Maybe powering on at almost maximum volume caused it to trip. Er... Will treat it a bit better in future!
  5. At a gig, last week. Orange juice and purse, not mine...
  6. G'wan - post some pics up here and we can all have a good gawp. Good luck with the sales.
  7. It's a tricky one and takes a bit of practice. Start with singing backing vox against a really simple bass line - chugging 8ths or something rocky and build up. It pays to know the bass line before you start trying to sing on top of it, so it's only the vocals that are new to your brain. I'm still working on it. I can sing backing vox to most stuff but singing lead, the bassline still has to be fairly simple. It's great when you don't have to sing anything though, then you can kick back, relax and enjoy playing!
  8. [quote name='s_u_y_*' post='60295' date='Sep 14 2007, 10:57 AM']With one of my old bands I had to arrive an hour late for band practise. When I came in, the lead vocalis ran up to me and hugged me saying how he missed me and didn't realise how bad it all sounds without bass.[/quote] +1. Experienced the same thing, without the hug though. Take it on the chin. Most people don't really understand how music works. They know what a guitar is because they've seen one up close and maybe once played "My Bonny Lies Over The Ocean" on it when they were 9 at school. The bass is an altogether different beast, a strange 4 stringed thing played by a fat bloke who doesn't want to take a solo every 8 bars.
  9. [quote name='charic' post='60490' date='Sep 14 2007, 05:40 PM']Off/On topic lol Are there any GOOD bongo copies?[/quote] No disrespect to any Bongo owners - but I don't think they're that popular!
  10. I might be interested. Really like John Mayer. Will check the diary and get back to you asap.
  11. I agree. Go for a SUB. You'll get one 2nd hand for £300. It'll feel better made and will hold its money quite well. The OLP stuff is good for its low price but it does feel cheap.
  12. Bloody 'ell. Mowing the lawn must be difficult with all those in the way. Nice collection though.
  13. I've just had a new passive wedge delivered from Thomann but looking at the size of the box, it's going to be too big to fit in the car. It's a standard size 12" one (yeah, yeah, I know I should have got the tape measure out first). I'll probably just send it back for a refund unless someone wants to come and pick it up and save the postage? £39.44 and it's yours - saving £7 It's [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/the_box_pa_m12_eco.htm"]this one here.[/url]
  14. [quote name='Bidd' post='59370' date='Sep 12 2007, 04:56 PM']Right, so I think I've decided on the guitar that I want, a Yamaha BB614 (or BB414).[/quote] How about [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=1992&pid=54579&st=0&#entry54579"]this one for £180 delivered?[/url]
  15. stingrayfan


    [quote name='funkysimon' post='58171' date='Sep 10 2007, 01:02 PM']expect to be badly ignored for 90% of the evening, packed dancefloor for the final 10%, then huge cries of "Don't stop now" when they could have all been dancing earlier in the evening.[/quote] Haha...that is *so* true.
  16. Tried a [url="http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/Catalogue/ViewProduct.aspx?productId=486"]feedback buster?[/url] It's what acoustic guitarists use. Check the diameter, mind.
  17. That's 80s Japanese bass erotica alright! Takes me back to watching "Rockschool" with Henry "King" Thumb. I only managed to afford a Thunder 1A in 1984, which I've still got to this day. Sure someone on here will want yours. Good luck & have a Thunderous bump on me.
  18. Any ideas, anyone?
  19. All good tips, thanks. Lead singer does often have his wedge at a wonky angle, so will try that first of all.
  20. My otherwise trusty Warwick Profet 5.1 head played up at the weekend. Did a gig with it fine on Friday, then went to plug it in on Sat to do another and it was silent. The head was on, there was signal going in (the "clip" and "compressors" lights were flashing as normal), the cab was fine, as was the lead connecting the two. Switched it off and left it for a while, then powered it back up and it was fine. It was like the output stage was stuck in mute. Is this an issue with Warwick heads? My confidence in it is slightly shaky now...
  21. [quote name='3V17C' post='58087' date='Sep 10 2007, 11:08 AM']Oasis used to really bother me seeing them standing around onstage in their dufflecoats and stuff and then of course all the wannabe bands started doing the same! grrrrrrr!!![/quote] That was a uniform in itself, I betcha they changed into that stuff especially for the gig.
  22. Good god - I think Spinal Tap used a smaller rig...
  23. stingrayfan


    Just had a look at your website and the band looks good. Dont change too much, you don't need to go cheesy like some of the suggestions above. They've booked you because they want some better music than "Once, Twice, Three Times a Lady". Groan. I'd maybe just learn 4 or 5 older songs that will appeal to the parents and slot them into the set. Suggest: Town Called Malice, 20th Century Boy, something 60s (My Generation, Beatles etc) something 80s, and I hate to say it, Brown Eyed Girl. People love that song when they're p1ss3d. Good luck, hope it goes well.
  24. stingrayfan


    Dress smartly. Don't need to go wild. But no jeans, it's not the pub.
  25. Black shirt, jeans, brown trainers normally. We all wore the same with loose ties for a gig recently and it looked cool. Very Moddy.
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