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Everything posted by stingrayfan

  1. [quote name='bassboy115' post='29200' date='Jul 9 2007, 05:43 PM']Do they usually charge and how much would you say is a good price? The only problem we have is that we havent got any recordings...we have got videos but were still looking for a way of getting it recorded [/quote] Ones that do covers offer usually offer you a gig for a "net" price, which is after they've taken their cut. It's often higher than you'd get yourself if you approached the venue directly. Think of it like an actor having an agent. Without a decent demo CD, you're going to struggle getting a gig at the local pub. Ask around for local garden shed type studios near you. For £150 you can get a decent 4-track demo done which should get you loads of gigs. Take it out of the gig money at one gig and it's paid for. It'll more than pay for itself in the long run. Edit: I should add that I'm talking about bands that do covers or tribute acts. Originals is a whole different kettle of fish and different rules apply.
  2. Ask the venues who they use. Get the number then pester the promoter. Demo CD, promo pack etc. You doing originals or covers?
  3. Actually, it's quite interesting seeing exactly what people take, and I'd forgotten how much rubbish I do cart about, so here goes: 1 Bass (2 if it's far away or a big gig) Small guitar stand Mic stand + spare Active PA cabs x2 Stands for PA cabs Box of PA cables (kettle leads, XLR leads etc and spares) Mini mixer in a case Gig Bag (4 Guitar leads, Mic, Swiss army knife, gaffa, strings, cloth, setlists, mic stand cupholder, ipod for interval music, pens, pencils, batteries, business cards for band) Tuner pedal Aphex Compressor Pedal (don't really use...but would defo work as a DI for backup now everyone's suggested that...so will keep in the gig bag!) 4x10 cab Amp Head Wife (+ a spare, if it's far away or a big gig. haha) What a load of junk, eh? No wonder my car's bursting at the seams! Most used bit of kit in the gig bag? Penknife, Gaffa, Business Cards and pens.
  4. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='28953' date='Jul 9 2007, 08:20 AM']And for Jaco's sake get a pair of decent working gloves. Use them for loading/unloading.[/quote] Do you know what, I've been thinking about getting some gloves for a while now. How many of us lug around dirty bits of PA, amps and grubby bits of cable and then eat a sandwich straight after?! On my shopping list today.
  5. [quote name='sqidge' post='28078' date='Jul 6 2007, 08:34 PM']I have been playing bass for about a year now and I would like to know what my next step is?[/quote] Find a guitarist and a drummer, get into a rehearsal room and start jamming together. It's the quickest way to learn how it all glues together. And it's fun!
  6. He prob has the pedals on different settings as suggested in the first post. It's what the fella in the Killers does. The Killers also hide a synth player/guitarist behind the bass stack to fill in on stuff. You wouldn't know he's there unless you really look!
  7. [quote name='ShergoldSnickers' post='28722' date='Jul 8 2007, 07:25 PM']I tried a VX 410 a few months ago and was not impressed. Very little fundamental bass note, very nasal sounding. This was in combination with a Hartke 2500 bass top. Unimpressed. [/quote] I gigged a VX410 for a couple of years and found it to be fine. It is a budget cab mind, and you get what you pay for I guess. Sounded a lot better with a non-Hartke head though.
  8. Nice work. Yeah, what's the bass? I'm guessing a Fender is too obvious.
  9. Dunno what the reason but it's flippin' annoying when you're having to rewind Sky+ to see what gear the bass player's using because the shot was so quick!
  10. +1 for the tools, strings and gaffa. You *always* need a roll of gaffa tape. I only ever used to take one bass with me to gigs. Never had a problem, never needed a spare. Then the guitarist in the new band says: "I always carry a spare.." making me superstitious. So now if it's a far away gig, I take a spare in a gig bag. Just in case.
  11. What are those Hofners like to play? Never tried one...
  12. [quote name='The Funk' post='27977' date='Jul 6 2007, 04:35 PM']So, you know how a few players go on about getting that hi-fi studio sound out of their bass rigs... well, why not just take an active studio monitor out on stage instead of a cab if the hi-fi studio sound is really that great? Who dares me to test this out one day?[/quote] Wait till those drums kick in... Then it'll be: "hold, where's the bass gone?" Haha.
  13. If it's a Trace Elliot cab, they might be funny 32 ohm ones that TE liked to use. In which case, you'll need to buy 4 new Celestions or similar and have the cab re-wired so the amp's seeing 4 ohms. It sounds like a big deal but I was quoted £150 all up for it by www.stevesamps.co.uk In the end, my "blown speakers" turned out to be a blown amp head which only cost £70 to fix. Get it checked out by a good tech! Oh.. and average cost of a speaker is about £30.
  14. It'll be the strap locks then. ;-)
  15. That's a sweet little setup for someone playing pubs and the like. Very pleased with mine. Have a free bump!
  16. [quote name='thumb4bob' post='27922' date='Jul 6 2007, 02:13 PM']Ive searched far and wide for an acoustic bass that you can slap[/quote] Has there been a power cut in your area then?
  17. Get yourself to a Sam Ash or Guitar Center and try loads out. People will give you lots of very good and very informed advice but you need to really sit down (or stand up) with the bass and see how it suits you. e.g. If you're small, a Fender Jazz will feel too big and heavy but a Warwick style bass might be a better fit or vice versa. FWIW, I can't really get on with either, despite both being market leaders! Just go an try loads of different ones until something feels nice. Whatever you do, don't buy your first one mail order without trying it in the flesh first!
  18. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='27540' date='Jul 5 2007, 05:35 PM']I don't think it's a '75.[/quote] Pedant.
  19. [quote name='MoJ' post='27735' date='Jul 6 2007, 07:56 AM']You mean you dont want one of these? [attachment=1069:beastie_IMG_1370.jpg][/quote] He won't be fooled by that. He'll be able to see right through it... Boom tisch. I thank yeouw...
  20. [quote name='Rayman' post='24423' date='Jun 28 2007, 01:59 PM']Almost every bass I've had I've ended up with a simillar sound the the previous ones, purely because I have a sound in my head that I like, and I end up with something simillar whatever I'm playing[/quote] Haha. How true is that? You end up fiddling about until you get the tone you're use to and then carry on as before! I'd maybe add that there's the difference between the "hot" sound of an active bass and the "dry" sound of a passive one. As a child of the 80s (who am I trying to kid?), ok, as a [i]bass playing[/i] child of the 80s, I grew up on actives, so as a result find passive basses a bit, well, lacking. I agree that how you play makes a big big difference too.
  21. Swap you for a Westone Thunder? You don't need all that graphite. ;-)
  22. [quote name='kjb' post='27600' date='Jul 5 2007, 07:55 PM']my prefered option is to just buy as transparent sounding head as possible[/quote] Everyone always says MarkBass stuff scores highly in that respect. There's a rig for sale on here at the moment I think.
  23. Keep your bass and get a paper round for the other one!
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