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Everything posted by stingrayfan

  1. Good God. Does Gaddaffi know you're hoarding that arsenal? :-D
  2. "Ah... you're interested in one of our [i]Emperor's New Clothes[/i] models, Sir. Let me just have a look at what it would have sold for in 1975 when it was deemed firewood, then I'll multiply that figure by twenty. In the 1970s, all Fender basses were hand made by elves, y'know...." That said... Look at the block inlays. *Slurp*
  3. [quote name='Machines' post='26636' date='Jul 3 2007, 07:00 PM']Jamersons lines are beautifully understated, and that Precision thump is wonderful.[/quote] So fluid and yet all played with just one finger...
  4. RAWK! Very nice.
  5. 2nd hand Ray. Shop around for a bargain and try before you buy if poss. If you've got your heart set on it, you'll only be disappointed with anything else. Good luck!
  6. [quote name='smurfitt' post='25912' date='Jul 2 2007, 11:12 AM']need something practical to transport so can't have 2 cabs. Combo would be preferable[/quote] Separates are generally easier to carry as the weight's split between two things. On a big combo, you lifting the whole lot at once. Also you can upgrade the head or cab while keeping the other bit. If you've only got room for one cab - check out the Warwick cab range. Great bang for your buck. Most now come as 4-ohm versions for same price as 8-ohm, meaning they run at full power with just one cab. Been very pleased with mine so far. Hartke stuff's good too, as is 2nd hand Trace Elliot. Ashdown too muddy for my ears - but try lots and trust your own!
  7. Did you leave two in the room together while you went out to the shops one day...? Nice haul!
  8. Wasn't having a pop - just replying to the original question! Sorry for any misunderstanding. Actually, I was once given a set of Elixirs with a bit of a nudge-nudge: "try these mate and you'll never look back" kind of thing. Couldn't see what the fuss what about!
  9. [quote name='nick' post='25149' date='Jun 29 2007, 09:54 PM']"This Charming Man" - The Smiths[/quote] That's a great call. It's so clever, you don't really notice how much is going on but it's like a bass lesson in one song. Would advise people to go re-listen to it. In same vein, check out "Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine" or "Somebody Told Me" from the Killers' first album [i]Hot Fuss[/i]. You can tell that guy grew up listening to The Smiths!
  10. Travis: "Why Does It Always Rain On Me" is a narcolepsy special. Credit to the guy for not overplaying, but it's dull as ditchwater, when you come to play it live!
  11. Loads of people use Slinkys I think. Anyway it's all personal taste. There's no Holy Grail of strings!
  12. Some people clearly have too much time on their hands....
  13. Nothing really... ...actually, I wouldn't say no to a Teal Stingray-4. Or a Trace Elliot rig. Or...
  14. PC w/iTunes and bass into ---> Behringer 4 ch mixer ---> Micro hi-fi. Works surprisingly well!
  15. [quote name='Phyrexian' post='16839' date='Jun 13 2007, 01:15 PM'][/quote] I'll take it. Do you deliver?
  16. I'd love it. My wife however would kill me. Esp as I've just "acquired" a 4x10 combo. Good luck with the sale tho'
  17. £50 Squier Precision if you're quick: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Hardly-used-Fender-Squier-Precision-Bass_W0QQitemZ270131594667QQihZ017QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Hardly-used-Fender-S...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  18. Ibanez for £120: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BEAUTIFUL-BLACK-IBANEZ-BASS-GUITAR_W0QQitemZ250127313883QQihZ015QQcategoryZ4713QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BEAUTIFUL-BLACK-IBAN...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  19. [quote name='Sean' post='19268' date='Jun 17 2007, 08:15 PM']Have a look on ebay for an Ibanez or Yamaha - great basses and you should find something very serviceable for £100.[/quote] +1 on that. They'll be reliable.
  20. Fender PT100. Brilliant pedal, clear and easy to use and solid tuning.
  21. [quote name='dood' post='11964' date='Jun 4 2007, 06:23 PM']If like me you are a fan of a HIFI tone, this pedal may not be for you.[/quote] I'd agree with that. It's also not so hot with active basses - but seems to work a treat with passive ones (Ps & Js etc). You kinda need to set it up "just so" too, so one more thing to worry about when you gig. Aphex Xciter also does similar thing but for half the price.
  22. [quote name='Buzz' post='19397' date='Jun 17 2007, 11:59 PM']Cliche'd and tripe, but the best combo would be the one that sounds best to your ears.[/quote] True. But try it through a Trace Elliot. ;-)
  23. Re-reading this thread I think there's also another point to be made - depends whether you're doing a band for a hobby or to make a living. If it's a living, you are by definition, a professional musician and so should be charging more. If it's a sideline, you can afford to discount a bit if you like the sound of the gigs.
  24. Tried taking it for a decent set-up? Can make a world of difference. Failing that, see if you can get your hands on/try out a SansAmp Bass Driver pedal or an Aphex Xciter. Both may let you dial in the punchy sound your after. Failing that - go get a Stingray!
  25. Loving that Stingray...
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