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Everything posted by stingrayfan

  1. [quote name='MikeB' post='18323' date='Jun 15 2007, 03:21 PM']Amazed at how many people have had to learn to play right handed. What a sad indictment of the bass guitar manufacturing community. I'm far too old to do that (old dog / new tricks etc) but admire your determination. I was always encouraged to write with my right hand at school but never thought that was a good idea either![/quote] Don't get me wrong - I'm proud to be a leftie. Just back in 1984, I made a decision based on what I could see in the guitar shop! It now feels weird to hold a guitar the other way around.
  2. [quote name='The Funk' post='18381' date='Jun 15 2007, 04:25 PM']You're not going to get any new fans from myspace. What it is good for is basically acting as a one page press kit. That's handy when it comes to booking gigs and even finding members.[/quote] Agree with that. It's a bit crap but does cut down on the number of demo CDs you have to post out to prespective punters. Other thing is that it rates higher in Google than a normal website would.
  3. [quote name='Machines' post='17331' date='Jun 14 2007, 07:24 AM']When I first got my BB614 it was much the same - however I gave it a setup immediately and it was superb. Perhaps Yamaha don't do the instrument justice in the factory setup ?[/quote] And I gigged mine last night for the first time and it was great. Not as much bite as my Stingray but much more range. Did a great grindy Precision/Rickenbacker sound on the bigger songs too. Will use it again! Set the inbuilt EQ to: Bass +80, Mid 0%, Treble +100%
  4. I'm also left handed, forced right handed. Quite a few of us here it seems Any more? Feel for you with the lack of choice thing - I often notice it in guitar shops.
  5. One of the places we play at also use those all-in-one systems and it's great. It's called [url="http://http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NJD-NJ116K-Quartet-Combined-Spot-Light-Set-Package_W0QQitemZ110115238072QQihZ001QQcategoryZ14984QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem"]an NJD Quartet[/url] and works a treat. Don't bother with PAR cans - getting them in the car is a real pain and they take up loads on room on stage.
  6. Back using EB Slinkys after trying ProSteels, Rotos & Elites. Gone off stainless steel, think I prefer nickels now. Smoother on the fingers!
  7. Get something wide and padded. Think comfort straps look a bit daft unless you're into wearing your bass around your neck!
  8. Aphex Punch factory pedals are good for gigs and recording if you just want a smoother sound with a bit more kick.
  9. My 100w watt Rumble used to hold its own doing small pub gigs. They do also have a balanced XLR out so you could run it into the PA for bigger ones. I got GAS though and felt the urge to upgrade!
  10. You could get a 2nd hand OLP for a little bit more. It's more like the real thing as it's an authorised copy.
  11. Nice bass! I can't see me ever buying one but I think they look and sound like nothing else.
  12. My three piece band charges pubs about £250, parties £300-600 and weddings £600+. There are only three of us, so the split's a lot better. I think you need to be competitive to start with but not to the point where you're only clearing a few quid. Also, factor in the cost of lights and extra kit you'll have to buy to do those sorts of functions. Pass that on. I think it's also good point to break the cost down for people so they understand how many hours are involved. People don't really understand the cost of a band, so it's helpful to explain.
  13. That's really good to know. So many guitar shops get stick for being useless, it's good to hear a cheer for the good guys. I'd add Andertons in Guildford in Surrey to that too. Lee who runs it is a top bloke and it shows in his store and staff.
  14. Ernie Ball slinkys usually sound good.
  15. Any chance of some pics please?
  16. You want half decent stuff but not too good - like other people say it'll get trashed. Go for stuff that feels heavy duty and is simple to use. Also maybe worth befriending a local guitar store and offer to take B-stock and returns off their hands for discount.
  17. [quote name='OldGit' post='17281' date='Jun 13 2007, 11:20 PM']Well some of us just don't like them ... Never could get a good sound out of mine ...[/quote] +1. Never seen the attraction of them. Always sound woolly to my cloth ears.
  18. Don't do it! You'll lose your money straight off & always wished you'd got something better. But a better brand, 2nd hand on the For Sale section here. It'll last you longer and you'll be happier in the long run. It's that old thing: "you remember the quality after you forget the price..."
  19. That Thunder III's given me a semi.
  20. Had a Rumble 100. It was great. Solidly built and great sound for a 15". Pointless red flashing light in the bottom though. 2x10 version looks good too. Wish I still had it. Great for band practices. Better than Laney etc.
  21. Since buying a Yamaha BB614, I've never got on with it. Just didn't sound or feel right to play. Great looking bass and superbly made but it didn't click for me. Then the other day, I gave it a DIY set up. Lowered the pickups, raised the action ever so slightly and tweaked the active EQ, boosting bass and treble but leaving the mid in its central notch. Now it's like a different bass. Feels great to play and sounds good too. And I was thinking of selling it. Moral of the story I guess - don't be too hasty flogging off your gear! [attachment=670:bb614.jpg]
  22. Er. one question about your man and his room full of amps - why? Surely it's more fun trading one thing for another rather than buying it all and sticking it in a room to gather dust. Perhaps he's building it all up to give it away though - in which case - I take it all back and can I have first dibs please?
  23. Great basses. My 23 year old Thunder 1A is sat right next to me. Almost identical to yours - but I went "deluxe" in 1984 and opted for active electronics. I use it for practice and recording - works a treat.
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