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Everything posted by Bunion

  1. I have three items of SWR gear I’d love to get hold of. A Baby Blue head and monitor speaker with the 2x8/1x4 set up and an Interstellar Overdrive. I used a Goliath and Big Ben set up years ago and the sound was sublime. I use bag end cabs after being introduced to them by SWR.
  2. They’re great for putting down instead of your hat, people can toss coins into them at gigs
  3. I use a PJB bighead a lot and love it. However the thought of dropping the cables certainly does grab my attention.
  4. You haven’t seen the electric bill yet!! There goes my Wal fund…
  5. Type ‘ white pick up covers bass’ into eBay there a lot of after market sellers on there. I got some for a precision set up fitted a treat
  6. It does but it’s electric…. no wait that’s a secret!
  7. Would love to come but the gas mans coming to change the meter. Last bill for a quarter in a 3 bed semi… He’ll be here ‘Saturday’
  8. Bunion

    Drop C#

    You could also think about using a double stop hipshot Xtender to drop to D or C on the E string. I use a single stop for a few tunes with a D. This does depend on though on dropping one string or down tuning the whole set.
  9. Well they could argue he’s using their studio page to promote his band here!! 😄
  10. I did the same and so did everyone I know, trading amps, selling guitars/basses when you were skint, borrowing cabs when someone else provided them, not a care for cables or ohms even, just getting drunk and having a blast. different times..,
  11. Purchased a Bass off paul. Great communication and a lovely guy. Met up in Cambridge, unfortunately I was working so couldn’t stop for long. Beautiful bass exactly as he described. Could be ‘The one!’ Thanks paul glad to be the next custodian.
  12. Welcome to the planet mother f.ucker - white zombie
  13. How about a nice Ampeg SVT either a full tube amp or an SVP pro pre amp lovely tube creaminess and depth when clean 5 mid settings for adding or scooping mids (slap it like it’s a pert bottom on a French hooker) That nice ampeg fat bass sound to add a bit fullness and if you want a bit of distortion just crank up the gain and drive those tubes. plus none can pick it up and run off with it so security and peace of mind.
  14. Love rears it’s ugly head - living colour
  15. You lie and yo breath stank - infectious grooves
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